On the road, a military helicopter quickly landed, and then saw a well-equipped soldier quickly jumped off the helicopter, part of them ran towards the direction of those people fleeing. Although almost all of them have been killed, no one knows whether there is a fish in the net. According to Ye Xiao's order, there are no survivors or even their confessions!

It's enough to find out a lot of things if there's a corpse. It's not good to have a living mouth. Since these are all dead men, can you believe what the dead man said?

What's more, ye Xiao is not an official now. He doesn't need too much evidence. He just needs an excuse!

As for the other part, they protected a young officer in his twenties to the motorcade. At the sight of the visitor, many members of the Longyao Club showed a puzzled look. Up to now, they still don't understand why these soldiers want to help themselves and others. However, the old man xiaoyaoling, who was originally a flying car party, jumped up in excitement and ran to the passers-by with his butt bumping!

"Brother wolf..." Before the man arrived, xiaoyaoling was excited to call out. This officer was no other than ye Canglang, who had been promoted to quasi school!

As the garrison commander of Jinghai City, Luo Xiaojun has great power. In addition, ye Cang Lang has outstanding ability, and the Long Yao association is also a powerful backing. These days, under his leadership, almost all the pirates in the East China Sea have been swept away. In addition, the joint police have cracked several smuggling cases. Of course, the Long Yao association is involved in these cases In it, think about it. When the government, the military, the police, including gangsters, unite together, what kind of a huge net will be arranged? The gangs that were not in line with Long Yao were uprooted. Smugglers around Jinghai City, including the coastal areas, were almost wiped out. They had so much credit. In addition, Luo Xiaojun's power to transfer him from the rank of captain to the level of quasi school was nothing. At present, he is also the battalion commander of the garrison assault camp in Jinghai City, but for his age, Even if it is directly promoted to the school level is nothing!

This time, he had already received a notice from ye Xiao that he might be needed to send out, and he naturally asked Luo Xiaojun for instructions. Where would Luo Xiaojun refuse ye Xiao Jun's request? In any case, it is to crack down on some terrorists. Isn't this what people's soldiers should do?

In fact, Li Liangzhong was too cautious. On the one hand, he didn't want Ye Xiao to return to Jinghai city and sent people to kill him at great risk. On the other hand, he was worried that being too close to Kyoto would cause big trouble. Therefore, Zhan Guxiu and others started to set up an ambush along the road, At the time of receiving ye yubai's call, he led the independent battalion to catch up with us by helicopter at the first time!

Now, 138 terrorists have been killed on the spot, and none of them have been killed. Such a record is enough to make him successfully promoted to the school level!

Maybe he will become the youngest school level officer in recent years. Of course, this only refers to the general army. In some special forces, such as the dragon clan, there are many young people with school rank. Even ye Xiao was a real lieutenant general before he was expelled from the dragon clan!

However, for the members of the dragon clan, the weight of the word "tight dragon" has far exceeded the rank of commander! So people often ignore his rank!

Although he made such a great contribution, ye Cang wolf's face did not have a smile. Even when he saw the excited old brother xiaoyaoling, he did not show any joy!

"Where's brother Xiao?" Ye Cang wolf's first word is to ask Ye Xiao's whereabouts!

"Brother Xiao went after the guy named doctor Sirius. His men killed 26 brothers!" Speaking of this, xiaoyaoling's eyes flashed with sadness and indignation. Last night, 26 brothers left them forever!

"Is there a brother's death?" As soon as he heard that ye Xiao went to chase doctor Sirius, although he was worried, he didn't ask much. He believed in Ye Xiao's strength, but he believed in Ye Xiao's judgment!

"Seven brothers have been hit by stray bullets, but they are all OK!" Xiaoyaoling shakes her head. This time, ye Xiao has been prepared. Not only has he prepared machine gun ammunition, but every member has issued bulletproof vests. In addition, the modified Mercedes Benz has not caused any death!

"Where's your sister-in-law?" After hearing that no brothers died, ye Canglang finally relieved. Last night, 26 brothers died, and one of his former brothers was his younger brother. When he received the news, he was also grieved for a long time. Today, such a big battle took place, and he was also worried about the casualties of his brothers. Now he finally heard a not so good news!

"All in the car, safe and sound!" Xiaoyaoling respectfully replied!

"Very good, set off immediately, I personally escort you back to Jinghai city!" Ye Cang wolf nodded, and the last trace of worry in his heart disappeared!

"Ah? Go right now? What about brother Xiao? " Xiaoyaoling is stunned. Now ye Xiao has not returned!

"I will leave someone looking for brother Xiao. Now I will escort my sister-in-law back to Jinghai city first." Ye Cang wolf light said, this is also he and ye yubai and other people discussed good!

"I see!" Xiaoyaolingdao said, and immediately returned to the motorcade, and ye Canglang also followed him to the Rolls Royce side, met Hua YUEWU and Huang lingyao, as for Xie Chen, when he knew the identity of Ye Cang wolf, he also respectfully called Wolf brother!He is ye yubai's younger brother. When ye yubai calls him to his side, ye Cang wolf has gone to the army! But also heard of Ye Cang wolf's prestige!

Ye Canglang just nodded, and then explained the situation with Hua YUEWU. After obtaining the consent of Hua YUEWU, the motorcade began to set sail again. As for the two armored vehicles with variant forms originally belonging to the military, they also recovered their original appearance. This is Xiao Zhentian's Guardian power!

Of course, it is also the force secretly controlled by the dragon clan!

And ye Cang wolf left a part of the people to clean up the scene and then may arrive after the real traffic police, personally sat on the helicopter, in front of the convoy escort!

With several military helicopters escorting around, it is estimated that no one is willing to make trouble at this time as long as it is not a fool!

Although Hua YUEWU is also worried about ye Xiao's safety, she also chooses to believe Ye Xiao. The other party has launched such a big battle. It's hard to guarantee that they won't have other people. It's safe to return to Jinghai!

Zhan Guxiu is very angry. You ye Xiao is also a strong man. A strong man should have the consciousness of a strong man. How can you start a fight without saying anything? Isn't that shameless? In the face of the instant Ye Xiao, Zhan Gu Xiu once again lost the opportunity!

But after all, he is a super first-class master. Although he is angry in his heart, he calmly faces Ye Xiao's attack. When his wrist turns, the sharp scalpel has already appeared in his hand, and he flies to Ye Xiao's neck!

He wanted to use the knife to stop Ye Xiao, who was rushing in. Originally, he thought Ye Xiao would shrink back or change his moves. However, he didn't think that ye Xiao would speed up the forward rush. According to this posture, even if he hit himself with one blow, his neck would be cut out. Is he crazy?

This thought just flashed through his eyes, and then an unprecedented sense of crisis surged into his heart. It was a feeling of infinite close to death. Zhan Gu Xiu's forehead suddenly burst into cold sweat

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