To tell you the truth, ye Xiao had no reason to refuse the marriage. Maybe when he first came to Jinghai City, he had friction with the situ family, but that was a long time ago. Later, situ Nan was really good to himself, especially when he attended the Xingyao meeting. If it was not for the full support of situ Nan, he could not have unified the Xingyao club so easily!

If situ Haoyue didn't take the initiative to help Han Wuchen, he owed them only that time. Besides, the marriage was set by the old man. If he was really against him, he would fight against him!

When I think of the old man who is so old, if he really works hard with himself, what kind of anger he has done, and what great things have happened, it will be really more than the gain. But is it really necessary to welcome situ Haoyue?

When ye Xiao has a headache, the crisp voice of yibao'er is ringing up! As soon as you say this, don't say ye Xiao is surprised. Even Yilin and Murong Mingyan look at yibao'er curiously!

"Why can't Ye Xiao marry sister Haoyue?" Irene sat opposite her and saw her daughter mumbling her mouth. She asked curiously!

"Because he said he would marry me when I grew up!" Said ebol, categorically!

"Poof..." Murong Mingyan was taking a drink from her glass. Suddenly, she heard such a sentence and poured out a mouthful of wine. Fortunately, she was quick enough to turn her head, which did not spray on the dining table!

"Cough!" Ye Xiao is also choked by this sentence. His head, which was already big enough, is once again a circle. He is constantly searching in his mind. When did he say such a sentence!

Finally, I searched 33 circles, even the corner of my childhood, but I didn't find such a thing!

"When did I say that, baby?" Ye Xiao thinks it's better to make it clear. Otherwise, it's not good to let Irene know that she's fooling her daughter!

"Well, as you said just now, don't you accept it now?" Yibao'er points to Ye Xiao and mumbles!

"Did I say that?" Ye Xiao is even more puzzled. He didn't say that just now?

"You said to promise me three requirements. Now my first request is that you should wait for me to grow up and marry me. Do you want to deny me?" Yibao'er said angrily, his mouth was bulging, and he looked very angry!

"Ah Don't say ye Xiao is speechless for a while. Even Murong Mingyan and Yilin are speechless. Yilin, in particular, is eager to throw the girl out of the window. How can she give birth to such a wonderful daughter!

"Come on, baby. Aunt Yan hasn't had a drink with you yet. Let's have a drink!" Seeing the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Murong Mingyan quickly raised her glass to her son!

"Well!" Yibao'er doesn't immediately pay attention to Ye Xiao, and has a drink with Murong Mingyan!

One side of Irene also quickly raised the glass, said: "for my daughter to be able to bravely confess a drink!" She has decided that it is better to get the girl drunk and forget it when she wakes up!

Under the repeated attacks of the two eldest sisters, yibao'er is drunk in a short time. Seeing yibao'er lying on the table and sleeping, Irene shows a wry smile on her face. She walks up to her and walks upstairs. Ye Xiao looks back at Murong Mingyan, but finds that Murong Mingyan is staring at him fiercely!

"Sister Yan, why What's the matter Seeing Murong Mingyan's aggressive eyes, ye Xiao finds her heart a little empty!

"Say, did you do anything to bao'er?" Seeing ye Xiao's evasive eyes, Murong Mingyan was coquettish and angry!

"Well..." Ye Xiao is speechless for a while. What did he do to yibao'er? What can I do to her? It seems that she has always done something to herself!

"Sister Yan, do you think I am like that?" Ye Xiao's bitter smile!

"No!" Murong Mingyan shook her head!

"Thank you for your understanding Ye Xiao immediately burst into a smile!

"You are

The smile on Ye Xiao's face froze in an instant. Is he the kind of person who seduces little Lori?

"Don't think I don't know what you've done in Kyoto. Tan Xiaoxiao, Ouyang Qianqian, Huang lingyao, plus a month's charm, as well as Xiaoer, your little boy's age, this woman's fate is very good!" Seeing ye Xiao's melancholy appearance, Murong Mingyan did not let go of his plan, and even pulled her finger to calculate. Hearing this sentence, ye Xiao immediately felt dizzy and wanted to faint directly!

How can my sister Yan know her whereabouts so clearly? Even Huang lingyao knows? Do you know Ouyang Qianqian? Is it ye yubai? OK, Xiaobai, you dare to betray me. How can I deal with you!

At this time, ye yubai, who was drinking with his brothers, suddenly sneezed heavily and swore in a low voice, "Damn, who is scolding me?"But no one cared too much about it, and drank together again!

"I don't care about the relationship between you and these girls. Anyway, it was your grandfather who pointed out that he would take Haoyue back. Situ Nan also said that he had not seen the old man for a long time, so this time he will go with you. Go up and prepare for it." Seeing ye Xiao's changed face, Murong Mingyan snorted!

Well, ye Xiao understood that she didn't want to refuse the marriage after saying so much!

Well, since Yan elder sister has given the death order, what else can he say? Ye Xiao stood up and walked upstairs in a gloomy mood. He was shocked by this incident. He couldn't refuse it. Now it's useless to think about it. Step by step, step by step!

Came to the room belongs to their own, it is very comfortable to soak in the Jacuzzi for a bath, and then casually put on a pair of underpants, came to the desk, opened the computer, just boarded QQ, found that there is a small head in non-stop flashing, ye Xiao opened a look, it was Chen Dan Shang that guy sent to himself!

Send is a link, the following remarks "teacher Cang's latest love action film!"

Ye Xiao is not very interested in these things, but now it is boring to be idle. After opening the link directly, a popular video appeared soon. As soon as he saw the cute baby face and the pair of deadly weapons that can be called a big Mac, Rao was not very interested in these things, and he soon specialized in it!

The pictures on the computer screen are more and more wonderful and exciting, and a certain place of Ye Xiao is as hard as iron, and there is a flush on his face. When all his attention is integrated into it, a soft voice suddenly rings in his ear!

"Is it too boring to look at alone?"

"Ah Ye Xiao was startled. When she looked back, she saw that Irene had already put on a lavender suspender and her silk nightdress was half squatting behind him. She didn't know whether she had just taken a bath or drunk. She was a little red. However, ye Xiao obviously didn't pay much attention to her face, but fell on her chest. At this time, because of the posture, her collar was completely down As a result, from ye Xiao's point of view, you can see two huge and straight peaks hanging over there!

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