With the gradual approach of military helicopters, the faces of these camouflaged policemen have changed dramatically. They are all soldiers. Naturally, they know clearly that they can send out military helicopters. What does that mean!

Even now, if there is no particularly important task, it is impossible to send out military helicopters. It is not like ordinary military vehicles. As long as there is a bit of relationship, it is nothing to pull a group of comrades in arms to drive the vehicles in the army to fight outside. It is a helicopter, or a fully armed helicopter!

With so many helicopters coming directly, it is obvious that they have to carry out a special task, and this task is definitely not against Ye Xiao and others. Otherwise, where would General Li want them to do it? Even if you want them to do it, they will be informed!

Now they have not received such a notice, so the only explanation is that the other party is Ye Xiao's assistance, didn't he put himself and others in the eye? It's so direct!

"Do it, no one will stay!" At this time, another man opened his mouth and said that he had already understood that this matter could not end well. The other party even saw through his intention and sent out military helicopters. Then, ye Xiao and others must be eliminated in the fastest time!

And they have to escape before the military helicopters arrive. Otherwise, once the matter is revealed, it will be a small matter for them to be hunted down and arrested, thus implicating General Li, which is a very heinous crime. They said frankly, but the Li family secretly trained the existence of similar dead men, and their lives have already been sold to the Li family!

In fact, there is no need for this person's command. Other "police" have raised their guns one by one and launched a violent sweep against the motorcade. However, ye Xiao is obviously prepared for this time. Not only the Rolls Royce has been specially modified, but also the dozens of Mercedes Benz cars have been obviously modified. All of them are bullet proof and explosion-proof, and even the roof cover of a Mercedes Benz Suddenly opened, and opened a huge, a turntable machine gun directly rose up, see this posture, this group of people are in a daze!

Heavy machine gun, this Mercedes Benz car actually hides such heavy weapons, where is a car, this is simply a mobile military fortress!

Countless bullets were fired on the car body, sending out sparks, but none of them could penetrate the Mercedes Benz. Even the window glass was bulletproof glass. Except for the occasional stray bullets that could hurt the members of the Longyao Club hiding behind the car, they could not do too much damage to the opposite side!

At this time, there was a sound of motor in the rear of the motorcade. Looking from a distance, we could see a huge truck coming towards this side. Even though it was still thousands of kilometers away, people also noticed the huge truck!

"Li Liang, Zhang Yuan, stop that big guy!" Xie Chen, sitting in Rolls Royce, saw the scene of the fight and wanted to get out of the car immediately to join the war, but he knew that he had a more important task to do, that is to protect the two women in the car!

This is what Xiaoge told himself, and there must be no mistake. When he saw the huge truck in the rear, he quickly picked up the walkie talkie and said!

Although he didn't experience the shooting last night, he also knew what the truck contained in his mouth. When the police arrived at the scene last night, the truck had already escaped!

That's a sniper gun. Although these cars have been specially modified, let a sniper bombard a few times. Maybe, except for this Rolls Royce, which can withstand the power of shells and will not be overturned, other Mercedes Benz will be directly overturned. Since we have been prepared, how can we make the tragedy happened last night happen again?

What ye Xiao wants to do is to annihilate the enemy and avenge his dead brother, not lead other brothers to die! As Xie Chen's voice dropped, two Mercedes Benz cars quickly turned the front and ran directly to the truck in the distance. Facing the huge truck with the volume of Mercedes Benz, not to mention the sniper gun inside the truck, even the impact force of the truck itself was enough to crush the two Benz cars, but the two Benz cars still rushed to the distance like moths to the fire And the truck!

Seeing two Mercedes Benz coming towards this side, the driver of the truck showed a sarcastic smile and pressed a red button with one hand. Then he saw the truck's carriage begin to put down and show the sniper guns inside!

He wanted to blow the two Mercedes Benz cars to pieces when they rushed to the front. This time, the leader said that all men must be killed. As for women, they can enjoy themselves before they are killed!

However, the driver's smile did not last until the truck's carriage was completely put down, and it had been frozen in his face, because the two black lacquered Benz cars rushing towards him began to deform!

Yes, it's deformation, just like that in transformers. Of course, it's impossible for a car to become an Autobot, but the top cover of the car shrinks and expands, making a sound of karakala. Then you can see a huge Fort rising slowly from the inside of the Mercedes Benz, which has already become a fully armed miniature armor Car!

The driver of the truck was completely stupid when he saw the two mini armored vehicles that had slowed down but had changed shape. Even the group of "policemen" who were fighting with the members of Longyao club in front of them were also totally stupid!If the two machine guns raised in the Mercedes Benz have shocked them enough, then the appearance of these two guns can only be described as shock. They are powerful guns rarely used in the army, and their power is no longer under sniper guns!

They are just a group of bodyguards. How can they get this kind of weapon in the army? And they're all hidden in Mercedes Benz?

The truck driver is still thinking about such a problem, two guns have been fired at the same time!

"Bang!" Two sparks flashed. The two shells almost hit the front of the truck at the same time. The glass in front of the truck was also transformed to be bulletproof. However, it was bullets, not such firepower. There was a loud bang. The front window glass of the truck was smashed, and countless pieces of debris shot into the truck driver's body, which immediately tore his body to powder Broken!

The truck was also a whole meal. The men who had been staying in the carriage almost fell to the ground by accident. However, they had no time to understand what was going on. Two more shells came out and hit the car directly!

The carriage has not been fully opened, and they can't even escape. When the shell explodes in the carriage, everyone, no matter how strong they are, and no matter how many times they have experienced the battle of life and death, this moment is shattered!

"Boom..." There was another huge noise. The whole truck burst out, and the sparks all over the sky rose. Several bearded men who had not been killed jumped out of the truck and roared wildly. Their bodies were covered by the fire!

However, before running a few steps, they have fallen one by one on the ground, constantly twitching, and the completely deformed Mercedes Benz slowly decelerates. Four members of the Longyao Club jumped out of the car with miniature submachine guns and began to sweep the trucks in the fire. Although they knew that all the people inside must be dead, they were still frantically venting. These guys were yesterday The murderer who killed his partner late is the time for them to take revenge!

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