The three children are also very supportive of Xu Haojie. They also know that Xu Haojie must be protecting them. When they see these wolves, they feel very uncomfortable and their scalp is numb.

It's impossible for the two of them to do these things. Although the four little boys actually feel that they are afraid of this, they just can't control their fear.

They are worried about the impact of these wolves on them and the damage they will cause.

The little boy said to Zhao Xincheng and Xu Haojie: "brother Xu Haojie, I don't know what happened here. I believe it's very difficult to assess the fourth level.

It should not be simpler than the third level. Although we think he is very much like Warcraft, it is obvious that these wolves will not listen to us at all? "

Because the little boy thought that if it was better in the original forest, at least those Warcraft tide could understand their language and understand what they were saying.

But it's not the same here, just like the wolves can't understand what they are talking about. Even if they want to have a better negotiation with the wolves, they can't do it, and they don't know how to do it.

It is of course the best thing to say that they can achieve a successful and peaceful settlement of these matters through negotiations, but if there is really no negotiation and there is no such thing, then they will only be able to meet the tough and meet the difficulties.

I believe that as long as they work hard, they will be able to crack. What do these wolves represent? But you don't have to see the wolves.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are there to cheer themselves on, because they also know that a fierce battle is inevitable. They must make psychological preparations in advance and make psychological precautions in advance.

Otherwise, it will certainly be very ugly. They have been arming themselves in their hearts and arming their minds with theories.

They all think that as long as they can work hard to go on, as long as they can continue, the next days will be better, and the next level will be better.

Anyway, no matter whether the next level is more difficult than the fourth level or simple, I hope they have met such a difficult thing in their eyes in the fourth.

I believe that no matter how difficult it is after that, they can be all inclusive and can accept it completely. Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and little boy have their own ideas in their hearts.

And Zhao Xincheng felt very uncomfortable inside his body. He didn't know how to solve the difficulties in front of him. He had never encountered any difficulties.

The problem of wolves has never met these things. Now I don't know what to do with these wolves.

But I don't know how to help him. I have to move on, and I have to go down bravely, so that I can be worthy of them.

This is worthy of them, so hard, very serious of these pay, and these wolves originally just stood in place quietly at the beginning.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have been looking at Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng for a long time. But now the three of them have been ready for psychological preparation. However, the wolves still seem not to be moved and are still standing in the same place.

There seems to be nothing else besides looking at them with covetous eyes. Is it possible that their solution is in the wrong direction.

Otherwise, why don't these wolves now? They have anything to give or anything to, but in fact, even if they don't send them to Xu Haojie, he can understand.

After all, these wolves are just some ordinary animals. Even if they are really like the virgin forest in the third level, they should be illusions. At least they are real now. They must be strong.

They must also do these things well. They can't do more things next. They will only be more difficult. They will only feel more difficult to accept.

Whether it's Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie, or the little boy, they all know in their hearts that they must do this well first and lay a good foundation first.

"The little boy doesn't know what difficulties we will have in the future, but looking at these wolves, I think we should be very worried and vigilant."

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Xu Haojie say so. They both believed that no one could give up Zhao Xincheng's chance because of the wolves' covetous eyes and fear.

Zhao Xincheng has always felt that it doesn't matter if they encounter the wave of Warcraft. They believe that their ability to solve problems will not be so bad.

It seems that they are surrounded by these wolves, but it doesn't mean that the wolves are sure to win them.

Xu Haojie also said what he really thought in his heart. He also wanted to encourage Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. Whether Zhao Xincheng could hear Xu Haojie say so, they also supported him, reluctantly agreed, and reluctantly nodded.

Because the two of them really felt that it was not so good from a distance before, but they really felt that these wolves really had an impulse to eat them.They continue to move forward, whether they will occupy the territory of the wolves, and then there are other things that are not very good. They are very worried about it.

Xu Haojie knows that he is worried. In fact, he can understand that he is worried. If he is the same as the two of them, he is very worried.

What is happening now is all about to happen. Things have developed into this situation. No matter how much they worry about it, it is unreasonable and useless.

They just want to face the difficulties and go step by step. They don't know what Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy are interacting with each other.

They have always looked at the three of them with a very vicious look. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng seem to have occupied his territory and occupied his territory.

Let him do something to let them know who these places belong to and whether they can come to these places.

The three of them didn't know. It was when the three of them tried to find a way here and could not find any way here, in fact, the leader of the wolf pack had already done these precautions.

They had already seen them thoroughly, and the wolves could see them. In fact, the three of them did not have any threat, but they did not carry any weapons. The leader of the wolf pack also put down some hatred for them.

But even if we put down a little bit of hate, there will still be a lot of hate spread around them. Now Xu Haojie also feels very strange.

Even if their accounts are cleared and the wolf pack leader leads the territory, it does not mean that no one can go this way.

They felt very scared and didn't know how to do it. He thought that as long as he kept on doing it, he would definitely be able to do these things well.

But that's not the case. Do they stand where they are and then do those things? It's not like that at all.

They must first enrich their ideas, although their own things have some effect, before they can learn these things and create them.

"Zhao Xincheng, little boy, the wolf pack is at the top of the list. Their leader must be their head, but I don't know how to communicate with him now.

Because I just tried to communicate with him and found that he didn't understand at all. We just couldn't understand the language of wolf pack communication

When they heard Xu Haojie say so, they nodded, because they felt sure Zhao Xincheng was just like what he said.

The leader of a wolf pack does have a strange thing. It's strange and important for them to do. They really don't know how to do it?

In fact, the leader of the wave of Warcraft is much better than the leader of the wolf pack, but I am much better than them. Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are both thinking about how to solve these problems and how to solve them.

The little boy is no exception. His little head has been turning around and thinking about what to do, although now they really find it hard to do these things well.

However, it does not mean that it is difficult to do it well, that is to say, they must do well in these things, so that they can do a lot of things.

Zhao Xincheng is also here to comfort Xu Haojie, hoping that Xu Haojie will not be depressed because he has no way to communicate with the leader of the wolf pack.

This is certainly not good. When Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng's consolation to himself, he certainly understood that he should do as Zhao Xincheng said.

We can't do it because we have no way to fight Zhao Xincheng with the leader of the wolf pack for the time being, but we can't do a good job together with them, so we can't do it.

Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "although we have no way to solve these problems for the time being, at least we have some experience when we go through the third party.

Although I started speaking directly there, I didn't participate in anything at all, but I believe I can do these things well. "

Although the fourth level is better than the third level, although the leader of the wolf pack in the fourth level is different from the leader of the Warcraft tide, it doesn't matter.

They feel that they can still do those things, even if they do, even if the wolf leader can't understand human language.

They still have a lot of difficulties in communicating with each other. It doesn't matter. I believe they can do the best in this matter, although they can do it best.

So no matter what they say, they will work hard and seriously to do these things well. Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Xu Haojie say so.

They both nodded, and felt that Xu Haojie would, as he said, work very hard and seriously to solve the difficulties in front of them.

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