Even their identity is not a policeman at all, but in the police, but without this fierce spirit, these people look like trained soldiers, a group of soldiers here pretending to be policemen, as long as they are fools, they know that there is fraud in it!

, "the case is not broken, that has the final say. We say arrest is the catch. You can get out of it now, otherwise we will arrest you for the crime of obstructing public service." Summer and winter's face also thoroughly cold down!

"Offence of obstructing public service? Ha ha ha, fart. There was such a big shooting case on Lingnan road last night. You don't want to solve the case. Now stop our way here. What's the reason? Get out of here Ye Xiao is also angry at this time, and snorts coldly directly!

On that day, Xie Chen killed people in front of the dancing forest. The case was really serious, but some people turned themselves in. Although the case has not been completely concluded, there will be no arrest and other things. In Ye Xiao's intelligence system, those people from the Ministry of public security also adopt a default attitude towards this matter. After all, although Ye Xiao has been expelled The dragon clan, but as long as the old chief does not speak, no one is willing to make a death feud with him!

What's more, it's a highway, not a junction. It's illegal to set up a traffic card here. These people are obviously aiming at them!

If he is still in the dragon clan, he may use other means to deal with these people, but since he has been separated from the dragon clan, ye Xiao naturally has his own means!

Forced by Ye Xiao's evil spirit, those policemen, including Xia Dong, couldn't stop retreating. A look of fear flashed in their eyes. Even though they had guns in their hands, they were still oppressed by Ye Xiao's powerful breath!

They are indeed a group of soldiers, just a group of veterans who have been separated from the system. They are all close friends of the Li family at that time. They are loyal to only one object, that is, the Li family!

Over the years, they have done a lot of things for the Li family secretly. As for their present status, they are also prepared temporarily. It is not easy to prepare several sets of police uniforms and certificates with the power of the Li family. This time, Li Liangzhong is determined to kill all the people present. Naturally, there is no need to worry about so much!

At this time, there is no other car in the rear!

And Xia Dong seems to have noticed the scene in the rear, and a cold smile appears in the corner of his mouth!

"Are you trying to resist arrest in public?" It seems that their companions have dealt with the affairs in the rear. In half an hour, this generation will be in a vacuum. Half an hour is enough to kill all these people!

With the voice of Xia Dong, the other police even point their guns at Ye Xiao and others one by one!

Seeing the icy muzzle of the gun, Xia Dong's face with a ferocious smile, and the vehicles that haven't appeared in the rear, or even the shadow of a car on the other side of the lane, the corners of Ye Xiao's mouth rose slightly, and then quickly appeared a smile. The smile became bigger and brighter!

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Ye Xiao laugh is so arrogant, so arrogant, it seems that summer and winter that sentence is the most funny thing!

Seeing ye Xiao's inexplicable laughter, Xia Dong's face also changed. When he was ready to order direct action, ye Xiao suddenly stopped laughing, and then roared at Xia Dong's back: "doctor Sirius, don't be here!"

Hearing this sentence, Xia Dong and others changed their faces again. Did he already know?

"It's worthy of the dragon people. It seems that you expected me to appear?" In summer and winter don't know whether to start, a group of police behind the sound of a lazy voice, and then saw a whole face covered by a police cap out of the man!

While walking, he took off the police cap on his head, revealing a handsome face which was destroyed by the scar!

"I was just guessing. I didn't think you really appeared. I just don't know whether Lin Xiuyuan or Li Liangzhong sent you here!" Seeing the Sirius doctor Zhan Guxiu who appeared in front of him, ye Xiao's eyes narrowed, because he had found that he was a master, an absolute master, an expert who was not defeated by Miyamoto Musashi!

"You're going to die anyway. It's OK to tell you. It's Mr. Lin who asked me to come." Zhan Gu Xiu's face showed a ferocious smile, but his eyes toward Ye Xiao were full of cold, as if what he saw was a corpse?

"Is it?" Ye Xiao sneers, but he looks at the sky behind Dr. Sirius. Dr. Sirius Zhan Gu Xiu and Xia Dong are both stunned. Is what he said? Did he not believe what he was waiting for? Or do you think you're not going to die? With Ye Xiao's eyes, Zhan Gu Xiu immediately found some black spots in the distant sky. Vaguely, he heard the buzzing sound, which seemed to be the sound of the motor?

Seeing the black spot approaching rapidly, Zhan Gu Xiu's face changed dramatically!

"If you offend me, die!" That is the moment, ye Xiao suddenly roared, "death" has just fallen, his figure has quickly rushed out, hands a flash of cold, a knife has appeared in the hand, directly across Xia Dong's neck, and then the figure has come to Dr. Sirius Zhan Gu Xiu's body!And have already prepared xiaoyaoling and other people directly took out the pistol, caught the Mercedes Benz as a cover, pulled the trigger at the police!

As for the other members of the Longyao club, they just looked respectful. At this time, they all hid behind the car body and took out the desert eagle. Some guys took out a big box from the car, which contained all the heavy weapons in black!

Although these "policemen" were all retired soldiers, they did not think that ye Xiao and others would take the lead. Even though they had just pointed their guns at Ye Xiao and others, when the members of the Longyao Club shot, they did not fully recover!

Only in the first round of the fight, at least eight "policemen" were killed, and none of the members of the Longyao club were killed!

Zhan Gu Xiu didn't even have time to remind the people around him that ye Xiao had already rushed to him. Zhan Gu Xiu saw a flash of light, which was Ye Xiao's throwing knife!

What a fast Dao. This is Zhan Gu Xiu's idea at this time. With only this Dao, he knows that this is a strong man whose strength is no longer under himself!

The people of the dragon clan are worthy of their reputation!

With a cold snort in his mouth, his body quickly retreated back, and a bright scalpel had appeared in his hand. With such a stroke in the air, he had already shot down Ye Xiao's flying knife. Just as he was ready to row to Ye Xiao's body, he found that ye Xiao's fist had come to his heart!

"Bang!" Zhan Guxiu's body quickly retreated, but the blow still hit him in the heart, and he was a burst of depression on the spot. Fortunately, he retreated very quickly, otherwise, if the strength of Ye Xiao's fist broke out completely, he would definitely be severely injured!

In his heart, doctor Sirius turned his wrist and shook his scalpel. He turned into a flying knife and shot at Ye Xiao. He didn't want to hurt him. He just wanted to exchange some time for himself!

A little reaction time!

At this time, a military helicopter has come from afar

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