Shuiying mountain villa in Jinghai city is one of the top ten mountain resorts. The original owner was a jeweler. But a year ago, that jeweler gave it to Murong Mingyan, a villa worth hundreds of millions of yuan and can increase millions of income every year. This is a huge sum of money!

However, no one felt that this jewelry merchant was stupid. On the contrary, he was quite courageous. A villa worth hundreds of millions of yuan has exchanged the friendship of Murong Mingyan and the friendship of Longyao club. In Jinghai City, what is more valuable than the friendship of Longyao club?

Today, Murong Mingyan naturally moved into this huge villa which covers an area of dozens of acres. Of course, there are also yibaoer's mother and daughter who move into the villa together!

The reason why the villa is called Shuiying villa is because there is a huge artificial lake and a lake standing on the hillside. This lake is like a huge mirror, which can take the whole reflection of the villa into it. It looks beautiful, so it is named Shuiying!

There are nine villas in the villa, arranged in the array of nine palaces. The most central villa is also the main structure of all buildings, and is also the largest villa. However, Murong Mingyan and others did not live in this villa because they were used to living with three people. If they were only three people, living in such a large villa would be spacious and open for three people Living villa is the smallest villa near the west, only two floors, a total of four rooms!

Now the Spring Festival is coming soon. The temperature in Jinghai has risen a little, and it's not snowing like Kyoto. However, the temperature is not too high. It's only a few degrees. Especially Jinghai is a coastal city. If it's outside, the sea breeze will blow and it will be even colder!

But the villa is equipped with floor heating, if you don't go out, it won't be too cold!

At this time, in the living room of the villa, yibao'er is wearing a long T-shirt and stepping on the sofa with a pair of bare feet. Her head keeps looking towards the door, and her eyes are full of expectation!

At this time, Irene is carrying a good chicken soup out of the kitchen, carefully placed on the table!

"Mom, didn't Ye Xiao say he would come back today? How come you haven't come back yet? He's not going to stand me up, is he Seeing the busy Irene, yibao'er is very dissatisfied. She hasn't seen Ye Xiao's brother for a long time. She misses him in her heart. Today, I heard that ye Xiao is coming back, but she even pushed aside the Party of her classmates!

But the dead brother Ye Xiao, it's getting dark. He hasn't come back yet. It's so hateful!

"Dong Dong Dong..." Yilin was about to answer when a knock came from the door. Yibao'er jumped out of the sofa with a brush and ran to the door with her bare feet. She said, "it's brother Ye Xiao, it must be brother Ye Xiao!" Her face was full of excitement, and her depression had already disappeared. Not only was yibao'er, but even Irene's face also showed a brilliant smile.

Ye Xiao didn't pursue Zhan Guxiu, but went directly back to Jinghai city. Knowing that Hua YUEWU had settled down, he went back home directly. He didn't see his family for a long time!

Around Shuiying villa, there are elite waiting for the Dragon Yao club. Even from his point of view, this kind of defense force is amazing enough. Even with his own skills, if he wants to sneak into the villa without knowing what's going on, it's a fool's dream talk. He is very satisfied with everything like this!

And those members of the Longyao club were excited when they saw Ye Xiao coming back. They wanted to report good news to Murong Mingyan and others in the villa, but they were stopped by Ye Xiao!

He can go by himself!

"Click!" A sound, the door opened, and then ye Xiao saw yibao'er standing at the door, only wearing a long T-shirt. His big eyes were staring at him. Soon, there were tears in his eyes. Finally, before ye Xiao could say anything, yibao'er had already started to cry, and then the whole person rushed to ye Xiao!

Ye Xiaoda felt puzzled. How could she cry? But he was the first time to open his arms and hold her tightly in his arms!

"Woo Hoo woo..." Yibao'er didn't know what to say for a moment. She was so indulgent and crying. She was dragging Ye Xiao's clothes with both hands. She seemed afraid that he would disappear!

There's heating in the room, and it's nothing for baby to wear a T-shirt, but now when the door is opened, gusts of cold wind come in, but it's easy to catch a cold!

"Well, baby, what's going on? Is someone bullying you? Tell ye Xiao, who bullied you? Brother Ye Xiao will help you to get justice back! " Ye Xiao was afraid that yibao'er might catch a cold. He patted her on the back and put her arm around her. She held her in and closed the door behind her feet!

"Wuwuwu, you villain, you bully me, you bad brother, I hate you!" Yibao'er cried loudly, and a pair of small powder fists pounded Ye Xiao's shoulder angrily. However, ye Xiao's constitution is so strong that she can't even scratch her skin!

"I bullied you? How did I bully you? " However, yibao'er's words made Ye Xiao puzzled. She just came back. How could she bully her?"You bullied me and said that you would come back to see me often, but once you went there for such a long time, you were bad, you were bad, people hated you! Wuwuwu... " Yibao'er was so sad that she felt a little puzzled. But hearing such a sentence, she was also moved! Especially thinking that I haven't seen her for half a year, I feel guilty!

"Well, my dear, it's brother's fault. Can I apologize to you?" Knowing that she has such a position in her heart, ye Xiao is also soft and persuasive!

"No way!" I thought she would be very obedient, but she shook her head frankly!

"What is to be done?" Ye xiaotou is big, but Yilin just smiles at him, and tears flicker in her eyes. Where does she care about his life and death!

"You have to promise me three demands!" Ebol held out three pinky fingers!

"Good, good, I promise you, say, what request!" Ye Xiao has no choice but to make her happy, no matter what kind of queer request Yi bao'er will put forward!

"The first request is that you should accompany me this Spring Festival, no matter where you go, you must take me with you!" Ebol made a little finger and said seriously!

"OK, I promise you, no matter where I go this Spring Festival, I will take you with me!" Ye Xiao does not hesitate to agree to come down, anyway, these days he also intends to accompany his relatives well!

"The second request is to kiss me immediately!" Yibao'er finished, but also mumbled a small mouth, a pair of Ren Jun picking appearance!

Seeing Yi bao'er's small mouth, and then seeing Irene, who has begun to chuckle, ye Xiao quickly put a little on her lips, and then said with some embarrassment, "OK, now let's talk about your third request." She kisses a teenage girl's mouth in front of her mother's face. She's cheeky enough, but she's a little embarrassed

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