Zhao Xincheng and the little boy did not know where to find Xu Haojie, but they knew that they could not give up hope.

Even if they don't know where they should go now, even if they go forward, they will choose them randomly, which is not necessarily correct, and it doesn't matter.

They believe in their own ability and believe that as long as they can do it well, they will eventually do it.

There are many twists and turns in this process. It's very difficult to do it. It doesn't matter whether it's Zhao Xincheng or the little boy.

Both of them are very confident, and although they have experienced a lot of difficulties in the desert before, it doesn't matter if they encounter many difficulties in the future.

They believe in their ability and believe that they must be able to solve these difficulties, and the environment is much better than that in the desert before.

Before, there was yellow sand everywhere, all over the sky, but now there are very beautiful scenes around, which is very good for them.

In the past, they could find some good opportunities in the sand. Now they believe that they can do these things.

Even if they may encounter some difficulties now, it doesn't matter that they can't find Xu Haojie after they fall off the cliff.

They believe that there is no way to find them for the time being, and it is not permanent. They believe that their team will be able to do other things well.

Now Xu Haojie doesn't know where he is, but Zhao Xincheng and the little boy will never give up hope and give up everything.

As long as they can continue to go down, they will certainly continue to go down. It is absolutely impossible for them to choose to give up and not to do those things because of the difficulties in front of them.

The little boy said to Zhao Xincheng, "brother Zhao Xincheng, I don't know where Xu Haojie is now? We don't know whether we are right in choosing this direction. "

In fact, Zhao Xincheng has no score in his heart, but he can't tell the little boy about this topic, which is not in his heart, so as not to make the little boy worried.

He just shook his head and said to the little boy, "actually, I don't know if we are on this road, but it should be OK to follow our ideas.

Anyway, we will encounter a lot of problems here in the underground palace. It is inevitable that we can only believe that we can grasp the hope.

I believe that we can find Xu Haojie. We should not worry about so many worries to worry about. We just worry about nothing here. "

The little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say so, of course, he also knew that Zhao Xincheng said was very reasonable, but he was a little sad, after all, in the eyes of the little boy, the forest must be more difficult than the third level.

At the third level, they met the virgin forest, which made it very difficult for them to solve, let alone these things now.

The little boy saw these beautiful scenes and thought that he had really met a lot of things that he couldn't change before.

Now it's really hard for him to do something, but even so, what can he do? If something can be done, it must be better.

Now they can only do what they think in their heart, bit by bit. If they can do it, it is better, but they are afraid that they can't.

However, Xu Haojie knows that no matter how to say it, he should give himself enough confidence first, and don't think too much. It is unnecessary to think too much.

After all, they are on the point now and have to make a decision. If they think about too many things, it will only make their hearts even more bottomless, which is not good at all.

Zhao xinchengcheng said to the little boy: "little boy, in fact, Xu Haojie has always been a very thoughtful person. Even if he was injured and pushed down from the cliff by a little fox, I believe he must have his own ability.

We don't have to worry too much. The most important thing for us now is to settle down our own mood and find him. As for other things, we don't want to think about them for the time being. Thinking about them will only make us more and more sad

The little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say so, of course, he had nothing to say. He nodded and said nothing else.

The two of them continued to move forward. They had been exchanging their ideas on the road, but after thinking about it, they both felt that it was meaningless to go. It was better to find out by themselves.

So both of them didn't say anything along the way. After all, when he thought of some difficulties that Xu Haojie might encounter now, he might encounter some dangers, no matter Zhao Xincheng or the little boy.They are very worried in their hearts, do not know how to do, but fortunately, they are very worried, they can also be safe.

They all know Xu Haojie's ability. Even if he is seriously injured, he knows that Xu Haojie must be able to turn the devil into a lucky one. After all, Xu haojieji has his own nature, even if he may encounter some dangers and difficulties temporarily.

I believe that Xu Haojie with his own intelligence and wisdom, will be able to do these things the best, the most perfect, so whether it is Zhao Xincheng or the little boy.

Both of them believe in Xu Haojie very much, but no matter how much they believe in Xu Haojie, they will still be very worried.

They are worried that Xu Haojie has no way to deal with it. Although they believe in Xu Haojie's ability, they are still afraid of Xu Haojie. Because of the injury, they have no way to solve the difficulties in front of them.

Therefore, they all agreed that it was better to find Xu Haojie faster, so that their worries about Xu Haojie could be relieved, which might be better.

However, at present, they have no way to find any clues in the vast forest. Originally, they wanted to see whether Xu Haojie has been to these places according to the traces of walking on the ground.

However, they seem to have looked, searched and found nothing, nor found any clues. They even felt that they had chosen the wrong direction.

They had considered that maybe they should change direction, but they also felt that if they would arrive at the destination they wanted to reach immediately.

But they have changed direction in the middle of the way, is not it a failure, is not a waste of their time and energy? Both of them were worried.

No one of them can be guaranteed whether to go forward or backward, but they know that since they have adhered to one direction, they will stick to it.

However, they still worry that there will be some other problems. If they choose this direction and Xu Haojie's direction is a day, a place, a South and a North, it will certainly not work.

But what else can they do now? The two of them originally intended to divide the army into two ways, but there will be too many problems and some difficulties that are difficult to solve.

So it's better to go with two people. Although we may waste some time and energy now, it's better than facing some dangers and difficulties alone.

Zhao xinchengcheng told the little boy, "although we have spent some time looking for Xu Haojie now.

But I believe it's worthwhile for us to waste this time. Otherwise, if we can't help Xu Haojie, we will certainly not be able to do so. "

Brother Zhao said that Zhao Xincheng would not agree with these new things. Although our roads here are in all directions, the direction is also changeable.

But I have to believe that as long as we stick to the goal in our hearts and keep going down, we will not be wrong. I have a strong premonition that brother Xu Haojie is in front of us. We should continue to move forward, and we don't have to think about other things. "

It doesn't matter whether they choose the right direction or not. In the eyes of the little boy, it doesn't matter.

As long as they can stick to the road they first took and the road they want to take, then it's good.

Because there is a strong premonition in his heart that Xu Haojie is in front of them, although they do not have any evidence or clues.

Even in his heart, he didn't know what to do, but the little boy still had this strange feeling in his heart. The little boy believed in his ability, and he also believed that his premonition would not be wrong.

Before that, he also had a strong premonition in the previous several passes. As expected, every time his premonition was correct. For this time, he said to Zhao Xincheng in this way.

The little boy said he had a premonition that Xu Haojie was in front of him. Although Zhao Xincheng felt that the little boy had thought too much, he was still willing to believe it.

After all, the clues are better than the ones without clues, and the ones with premonitions are better than those without. At least it proves that there is still a little bit of right truth for them to choose this direction.

So now it is after listening to the little boy that he still nods his head firmly and continues to go down. After all, in Zhao Xincheng's eyes, the little boy's ability has always been very good.

Although there will be some small mistakes and situations in the later stages, I believe it is not the little boy himself who wants to make mistakes. He still thinks that the little boy's ability is very powerful and excellent.

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