Without any hesitation or even thinking, the instinct between life and death made Zhan Gu Xiu give up killing Ye Xiao immediately. Instead, he blocked up with a backhand knife, and suddenly heard "clang!" A crisp sound, a huge sniper bullet directly fired on his scalpel!

Zhan Guxiu is proud to be able to block a sniper bullet with a scalpel. There is no doubt that his scalpel can reach the top ten in the sky list. His scalpel is obviously not an ordinary scalpel. Even if he is hit by such a sniper bomb, he is not broken!

Although the sniper's knife is strong enough to be shot by the tiger's knife, it's very powerful to be shot by his right hand? Even steel will be torn, not to mention his mouth?

Not only was the tiger's mouth torn, but his body was also shaken back and completely out of balance. That is to say, in this instant, ye Xiao has come to him and smashed out with a fist!

"Bang!" A huge bang, four inch force suddenly burst out, the huge force like a gun emplacement directly blew Zhan Gu Xiu's body out, the man was still in the air, had a mouthful of blood spurt out, and his sternum was crackling, the whole chest cavity was sunken in!

Only this blow, has already hit it hard!

Four inch strength? Zhan Guxiu was shocked. He never thought that ye Xiao had already understood the four inch strength at this age, and it was an inch explosion. Even though it was the primary stage of inch explosion, he could burst out the four inch force in an instant, which was enough to make people startled!

Just after landing, Zhan Gu Xiu's body has rolled, and he has not entered a bush. Without looking at Ye Xiao, he runs to the distance at full speed!

His speed is very fast, like a civet cat, quickly into the jungle!

Escape, this is Zhan Gu Xiu's only idea at this time. If he was thinking of killing Ye Xiao just now, he really wants to escape here!

A strong man with strength at least at the primary stage of inch explosion is enough to cope with it, not to mention that there is a super first-class sniper hidden around here. If he hadn't moved faster just now, if his own scalpel was not ordinary scalpel, maybe he had gone to another world now!

Of course, this is not the reason why Zhan Guxiu fled at full speed, but the real reason is that he has been seriously damaged. If ye Xiao had reached the inch explosion in his heyday, even if he knew that there was a sniper hidden in the dark, he would not have fled in such a mess!

Even if the hidden sniper's shooting skill is accurate, he still has the confidence to kill Ye Xiao. But now, he has been seriously injured, not to mention the hidden sniper, even ye Xiao is enough to lose his life!

Zhan Gu Xiu didn't want to die on the spot when he returned to China for the first time. There were so many beautiful women waiting for him to dote on. There were so many beautiful bodies waiting for him to eliminate one by one. He could not die like this!

Seeing Zhan Gu Xiu's rapid running, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and did not immediately pursue him. Although his fist had severely damaged Zhan Gu Xiu, he could not catch up with him if he really wanted to abscond at the speed of Zhan Gu Xiu!

Ye Xiao is worthy of being one of the top ten masters in the sky list and the most effective general around him. Ye Xiao finally knows how he escaped the pursuit of the dragon clan!

Even with such skills, how can ordinary people catch up?

What's more, Zhan Guxiu has been seriously injured, and his combat power is less than 10% of his heyday. If he continues to stay in China, he will surely die. If he wants to live, he will leave China at the first time. With his own strength, it is impossible to leave China. So, he will surely find the one behind the scenes, as long as With him, the pusher behind the scenes will show up sooner or later, won't he?

Looking at Zhan Gu Xiu who is in a hurry to flee, ye Xiao has a cold smile on his mouth. He slowly takes out the phone and sends a short message, which is a message sent to Bai choufei!

"Shit, I didn't kill him. I knew I would have used the bomb!" On a hill hundreds of meters away from ye Xiao, the cold soul hiding in a big tree spits out a grass root in his mouth and curses in a low voice!

And what he said was the kind of bullet that would burst out instantly once it hit the target. If the bomb had been used just now, even if it was impossible to kill Zhan Gu Xiu, the countless fragments would have been enough to smash his face. Maybe the punch that ye Xiao followed would be enough to kill him!

But it's a pity, or let him run, but this is also in Ye Xiao's plan, isn't it?

He disassembled the huge sniper gun, put it into a black box and twisted it on his back. Then he jumped down from the tree and whistled in the direction of Ye Xiao. The cold soul disappeared in the forest very quickly. He still had a task to do, that is to track Zhan Gu Xiu!

It's not easy for him to catch up with Zhan Gu Xiu, but if it's just tracking, it's still easy to do, especially for a seriously injured Zhan Guxiu, who always leaves all kinds of marks!Hearing the whistling of Lenghun, the smile on Ye Xiao's face is even more brilliant. It can be said that Lenghun has been around him all these days, and today is no exception, except that he did not follow the motorcade. When the other end of the highway was blocked by people, Lenghun got off the car directly and walked to this side to hide. He did not join the war for the first time Waiting for the opportunity, in front of the battlefield, ye Xiao sent out so many people that he didn't need to join in. His goal was just Zhan Gu Xiu, the man known as doctor Sirius!

Not only he, but also Kanu and Sarna are lurking on the other side of the road, waiting for Dr. Sirius to be caught, but this is the way this guy escaped!

Now Doctor Sirius is seriously injured. All Lenghun has to do is to track him, find out the pusher behind the scenes, and then give it to Bai choufei!

Bai choufei is also a member of the dragon clan. Naturally, he has a certain authority. When he thinks that the top ten experts in the tangtangtianbang list are simply beaten by himself and ye Xiao, a smile appears on Lenghun's face. Now he likes to follow Ye Xiao more and more. There are always too many fun things to follow him, isn't he?

Ye Xiao didn't go after Zhan Gu Xiu in person. This time, he went back to Jinghai city to accompany Murong Mingyan and others to celebrate the new year. Now, a severely damaged Zhan Gu Xiu won't cause too much typhoid fever. He just needs to wait for the big fish to appear!

Either Li Liangzhong or Lin Xiuyuan, it's better not to contact Zhan Guxiu, or both the Lin family and the Li family will suffer the most serious blow!

Big beard is the target of the dragon people. Even Zhan Gu Xiu sent out the dragon clan in those years! There is also a dragon emperor with unfathomable strength in Kyoto. What else does he worry about?

On the other side of the road, when he learned that Zhan Gu Xiu had been seriously injured and fled, he had a trace of blood on his pale face. He came from the side of the big beard, but he clearly knew doctor Sirius's terror. Now such a guy was severely damaged by Ye Xiao, which is enough to show how correct his choice was at the beginning. He always mixed up with Ye Xiao Right? Isn't it?

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