Now they can't think of any reason. They can't think of anything.

"Brother Zhao Xincheng, I don't know what's going on with Xu Haojie's brother. The tiger's roar stops suddenly. It's really creepy."

If the tiger continues to roar, it will at least prove that he is still fighting with Xu Haojie, at least proving that Xu Haojie is still a safe accident.

Although they are Xu Haojie's friends, they still can't help but incline to the first accident. After all, Xu Haojie is injured. How can Xu Haojie's strength resist a fierce tiger, so they still feel very worried.

"I don't know how Xu Haojie is now. It's really worrying. If Xu Haojie is really solved by this tiger, what should we do? Let's move on, both of us

Because Zhao Xincheng's idea is the same as that of the little boy. Xu Haojie was injured, and now he doesn't know what the situation is like.

With Xu Haojie's ability alone, can he really hold the tiger in? Is Xu Haojie really capable?

Zhao Xin was surprised that he didn't know how to think about something. Although he knew Xu Haojie, it involved the tiger's energy and the tiger's power.

He didn't know whether Xu Haojie could do it or not. He didn't know if Xu could solve the tiger.

If Xu Haojie can solve the tiger, maybe he has some other ideas, but according to his ideas.

How could Xu Haojie be able to solve the tiger? How could Xu Haojie solve the problem with just a few words?

If he is still worried, especially after hearing the boy say so, he doesn't know how to comfort him.

It's not comforting the little boy. Zhao Xincheng is also in a dilemma. Naturally, he knows that Xu Haojie will consider some of his feelings.

In fact, little boys also know that they can plan for the best, but they should also prepare for the worst, although they are very reluctant to accept.

But what if that really happened? In fact, in the final analysis, it's still the two of them. In fact, it's really sad.

He felt that the main thing was to blame him, if not because he had been confused before and was deeply confused.

How can so many things happen now? In fact, he is very worried. Because of him, Xu Haojie was pushed down from the cliff by little white fox.

The little boy felt very worried in his heart, and he also felt very remorse. But now, what's the use of self accusation? What's the use of worrying.

They can only find Xu Haojie quickly. No matter whether Xu Haojie has encountered an accident or not, no matter what kind of danger Xu Haojie is facing now, they must accept it.

And then they have to do what they should do, even though it's very sad now, and know that they have to do these things well.

They don't care about other things. Now Xu Haojie doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't know what's going on there.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy both know that they must first stabilize their mind, no matter what the situation of Xu Haojie is.

They all have to do those things first. They can't let the reason of Xu Haojie's situation affect their emotions on this side. This is certainly not possible.

But they think about it, and they don't know how to solve these difficulties. If they can solve these problems well, they must be better.

But if they can't solve the problem, they must also think of some ways. Do they really want to summon the master of the underground palace to bring them out?

They still feel very unwilling, or feel very bad, but even if they are not willing to do what they have done before.

They can only summon the master of the underground palace and take them out. Is it difficult to let them stay in the fourth level all the time? Let them be here all the time?

Xu Haojie and the little boy are also prepared for the worst. In the end, they summoned the master of the underground palace and took them out.

After all, they thought that Xu Haojie would not be eaten by the tiger and would not be solved by the tiger. After all, they are in the underground palace. The owner of the underground palace must come to protect their safety.

No matter how powerful the tigers are, they should not dare to attack. They come to the underground palace and the owner of the underground palace must be responsible for their safety.

After Zhao Xincheng and the little boy thought of this, they felt relieved. At least they decided on one thing.

Even if Xu Haojie is in danger, he should not be hurt.Zhao Xincheng said to the little boy: "now there are two of us, so don't think so much. I think since we are wandering in the underground palace, then our lives can still have treasure."

Xu Haojie can't hurt their lives in the palace, no matter how they want their lives.

Xu Haojie may be injured, but it should not endanger his life. As Zhao Xincheng said, they come to the underground palace to wander about. How could the owner of the underground palace hurt their lives.

The little boy didn't think of this before. Now he heard Zhao Xincheng say that he suddenly understood it.

He felt that it was really like what Zhao Xincheng said. They came to the underground palace to wander about. How could the owner of the underground palace hurt their lives?

We will try our best to test them. At the same time, we will certainly protect them. How could such a great danger happen.

When the little boy heard Zhao Xincheng finish, he was relieved. He felt that as long as their lives were protected, it would be very good.

After Zhao Xincheng said this to the little boy, the little boy was also quite at ease, but he was still worried about Xu Haojie's safety.

After all, he really doesn't understand. He doesn't know what will happen next, and whether they have the ability to resist the next thing.

If they have the ability to resist, it's OK. In case they don't have the ability to resist, what should they do? However, they also understand that they can not think about so many things, so many things will only make their mind tired.

Now the most important thing for them is to find Xu Haojie. The little boy said to Zhao Xincheng, "brother Zhao Xincheng, I know that now Xu Haojie will not encounter any kind of life danger.

But I'm still worried about his safety. After all, we also know that it's really weird here. The tiger's roar is so angry, but now it's suddenly changed, and I don't know what the reason is. "

Zhao Xincheng heard the little boy say so, in fact, his heart is also a little confused feeling, after all, Zhao Xincheng he is not willing to think like this.

Because Zhao Xincheng felt that no matter how he said it, he hoped that he could do these things well. Did some strange things happen just like what the little boy said?

But Zhao Xincheng did not want to think like this, because Zhao Xincheng felt that no matter how much he said, he hoped that he could do these things well, and did not want to happen some things that escaped from their control.

Although all the things that happen now are unexpected and unexpected, they can still solve them.

If something happened that they couldn't solve, he would certainly find some solutions, but now they think it's impossible.

However, fortunately, they have now figured out that no matter what, they will not kill several of them.

Xu Haojie's life is certainly carefree. They can still stabilize their mind for the time being, and do not allow their mind to be affected in any way. This may be better.

Although they really feel that there are a lot of things that they can't predict, there are many things that they can't expect and want.

But it doesn't matter. As long as they can know that it's not important for their lives, but it's important. As long as Xu Haojie is still safe now, all their situations are acceptable.

Because in their eyes, nothing is more important than Xu Haojie's safety. In their eyes, nothing is more important than Xu Haojie's safety.

They will have so many ideas, but they really feel that there are a lot of things that can't be out of their control.

If they can, of course, they will solve these difficulties in front of them, but if they can't solve them well, they will certainly be able to accept them.

After all, they really have too many weird things here. They encounter too many bad things. If they want to make these things better, they must do those things.

It's really boring to think about so much. Zhao Xincheng said to the little boy, "little boy, in fact, I think no matter how to say it.

As long as there is treasure in our lives, as long as Xu Haojie doesn't worry about his life now, I think everything is acceptable. Do you think so? "

Of course, the little boy thought that they were wandering in the underground palace, not because they really wanted to get to the last treasure, but because they wanted to enjoy the process.

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