"The third requirement is to meet my three more requirements!" Yibao'er said, with a sly look on his face, and a smile appeared on his face with tears. But ye Xiao, who heard this sentence, was speechless. He understood that he had fallen into the trap of yibao'er again!

"Why, you promised me just now, don't you mean what you say?" Ebol's in a hurry!

"Well, well, I promise you, will you meet three more requirements?" Seeing that yibao'er is going to cry again, ye Xiao quickly agrees to come down and then releases her. He can already meet his later tragic life. No matter how many requirements she has met for this little girl, her last requirement is to meet my three requirements again!

"Hee hee, brother Ye Xiao is the best!" Yibao'er chuckles, stands on tiptoe directly and kisses Ye Xiao's face!

Ye Xiao smiles bitterly and promises you everything. It's natural!

And at this time, Irene also came over and looked at Ye Xiao, who seemed to be growing taller, and stretched out her arms!

Ye Xiao did not have any affectation, let go of Yi bao'er, and came to a big hug with Irene!

"Happy drink home!" Yilin didn't say anything more, just whispered in Ye Xiao's ear!

"Thank you, sister Lin!" Today's Irene didn't wear work clothes. I think she didn't go to work any more. Instead, she wore a tight sweater without sleeves and a pair of tight jeans. Although she didn't show any spring color, her chest pressed Ye Xiao's body with a burst of dry heat. In addition, the faint fragrance of her hair made Ye Xiao's blood flow up!

However, ye Xiao, who was not a virgin for a long time, naturally did not think about it. He said it in a soft voice, which was also from his heart. They have really become the most intimate people!

Just separated from Irene, Murong Mingyan, wearing a long home dress, has come out of the kitchen. When she sees Ye Xiao, her face also shows a kind smile. She walks towards Ye Xiao and opens her arms. Ye Xiao has already met her!


"Sister Yan!" Two people hugged each other forcefully, just such a simple address, but said all the attachment in their hearts! But Murong Mingyan's corner of eye, unexpectedly also overflowed the crystal clear tear, that is the Acacia tear!

"Well, well, it's rare for ye Xiao to come back. Why are you crying and crying one by one? The food is ready. Have a quick meal? Ye Xiao should be very hungry, too? " See two people have been so holding, Irene immediately said!

Ye Xiao reluctantly left Murong Mingyan's arms, which he felt the most warm since he was a child!

"Good, good, eat first, eat first!" Murong Mingyan also tried to hold back her tears and began to smile. This is the Spring Festival. This is a family reunion. What is there to cry about?

At present, people did not say anything more, and began to be busy with the meal, and yibao'er had already been excited to go to the kitchen to serve the food!

This is the first time for the four people to have dinner together for more than half a year. Naturally, Murong Mingyan opened a royal salute. Ye Xiao gently touched Murong Mingyan and others with her glass and drank it out!

Drinking sweet wine and eating the dishes made by Yan and Lin, ye Xiao only felt unprecedented peace. This was the day he wanted most. He didn't engage in intrigue and fight, so he quietly accompanied his family, drinking, eating and watching TV. How warm and happy he was. But when could he have such a small wish realization?

"By the way, ye Xiao, your grandfather called!" Is eating a meal, Murong Mingyan suddenly said!

"Ah? What did he say Ye Xiaoyi Leng, the old man wants to make a phone call, why not call oneself directly?

"He said he would let you go back this Spring Festival if you were free!" Murong Mingyan continued!

"Go back? Well, how about we go to Bashu for the Spring Festival this year Ye Xiao opened his mouth and thought that he had been out for many years, but he didn't go back to see the old man again. It seems that he can't say it!

"Well, it's not only us, but also people coming back with us!" Murong Mingyan showed a cunning smile, such a mature woman showed such a smile, that charm is amazing, but ye Xiao felt the cold wind, this smile is so strange!

"Who?" Ye Xiao is stunned. I don't know who else will go back to see the old man with himself!

"Your grandfather asked you to take your granddaughter-in-law back with you. Who do you want to take?" Murong Mingyan Jiao smile, even one side of the Yilin also smile, also said a Yin Yang strange gas: "take who good?"

"Ah Ye Xiao made a big red face at the moment, but he kept flashing all kinds of ideas in his mind. Now that the old man is old, he naturally wants to hold his great grandson. It seems that this time he is determined to let himself take a woman back! Just who should I take with me?

Because of Ouyang Qianqian's affairs, she and Tan Xiaoxiao are still embarrassed, and she has such relations with Ouyang Qianqian, but she doesn't know where she has gone, and Hua YUEWU is very suitable, but it is estimated that with her character, she will not go in this case!As for Huang lingyao? This is more talk, although there is a little ambiguity between her and myself, but has not yet come to that step!

"Your grandfather has called the roll. This year, he must take Haoyue back to his hometown. According to his meaning, he has arranged the wedding in his hometown." Ye Xiao is still in the mind with who good question, Murong Mingyan has said with a smile!

"Well..." Ye Xiao almost choked to death by this sentence, situ Haoyue?

Well, he admitted that situ Haoyue was a beautiful woman, and she was also a great beauty. As the successor of the situ family, she was one of the richest women in China. To marry such a woman is definitely the dream of countless men!

Although I was disgusted with her at first, they were reconciled. She helped her a few times. When she went to Kyoto, they occasionally had a phone call, but it was just a phone call between friends. For situ Haoyue, he didn't feel that way!

Now, the old man even wants to take her back and marry directly in his hometown? Isn't that a talk?

But think about it. The old man promised to marry the situ family. In the old man's mind, it was obvious that situ Haoyue was the granddaughter-in-law of the Ye family!

At the thought of this, ye Xiao's eyebrows wrinkled into the word "Chuan"!

"What about the bright moon?" Ye Xiaoqiang held back his surprise and said cautiously. Now he can only hope that situ Haoyue will oppose him. In his opinion, situ Haoyue should not feel that he is calling. Otherwise, why does he just talk about some work when he calls?

"Haoyue certainly won't object to it. The guy in situ Nan has already started to prepare the dowry. Xiao'er, you can't be vague about this matter!" Murong Mingyan calm voice said!

The bitter smile on Ye Xiao's face became more intense when he heard that the situ family even raised his hands to approve of it. Especially when he thought that situ Nan had already started to prepare for the dowry, he felt a big head!

Is this the result of the discussion between situ Nan and his grandfather?

"Brother Ye Xiao, you can't marry her?" Just when ye Xiao feels her head is big and Yilin and Murong Mingyan chuckle, yibao'er, who has been sitting next to Ye Xiao, mumbles and says

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