Because Xu Haojie always felt that he had heard something strange. Originally, the little boy and Zhao Xincheng did not believe it. They both thought that Xu Haojie must have been thinking about it.

But now they also heard that the three of them were cheering up to see what was coming towards them.

The little boy thought, could it be the same in the original forest, or some Warcraft tide.

He said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, "brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, will it still be the wave of Warcraft before? If we say that it is still the wave of Warcraft before, what should we do?"

The little boy's worry is not unreasonable, after all, they are really worried because of these strange reasons.

If I say it is really like before, it is the wave of Warcraft, there will certainly be a lot of people to worry about.

But Xu Haojie felt that it was not the wave of Warcraft in the primeval forest, because he felt it was different, so he told the little boy about his feeling.

He said to the little boy, "little boy, I don't think it's the Warcraft that we met in the virgin forest, because I feel that they are very different here, and they don't sound very similar."

Zhao Xincheng heard Xu Haojie say so. In fact, Xu Haojie also felt that it was, because he certainly did not encounter the same thing.

Maybe it's not a wave of Warcraft at all, it's something else. But what kind of thing is it? What the hell is that feels like the wave of Warcraft right now.

Moreover, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng also have little boys. They can hear the sound very clearly. In fact, it is just like the Warcraft tide, many, many.

If it's not Warcraft, what is it? The little boy, Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng were all worried.

It's just that Xu Haojie, as the core leader of the team, even if he is very worried in his heart, he will not say it, nor will he tell them that he is very worried.

Now Xu Haojie tells the little boy: "no matter what kind of problems we will encounter in the future, no matter what problems we encounter next, we must seize the time to do it, it must be able to solve, so don't think so much about it."

Xu Haojie really thinks that no matter what kind of things are next, it doesn't matter. Anyway, no matter what kind of things are, he will work hard and try hard to do them well.

So, even if it's the wave of Warcraft in the primeval forest, what if not? Anyway, they will work very hard and work hard to do it.

After Xu Haojie finished speaking, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy both nodded. They both felt that it was really like this, and that was the way to think.

Even if it's the wave of Warcraft in the primeval forest, so what? They still have to do what they want to do. They still have to think about how to solve such problems, which may be better.

No matter how they say it, they are all very hard, very serious to do these things.

"Brother Zhao Xincheng and brother Xu Haojie, no matter whether they are in the third level or not, we will seize the time and calm down to face the wave of Warcraft in the primitive forest."

After the little boy said this, Xu Haojie nodded. Later, the three of them continued to move forward without saying anything.

Zhao Xincheng also wanted to say something. He felt that what he said did not seem to have any effect. It might be better to go and see what happened next.

They did not say any more words, but followed Xu Haojie's step and went straight ahead, looking for water and food.

It's really hard for them to find water and food. They want to solve these problems quickly.

These things must be done quickly. To do this well, you must first look for them to find these good things. How to move forward, Xu Haojie more and more feel wrong.

It seems that he has really neglected something. Xu Haojie's heart is full of ups and downs. He subconsciously feels that he will encounter some bad things and encounter some dangers.

Xu Haojie felt a little sad. He had been a little bit hard to solve this problem, but it didn't matter.

Even if he felt that there were some thorny problems, he would still work hard to do them and finish them. Although Xu Haojie still had some worries in his heart.

Xu Haojie thinks that he must be able to do these things well. The main reason is that he felt it when he was together. He had not felt so strong before.

Now the more forward, the more Zhao Xincheng feels that something seems to come to them. This is really a very fear, but also a very worried thing.

Zhao xinchengzhi said his idea. Zhao xinchengzhi said to Xu Haojie, "Xu Haojie, do you think something really has come? Whether we should be prepared in advance and take precautions in advance. "Even if Zhao Xincheng doesn't say so, we should be prepared in advance and take precautions in advance. After all, this is sure to encounter a lot of things.

They had no way to predict in advance. After hearing Zhao Xincheng's remarks, Xu Haojie nodded and said to Zhao Xincheng:

"of course, we should be prepared in advance and take precautions in advance. Otherwise, we will encounter some bad things. Now we are very worried here, let alone the next. ”

Zhao Xincheng really thinks that they should take precautions, because he always thinks that this time must be very difficult, even more difficult than in the virgin forest.

If they don't do anything and they don't prepare well, they will only do these things in a hurry when facing these problems.

Xu Haojie still thinks that they should be psychologically prepared. Fortunately, after hearing Xu Haojie say so, they both know why Zhao Xincheng said so.

So the two of them are also well prepared and feel that they should do well in those things. At this time, I think that they are doing their psychological preparation in their heart and are there to cheer themselves up.

Because they feel that no matter how they say it, they will work very hard and seriously to do this thing well, and they will work very hard and seriously to do the following things.

And then it will solve the problems that we have to face with these dangers and troubles. These are nothing to worry about.

He said to Xu Haojie and the little boy: "no matter what kind of danger will be encountered next, no matter how difficult things will be encountered next, it doesn't matter.

I believe that as long as we work hard and work hard, we can do these things best. "

Hearing Zhao Xincheng say so, Xu Haojie nodded and asked the three of them to move on. They saw the wolves coming in front of them shortly after they went.

When they saw the wolves for the first time, they were really shocked because they rarely saw so many animals together in the real world.

What's more, they were all wild wolves, so when Zhao Xincheng and the little boy saw the scene in front of them, they were really scared and didn't even know what to do.

Xu Haojie subconsciously wants to go to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy in front of him, to think about what he said, and hope that they will not say that he is dangerous.

I also hope that they will not be attacked by these wolves. Now they are together, and finally they will consider how to solve these problems.

In fact, no matter how you think about it, no matter how you say it, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy seem to feel scalp numb.

The two of them also knew that they could not always seek Xu Haojie's help, and believed that it was very difficult for Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng to act together. They were very afraid.

Xu Haojie and the little boy are fighting hard. They come out of Xu Haojie's back and confront the wolves there.

They looked at the wolves in front of them with sharp eyes. The wolves are real wolves, which are different from those Warcraft in the third level. Maybe they can talk to him in the third level.

They also have a chance to understand Warcraft and talk to you in human language, but these wolves don't have it at all.

This wolf pack is just some animals, just some animals. They have no way to communicate with these wolves. What they want to communicate with is just in vain.

But when Xu Haojie found out this, the more he thought it was a little difficult to solve and handle. It might be better if they could understand each other's language.

The problem is that they can't understand each other's language. They don't know how to communicate. He thinks that if they don't know what to do these days?

If we don't talk about any reason, that is, if we don't do anything there, the three of them will be scared. Xu Haojie is looking for a good way to solve these problems.

In his spare time, Xu Haojie said to the little boy, "although the things in front of you look really difficult, you don't have to worry about it. We can solve these things well."

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy both nodded when they heard Xu Haojie say so, because they also felt that although they were all wolves in front of them.

At present, these difficulties and dangers are really worrying and frightening, but they can't explain what they are really called.

They can only stand here and wait for these wolves to clean them up. They must be able to find some better ways to solve these difficulties in front of them, and they will be able to avert danger.

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