No one would have thought that they would stop themselves and others on the road, but since they have come, they can't let go of a living one. This is the order of brother Xiao, and this is also the idea in their hearts!

A Mercedes Benz has completely stopped, looked at the distance, no one else came, began to turn again, toward the direction of coming, and the rest of the car was parked there, in order to prevent the other side has backup!

When they saw the truck with sniper guns but directly destroyed the formation of the other team into a sea of fire, the faces of the remaining group of people changed dramatically, especially when they saw that the members of the protection team were well protected behind the car body, and the firepower was extremely strong, these people suddenly understood that this was a trap, a special waiting for themselves and so on People jump into the trap!

What they just don't understand is that the military helicopters coming from behind will be ignored. How can they be equipped with such powerful firepower in their convoys? This is simply more powerful than the firepower of the general field army during the exercise. How can a gangster have such powerful firepower? The most important thing is that the two Benz cars that can be deformed are definitely high-end equipment of the military. How can such equipment appear in their motorcade? What's going on?

However, no one will answer such a question at this time. Seeing that there is no way to break the team, these people already understand that they can not complete the task. Since they can not complete the task, then escape!

"Pull!" One of them, who looked like an officer, yelled in his mouth, took out a grenade bomb and threw it directly in front of him!

"Get in the car!" Xiaoyaoling called out and got into the Mercedes Benz first. The other members of Longyao Club nearby also got into the car and pulled the door. Then they heard a loud noise and a fire rose into the sky!

It burned quickly, but these cars were treated specially, and there would be no problem for a moment. However, taking advantage of this opportunity, this group of police threw bombs one by one, not to the motorcade, but to those corpses in the front!

Soon, those bombs fell on the bodies of their companions, and soon burned up, making a crackling sound. People knew that it was a incendiary bomb, and the purpose of doing so was very simple, that is to destroy the corpse!

No longer looking at their companions, the group of people quickly ran to the side of the road, but it was too late. If they left at the moment the helicopter appeared, they might still be able to escape a few. Now military helicopters have come over their heads!

The machine gunners are already ready, but they haven't fired yet. Several missiles have flown out and landed in the center of this group of people without error. All of a sudden, the fire is all around, and the shrapnel is flying. It's just a round of bombing, and more than a dozen people have been blown away. The road they want to escape is covered by shells, and no one can escape!

At this time, the members of the Longyao club once again got out of the car and began to shoot at the crowd. The mechanism shooter on the helicopter pulled the trigger and didn't need to aim at it at all. Countless bullets flew down from the sky and fell into the crowd!

Although this group of people used to be the elite of the army, although their weapons were very strong, and although they were determined to die, they were far ahead of their opponents in terms of number and equipment, and they faced only one result, that is, destruction!

Ye Xiao's order is not to leave alive, which is naturally a good annihilation!

Zhan Guxiu knew from the moment that the helicopter appeared that it could not succeed today. The other side even got the military helicopter, which was obviously prepared. However, he did not escape at the first time, but entangled Ye Xiao. He knew that there were people in the motorcade that ye Xiao was worried about. As long as the motorcade collapsed, ye Xiao would worry about it. That was his chance If you want to kill Ye Xiao, then his task is completed. But what he didn't expect is that his few subordinates were sent to heaven by the other party's artillery before they arrived at the scene. At that moment, he knew that things would never change again!

Therefore, he chose to escape from here at the first time, at least before the military helicopter arrived. Rao was full of confidence in his skills, and did not think that he could escape under a group of armed soldiers. This is the best plan to escape before they arrived!

He likes to kill others, his mentality is very abnormal, but no matter how abnormal people do not want to die!

With the skill of doctor Sirius, if he wants to leave, no one can stop him, even ye Xiao, but what Zhan Gu Xiu didn't expect is that ye Xiao unexpectedly chased him!

This guy, is he really so confident in his own strength? Didn't he know he had reservations?

But if he doesn't chase him, it's better if he does. With those helpers, he can't kill him, but he chases him alone, so find a place to kill him!

As for his own strength, Zhan Guxiu was still full of confidence, so he ran away to his heart's content. It seemed that he was in a hurry, but he slowed down his pace from time to time. He was worried that ye Xiao would be lost!However, to Zhan Gu Xiu's relief, ye Xiao finally lived up to his good intentions. He actually followed up and was able to keep up with his own pace. Very good, really good!

In order to show his respect for ye Xiao, Zhan Guxiu decided that when killing Ye Xiao, he must cut off his flesh and blood, and then remove his bones. Only in this way can he be worthy of him, right?

Members of the dragon clan. In those years, several members of the dragon clan were killed by beards. If you could kill a member of the dragon clan, you would be more grateful to him?

Zhan Gu Xiu thought in his mind that the man had already rushed into a forest and climbed over a hill. When he came to a lake, Zhan guyiu stopped. He was sure that in a short time, those soldiers should not be able to find here, and it should not take long to kill Ye Xiao!

Seeing Zhan Guxiu stop suddenly, ye Xiao's eyebrows slightly raised, and then quickly thought of what, the corner of his mouth also emerged a faint smile, very good, do not escape, this is the best thing!

"What? No escape? Do you think you can't escape? " Seeing Zhan Gu Xiu on a stone, ye Xiao sneered!

"Run away? You think I'm really on the run? Ha ha ha You look down on me too much, don't you? " Hearing Ye Xiao's words, Zhan Guxiu laughed.

"Not at large? So what are you doing? Don't tell me that you deliberately led me out and then killed me? " Xiaoxiu made a curious look on his face!

"Ha ha ha, ye Xiao, you are very smart, but it's a pity that smart people don't live very long. You know it yourself. In this way, you may reduce a lot of pain!" Seeing ye Xiao's surprised appearance, Zhan Gu Xiu said with a smile!

"Ha ha, smart people don't live very long, but they all talk about people who think they are smart, and you, obviously, belong to this category. If you do, I can still keep your whole body!" Ye Xiao also sneered!

"Ye Xiao, you Mean How could Zhan Gu Xiu be so ridiculed? He was about to say ye Xiao, you are looking for death. However, ye Xiao, who was still standing in the same place just now, has already rushed over

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