Murong Mingyan, who is standing at the door, looks at all this in a daze. What's more, Irene doesn't know where to drill out at this time. She just saw such a scene. When she saw her baby daughter staying on Yexiao's bed and still doing that kind of thing, Irene rolled her eyes and fainted!

Seeing the faint of Yilin, seeing the eyes of Murong Mingyan, ye Xiao turned her white eyes and fainted. At this time, she was not dizzy, but it was too late! On the flight from Jinghai city to Chengdu, the capital of Tianfu City, ye Xiao was very depressed and sat in the economy class seat. There was no way. The time was too hasty to catch up with the Spring Festival. The flights were extremely tense, and ye Xiao would not interfere with the airlines by force. Therefore, four first-class seats were reserved, including two of situ Nan's husband and wife, one of Murong Mingyan, and the remaining one He and situ Haoyue are not easy to allocate, so they come to economy class together. Anyway, for ye Xiao, there is no big difference between economy class and first class class class!

At this time, situ Haoyue was sitting next to Ye Xiao, wearing a snow-white mink coat on his upper body, a pair of lacquered black leather trousers on his lower body, a long black hair plate behind his head, and a water blue platinum necklace around his neck. The whole person looked elegant and elegant!

And her eyes are more bright, especially when laughing, like the sky at the same time rose two bright moon!

This is a woman enough to make any man moved. At least she just sat there quietly and attracted the attention of countless passengers. Even the stewardess glanced at this side from time to time, full of envy!

How can a woman grow so beautiful? And the temperament in her body, how to cultivate it? However, ye Xiao had no time to care about all this, not that he suddenly became pure, but that he was not in the mood to say anything to situ Haoyue!

In the morning, Murong Mingyan went back and forth and found out about him and yibao'er. That wonderful scene appeared in front of the two imperial sisters in the villa!

Although Ye Xiao and Yi bao'er are very close on weekdays, they are regarded as brothers and sisters by Murong Mingyan or Yilin. Even if yibao'er says something like that, they only think it is the sister's attachment to the elder brother, but what is the result?

Yilin did not think that her daughter was even bolder than herself, so she simply fainted. Murong Mingyan wanted to faint directly, because she didn't know how to explain to her friends, but she didn't faint. Ye Xiao actually fainted directly. On the spot, Murong Mingyan was in a hurry!

After she finally wakes up, Irene calls yibao'er directly to her room. She never goes out again. As for ye Xiao, she chooses to wake up when situ Nan and others arrive!

Only in this way, Murong Mingyan won't trouble him, won't she?

After the appearance of the situnan family, Murong Mingyan put the matter on for a while, and ye Xiao put on her clothes as quickly as possible, went downstairs and didn't even use breakfast. She followed the party to the airport and boarded the plane to Bashu!

Yibao'er and Yilin were going to go, but after such a thing, where did Yilin rest assured that her daughter was with Ye Xiao, but stayed at home. Yibao'er seemed to know that she had made a mistake. Unexpectedly, she did not follow Ye Xiao. As for Murong Mingyan, naturally, she would not say anything more. If Yilin did go, she would not know all the way How embarrassing!

Although this matter has been dealt with in this way for the time being, ye Xiao still doesn't know how to deal with Irene and Murong Mingyan in the future. Despite the fact that she is now chatting with Mr. and Mrs. situnan, who knows whether she will tell the matter to the old man. If the old man knows such a thing, he will tear himself up with his own hands?

"Ye Xiao, do you have something on your mind?" Just at this moment, situ Haoyue, sitting next to Ye Xiao, saw that ye Xiao had been frowning all the time, and then he opened his mouth and said with a smile!

Now, situ Nan has gradually handed over the property of the situ family to her. After such a long time, she is not the aggressive little girl at the beginning, but a mature woman who is knowledgeable and reasonable!

"Well, it's OK. I haven't been back for a long time. I'm a little excited." Ye Xiao shook his head and joked. Even if something happened, he couldn't tell you. If he said it, even if he had nothing, he would become something!

"Ha ha, I have never been to Bashu. I heard that the environment there is very good?" Situ Haoyue smiles and looks gentle!

"How are you? I don't know what kind of eco city I've been building these years. However, the old man's living place is not in the city, but in a small mountain village. The conditions are a little rough. I wonder if you will get used to it! " Ye Xiao smiles slightly!

"Oh, it doesn't matter. You can get used to it, so can I!" Situ Haoyue even smiles at Ye Xiao. The smile is indescribable. Ye Xiao has always regarded situ Haoyue as a friend and has a moment of amazing feeling. Especially when you hear what she said, you can get used to it and I can get used to it. Is this a confession?

When they talked to each other, the plane began to take off smoothly. After more than two hours, the plane landed smoothly in Chengdu Shuangliu Airport!The territory of Longyao club has not expanded to the southwest, but the situ family has an industry here, so don't worry about no one picking up the plane!

Mr. and Mrs. stunan and Murong Mingyan have already disembarked from the plane and are waiting below. Ye Xiao and situ Haoyue follow the ordinary passengers to the outside of the cabin. As soon as they get out of the cabin door, a man who has been watching situ Haoyue since he got on the plane seems to have plucked up his courage and went directly to situ Haoyue and said to him:“ Beautiful lady, my name is Qiu Shuai. That's my car. If you need something, I can give you a ride! "

The man was wearing an old jacket. His appearance was not handsome, but it was not ugly. However, it was not too bad with the high breath on his body. Along with the direction of his finger, a row of Audi cars stopped not far away!

As long as you are not an idiot, you all know that you can drive your car into the airport. If you are an ordinary girl, you may be curious about his identity, but situ Haoyue is obviously not an ordinary girl!

She didn't even take a look at the man, went straight up to take ye Xiao's arm and walked down!

Situ Haoyue is gentle to Ye Xiao, because she knows that she is going to be ye Xiao's wife, and she has always been very fond of Ye Xiao, but this does not mean that she is really gentle!

For such a boring fly, she really did not even have the idea of politeness. In the status of situ family, she really did not need to be polite to anyone!

As for ye Xiao, seeing that situ Haoyue didn't throw away the fly, he didn't say much. Although it was a bit awkward to be held by situ Haoyue for the first time, he didn't say much. No matter whether situ Haoyue was intentional or unintentional, at this time, as a man, he couldn't be stage fright!

Seeing that situ Haoyue completely ignored himself, the man's face suddenly sank down!

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