Xu Haojie, who had just figured out this point, felt refreshed. After all, because he wanted to help the little boy before, this matter became very complicated.

Whether it was the patterns on the tree trunks or the intricate paths, he felt that the string in his heart was always tight.

Now let them think of a way, and they will feel very good. No matter what kind of trouble they may encounter in the future, as long as they can decide what to do next, it is already very good and great.

As for what to do next, they will certainly calm down and think about them.

When Zhao Xincheng heard Xu Haojie say this, Zhao Xincheng felt the same way. They had felt very painful and tangled a few minutes ago.

I don't know what kind of method should be used to help the little boy to come out of the illusion, but now they have decided to let go and let the little boy fight on his own.

They felt that this must be the best thing to do. Both of them felt refreshed, as if there was nothing to stop them from going down.

Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie really feel very happy. It would be great if they could have done this before.

But even if they can't do it now, it doesn't matter. If they can't do it, they will not be able to do it in the future. Anyway, they both have the same idea.

They all think that it is a very good thing to continue to move forward. Now that the little boy has other ideas, people can still fight and do these things by themselves.

Then they certainly will not interfere. As long as the little boy is good, as long as he thinks that he can be good, no matter what he does, they are willing to help the little boy. As for other things, we can only take one step at a time.

"Yes, Xu Haojie, when I heard you say that, in fact, I also have this feeling. I thought that if I could, I should think about other methods.

But now I still feel that it would be better to let go and let the little boy do it by himself. "

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng did not shirk their responsibilities, nor did they think that the little boy was really in trouble, but they really thought so in their hearts.

It is true that it will be better for the little boy to fight when he puts all the things on his own. If he has to grasp everything by himself.

In the end, they may not please either side. They may just do a thankless thing. Anyway, they can do a lot of things in the future.

Now even if they don't do it, they can't help the little boy. It doesn't matter if they come out of the illusion. Only the little boy can come out of the illusion himself.

So it's a happy thing for everyone. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng don't want to be entangled in this way. They have already thought it out and know what to do next.

Then they won't think about so many things. They can fight and have a good rest. They won't let other thoughts occupy their body and mind.

They won't have so much pressure, so much pressure. It's not good at all.

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard him say that they did not need to help the little boy any more, but let the little boy solve the difficulties in front of him, Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie became so happy and relaxed a lot.

Fang Fen really felt that he must have made the right decision this time. If it was before, maybe he said it, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng would refute it.

But now the method he said came out, and Zhao Xincheng did not refute it, which proves that Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie must also think that what he said is correct.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng must also think that what he said can be implemented. Maybe they all thought that they had taken too much care of before.

Therefore, the little boy did not come out of the illusion, but was tortured by the illusion. If they were earlier, they could work hard and let the little boy solve the difficulties in front of him.

Maybe it won't be like this again, but it doesn't matter. Even if it's like this, no matter what kind of boy he becomes, fennel is acceptable.

Fang Fen thought that, anyway, they would help the little boy well. They would never think that the little boy was under the control of the illusion. This is not good and that is not good. These things are impossible to happen.

"Now that we've discussed it, we don't need to go further. We'd better wait for the little boy to come back. He can solve these problems by himself."

When Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie heard Fang Fen say so, of course, they also very much agree with what Fang said. In fact, even if Fang Fen doesn't say so, they plan to do so.They walk around, run around, help to help. In fact, they are just adding fuel to the snake. Now that they can find some better methods.

Then they will look for these methods. They will not help the little boy to do those things any more, and helping to help may not necessarily help the right thing.

Now that they have figured it out, everyone is in a good mood. They all think that there will be a lot of things that they can do well. This is very good.

If they had figured it out before, it might have been like a boy who had already come out of the illusion and didn't have to be tortured by it for so long.

Torture to torture, on the contrary, let the little boy feel very uncomfortable, but let the little boy be tortured by illusion so simply.

Fang Fen and the three of them think that their decision is really wonderful, so they don't have to think about other things.

Phantasm has told the Warcraft tide leader of his own thoughts through his special channel, and the Warcraft tide leader must also understand these things.

The Warcraft tide leader is not worried. After all, the Warcraft tide leader knows his own idea. Even if they can save the boy and the boy from the illusion, they can solve all the illusion.

They will have difficulties one after another, and then even if they really come out of the illusion and successfully pass the third level.

Do they still have such good luck in the fourth and fifth levels, or can they solve these problems so early and solve these difficulties so easily.

This is simply impossible. Now the Warcraft tide leader is not worried, even if the illusion can't persist to the end, it doesn't matter.

Warcraft tide leader he has already known what will happen next, and just like Ye Wuqian was kicked out by the rules of the underground palace.

Next time, the most powerful and capable person in their team will continue to be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, and at the end of the day, the rest of them will be their friends.

In the end, the only people who can get the treasure are the real ones. The leader of the Warcraft tide no longer asks the illusionists to do these things, nor does he ask the phantoms to cure them properly.

This is not necessary. Anyway, there will be many difficulties in the future. Even if they can come out of the illusion, what?

Is it possible to come out of the illusion every time, and to do so? Warcraft tide leaders don't worry about that, they don't care about them at all.

Even if the phantom has been asking for help, and the Warcraft tide leader is giving him more power, the Warcraft tide leader will not be moved.

The Warcraft tide leader didn't blame the phantom for not doing all these things well. He couldn't blame one, but he just thought that the little boys were really good.

Generally speaking, as long as you fall into this illusion, you will only get deeper and deeper. If you don't realize that he is just an illusion at the beginning, you will not be with him for a long time.

But now the Warcraft tide leader he found that Fang fennel and his several people are really powerful, can do anything, anything can do.

Xu Haojie can't help but walk out of the magic beast.

Now he also very admire the little boy, although said that the little boy was confused by the illusion, has been confused by the illusion.

But if the little boy can come out of the illusion only by his own efforts in the end, it may be better to prove the ability of the little boy.

I have been confused by illusions for so long, but I can't get out of the illusions. I can also know that this is just an illusion in time.

And then directly out of the illusion, this proves that the little boy is really a rare talent, rare character.

But now the Warcraft tide leader will not say these ideas. He can only continue to look at this matter with Ye Wuqian, and see the next development, and then see how this thing will develop.

The leader of the Warcraft tide really hopes that his predestined people can continue to break through the barrier and continue to go down to see who the fate people in their underground palace are at last.

Even if the illusion can't stop them, it can at least prove that their predestined person is a very powerful person.

Before the Warcraft tide leader thought that their underground palace's predestined person might be Fang Fen's, but he always had a premonition that Fang Fen would be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace at the next level.

At that time, since Fang Fen was kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, how could he be the one who was destined for them in the underground palace? However, all these are unknown, and the Warcraft tide leader himself imagined everything.

He did not know what the final situation was. If the final situation was not what he thought, there would be other accidents.The leader of Warcraft tide doesn't want to imprison his ideas any more. He still feels that if he doesn't get to the last step, he doesn't want to say all the answers.

I don't want to imprison my own thoughts. I'll be safe if I come here. In any case, there will still be many problems, many difficulties and many troubles.

It depends on how they solve and how to do these things. In the eyes of the Warcraft tide leaders, it's good that only their friends are still in the team.

They continue to go down the barrier, continue to go down, even if they are kicked out one by one by the rules of the underground palace, anyway, they all have fate, and the rules of the underground palace will definitely give priority to protection.

When the Warcraft tide leader thought of this, he took a look at Ye Wuqian next to him. He found that ye Wuqian was very self-conscious. It seemed that he had not been often lived by the current situation.

So the Warcraft tide leader he can't help but tell Ye Wuqian about these situations, hoping to see something different from ye Wuqian's face.

But to his disappointment, even if he told ye Wuqian all the information, he was still indifferent.

The leader of the Warcraft tide really felt very curious. Where did ye Wuqian come from? He thought that Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng, Fang Fen and little boy could do these things.

"Ye Wuwei, I have said that even if they can come out of the illusion, they will still encounter a lot of difficulties, a lot of trouble. The difficulty of the current level is very difficult."

However, even if the Warcraft tide leader said these words intentionally, ye Wuqian was not moved at all. Anyway, ye Wuqian felt that since there would be so many difficulties, he believed that Fang Fen and his several people could definitely continue to do it.

Even if the Warcraft tide leader doesn't say so, he knows that he will continue to be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, so even if the Warcraft tide leader doesn't say so, he has already made psychological preparations.

But the only worry is that when fennel or anyone else is kicked out by the rules of the underground palace, will the next people feel this.

If people now become anxious and sad, they will certainly delay some time. However, ye Wuxiang still thinks that he should put all these trust on them.

Anyway, ye Wuxiang felt that no matter how they said it, even if they were not prepared mentally. In the face of problems, it is possible to do these things.

He did not have the heart to answer what the Warcraft tide leader said. The Warcraft tide leader did not seem to answer him when he saw Ye Wuwei.

So the Warcraft tide leader now also feels strange in his heart. Why does he want Ye Wuqian to say something to him now?

So he continued to say to Ye Wuqian: "Ye Wuqian, don't you worry about what will happen to them at all? I don't know the next difficulties. "

But even if he didn't know, would he let others not know? So even if you hear the Warcraft tide leader say so, ye Wumian's heart is no fluctuation.

Anyway, he has already known that there will be many difficulties in the future, waiting for Fang Fen and their several people. So he still needs to worry, is it necessary to be afraid?

In any case, things will happen. They are worried that they are nervous. They are afraid of the use. Ye Wuqian is too lazy to say anything to the Warcraft tide leader.

But even if he doesn't say it, the Warcraft tide leader also wants people to go out and say those words. Seeing that the Warcraft tide leader is expecting him to speak, ye Wuqian certainly won't brush his face.

So he said to the Warcraft tide leader, "I know there will be a lot of difficulties to come. I also know that they will be kicked out by the rules of the underground palace one by one.

But what about that? They must have the ability to do these things well and deal with them well. "

Originally, the Warcraft tide leader still wanted to say some cold words, but seeing ye Wukui's firm belief in Fang Fen, the Warcraft tide leader couldn't say anything more.

He wanted to see if Fang Fen and his friends were right or not, their trust in them, and whether they were right or not.

How should Wan Yiye have a good face? Now he plans to take a good look at how they can solve these problems in the end.

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