Irene? At the thought of the name, ye Xiao's heart suddenly jumped to the neck, and the scene of last night came to mind unconsciously!

After dinner, she went upstairs to take a bath, and then sat in front of the computer to watch teacher Cang's love action movie. But Irene didn't know when she came behind her and asked herself if she was alone? At that time, she made a big red face, and then she was not polite. She directly sat next to her and watched the love action movie with her. Her hot body was constantly dallying on her body. When she was about to burst into flames, Murong Mingyan came in!

Then, Irene quickly stood up, and she quickly turned off the computer, and then

Then Yilin went out with Murong Mingyan. She went out. Did she come in again? Doesn't seem right? Ye Xiao has some doubts, slowly opened his eyes, he must determine who is sleeping in his bed, or in whose bed?

When he opened his eyes, what he saw was a pair of big eyes, a pair of big, watery eyes, such big and naive eyes, only one of the people Ye Xiao knew had!

After recovering her eyes a little, ye Xiao finally determined who the owner of the eyes was. Her chubby face, clever nose and big eyes combined into a childlike face!

"Ah..." Ye Xiao almost jumped out of bed. What's going on? How can I be in her own bed?

When I think of what happened with yibao'er, I don't think that Murong Mingyan will tear herself to pieces at the first time!

"Early in the morning, what's your name? Are you going to call my mother? " Seeing ye Xiao jump up from the bed, yibao'er cried out angrily!

"Ah Ye Xiao came back to his senses!

"You Why are you here with me? " Xiaoyi asked, but Xiaoyi wanted to protect his little face carefully, just like a bully!

"Why can't I be here? You promised me, no matter where you go this Spring Festival, you will take mine with you Said ebol, with all due respect!

"Ah Ye Xiao was speechless for a while. He said such a sentence, but he meant that when he went out to play, he didn't mean to be so inseparable? Why did she sleep in her mouth?

Please, I'm a normal man, and you such a delicate little girl to sleep in a bed, this is not strange!

"Last night..." Ye Xiao doesn't want to get entangled with yibao'er on this issue, nor does he want to ask how yibao'er got to his bed. He just wants to know whether there was anything happened to them last night?

"Don't worry, you sleep so dead last night, I won't be with a dead pig!" See ye Xiao a pair of nervous appearance, Yi Bao Er full face disdain said! Ye Xiao is speechless for a while. How can Baoer speak more and more savagely, but since nothing happened, it's the best!

Thinking of this, ye Xiao has been worried about the mind finally let go, was about to get up to put on clothes, by the way, let yibao'er quickly leave here, outside the door suddenly sounded the sound of footsteps, and then the sound of opening the door!

"Come on, get in, hide!" No matter whether the visitors are Murong Mingyan or Yilin, if they really see that they are sleeping with yibao'er, they will run away immediately. Ye Xiao can't bear the violent state of any one, so he quickly presses her head down into the quilt!

"Click..." Just as ye Xiaogang pressed her into the quilt, the door of the room opened, and Murong Mingyan, who had already been dressed, came in!

"Xiao'er, have you seen bao'er? Why did it disappear early in the morning Seeing ye Xiao lying half naked on the bed, Murong Mingyan is also blushing. Now that ye Xiao has grown up, she is no longer the little p-child she used to be. Naturally, she can't go forward to lift his quilt!

"Well, I've been sleeping, but I don't see. Has she gone out to play?" Ye Xiao said nervously, but the muscles on his face were jumping and jumping, and his expression was very strange!

He just wants Murong Mingyan to leave now!

"What's wrong with you? Why is it strange? " Murong Mingyan originally intended to leave, but saw the muscles on Ye Xiao's face constantly twisting, and then stopped walking and asked curiously!

"No Nothing, just a little sleepy last night. Now it's OK. Sister Yan, you go out first. Today, you're going back to your hometown? I'll get up first and get dressed

"Well! Then you get up quickly, and I'll look for bao'er again! " Hearing Ye Xiao say that she wants to wear clothes, Murong Mingyan, though curious in her heart, feels that it is not good for her to stay here again. After all, ye Xiao is already an adult, and she goes out directly now!

"Click!" When the door was closed again, ye Xiao breathed a deep sigh of relief and opened the quilt. "What are you doing, baby?"

At this time, bao'er is almost half lying on the bed, and that pair of red and red small mouth is so attractive. Seeing such a picture, and then feeling the touch from above, ye Xiao only feels that she is shaking all over her body, and even has a feeling that is about to explode!"By the way, ye Xiao, I bought you clothes and put them in the wardrobe. Today you..." That is, at the most important moment, the door of the room was pushed open again, and Murong Mingyan's figure appeared at the door again, but just half of her words, she was completely stopped there

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