The most important thing for them is to quickly find Xu Haojie and make sure that Xu Haojie is in danger. They don't think it's good here or there.

Zhao xinchengshi said something about him to the child, which he thought was very strange. After hearing this, the little boy also looked around.

He felt that in the past, they were in the middle of a big desert, and they couldn't get to the border, and there was no way to find some good places, but now they are different.

Now when he saw these things, he felt so strange. They didn't know the fourth level at all. They thought the fourth level was ignorant.

But now suddenly came to a forest, so beautiful, I don't know what he was doing in the end? I don't know what to do next.

They only know that although it is important to complete the task, the most important thing now is to quickly find Xu Haojie, which may be better.

So Xu Haojie said to the little boy, "no matter how strange these scenes are, no matter how many things we encounter in the fourth level, how many troubles we encounter here.

At the very least, we can still do some things. Now we should find Xu Haojie quickly. Otherwise, the longer we leave, the more dangerous Xu Haojie will be. This is absolutely impossible. "

Hearing Zhao Xincheng say so, the little boy naturally agrees with Xu Haojie very much. He doesn't know how to do it. After all, in the eyes of the little boy, there are some very important things waiting for them to solve.

They have no way to find a better solution. If they can, they are willing to give themselves some better methods and let Xu Haojie find them quickly.

In this way, they may be able to continue to break through the fourth level, and then enter the fifth level, but now they do not know how to find Xu Haojie.

The little boy raised his doubts and said to Zhao Xincheng, "but now we don't know where Xu Haojie's brother is or where to find them.

Now we are like looking for a needle in a haystack, and according to my observation, this forest is also very open, very big, we want to look for brother Xu Haojie.

It really takes a lot of effort, and if you say that brother Xu Haojie, like us, fell off the cliff without any damage.

Then he must have something to do, but now the only worry in my heart is what to do if Xu Haojie's brother is different from us and he is not as intact as we are. "

The little boy is really worried about this, because he thinks that there may be some strange places in these places.

If Xu Haojie and their treatment is not the same, in case Xu Haojie and they fall down in a different situation, then there will be more danger?

So the little boy is really worried, and he knows that he should not be so worried, but even if he knows what, he still thinks that he should do well in this matter, which may be better.

Zhao Xincheng heard that the little boy knew about these considerations, and he also knew that the little boy was really thoughtful, and he did not think of it.

Since Xu Haojie meets the core of the team, they will not think much of danger.

But Zhao Xincheng also knows that he can not be taken lightly. He must be alert. Even if he and the little boy fall off the cliff, they do not encounter any difficulties or dangers.

However, no difficulty does not mean that there is no such thing. At present, it does not mean that there will never be. They must be vigilant and do these things well.

He had to think about what to do next, which might be better for them, but even then, he didn't know how to do it.

But it doesn't matter. They believe in their ability and believe that they can do these things. When they passed the third, second and first level, they did not encounter some dangers and difficulties.

The most important thing for them is to quickly find Xu Haojie, and then go out from this place together and go out from this ghost place. This is very good.

As for the hope that those things do not want to think more, in their eyes, as long as it can do the best, the most perfect is already very good.

Now Zhao Xincheng said to the little boy, "we don't need to think about so many things. I believe that Xu Haojie only has a lucky person who has his own natural appearance. If we worry about it, it will only make us worry.

It's better to give him more confidence. I believe that Xu Haojie will be able to turn the bad luck into good luck, so we don't have to think about it here. "When the little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he nodded. Of course, he also knew that he should not think about it here. He should give himself so much psychological pressure and psychological hints. This is certainly not possible.

So they didn't think about that much. They simply dealt with the things around them and began to look for them.

They searched and searched, but they did not find a better way. If it was before, they could also look for some footprints, traces of human or animal walking.

Then they went to see if Xu Haojie was in this place. They all felt that there was no trace of being moved around.

They are thinking, Xu Haojie and he did not fall in this place, but if so, where should they look?

This forest is so open and big, where should they start? There are roads and directions everywhere. Which direction do they want to start from?

Little boy and Zhao Xincheng both know that it is time to test their luck. Unfortunately, their luck has not been very good.

In case they really can't find a more correct direction now. What should they do if the direction they chose deviated from that of Xu Haojie?

But now that things have come to an end, they do not have too many choices. They can only pray that their choice of this direction is correct. Originally, before the little boy and Xu Haojie, they still thought whether or not to divide the two ways.

But they think about it or forget it. It may be better for two people to act together than one person. Although two soldiers are divided into two ways, they may look for more clues and have more opportunities.

But it's also troublesome. What if they get lost and can't get together? It's better to walk together.

So the two of them went straight ahead. There were roads in all directions. They chose the route that they thought was the most appropriate. They had bad luck before.

But they always think that this time you can do something well, don't think about too many things, so the two of them have been moving forward.

Xu Haojie really hopes that they can find this way.

The little boy said to Zhao Xincheng, "brother Zhao Xincheng, I really sincerely pray that we can find Xu Haojie by choosing this road. We must not deviate from the right direction."

"Yes, if we deviate from the right direction, we will fall short, but I believe that our luck should not be so bad."

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are still talking about it. Both of them think that as long as they persist, there will be gains.

Even if now they may I have made a mistake, it doesn't matter. Let them keep looking, and they will continue to learn from these things and lessons.

Therefore, both of them are confident that Xu Haojie can be found. It is only a matter of time and sooner or later.

Both of them felt that since Xu Haojie fell from the bottom of the cliff, they also jumped down together. I believe that the three of them will meet at that moment.

So the two of them didn't worry too much about them. But after walking for a long time, they couldn't find any trace or anything about Xu Haojie.

Both of them thought, did they really go in the wrong direction? But they are not willing to give up, after all, they have been out for so long.

If they are about to reach the end, and then they go back, isn't that even worse? But they always think that there are some bad things and some bad opinions when they think about it.

However, they still think that it may be better to continue to move forward. It is better to insist on one thing than to do everything, but it can't be done well. This may be better.

So the two of them didn't say any more about other things. Instead, they walked on, and they didn't talk much along the way.

Because both of them are very worried, because they are very worried about what danger Xu Haojie will encounter.

Neither of them was interested in talking or thinking about something else, or that they could think about something else.

Because now they are very sad, really feel that they should do too much, if they did not think about Xu Haojie's advice to them, how could Xu Haojie encounter the present danger.

Although the small white fox is hateful, but more hateful is them, they do not have the spirit of teamwork, put their hope on others.

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