In terms of their own process, they are not people who are short of money. They don't care what the final treasure is?

What they care about is how to break through the barrier, and they didn't come in before. It's OK. Now they have entered the checkpoint and see the checkpoints of the underground palace.

Then they will certainly want to finish these things well and well, and they want to solve these things very well. If they can roam in these checkpoints, of course, it is better.

But it doesn't matter even if they can't. anyway, for them, the most important thing for them is to experience the process. They value the process, not the result.

No matter whether they can get the treasure or not, no matter how good and important the treasure is, it may not be attractive to them.

They want to solve these difficulties through their own efforts. At that time, they can do a lot of things, which may be better.

That's why they think about it all the time. Although they think about things like this, they also know the difficulties in front of them. They can't allow them to think about those things in front of them, but they can't allow them to think about them here.

Zhao Xincheng also knew that they couldn't think of those things any more, so he continued to the little boy, "we're wandering here in the underground palace. In fact, we want to experience this process.

No matter how bad our experience of this process is, or how good it is, we should treat it with a normal mind.

No matter how many difficulties and tribulations we will encounter in the future, we can solve them. There is no worry about our lives, so it's good. "

The little boy heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he nodded and looked at Zhao Xincheng. He agreed with Zhao Xincheng very much. He really thought so.

Because he doesn't care what the final treasure is. Curiosity is curiosity, but he's just curious. He doesn't care about the reasons for other things. He thinks it's unnecessary and doesn't matter.

Anyway, the little boy knows his ability. His parents don't care about him, but he knows that the things in his family must belong to him in the end.

Although he didn't want it, and although he didn't want to accept it, it was just like this. He grew up in such an environment, and he couldn't have much interest in the treasure, and he couldn't have much demand for it.

He just thinks that if he can, he certainly hopes that he can do the best in these things, but he hopes to get these things, which may be better.

But it doesn't matter if there is no way to experience the process. Anyway, they know that there will still be a lot of things waiting for them to solve and do. This may be better.

In their eyes, as long as they can do these things, they are already very perfect and very good. As for other things, they can do them. If they can't, they can't.

Anyway, now they don't want to ask too much. They just hope that they can pass all the checkpoints safely and smoothly, which may be better.

"Brother Zhao Xincheng, in fact, I think it doesn't matter if we waste a lot of time here. As long as our lives and safety get the treasure, it will be very good.

As for some things, I don't think it's necessary. Now I don't know if Xu Haojie will encounter any danger again. "

The little boy said that, of course, he understood the meaning of the little boy, because Zhao Xincheng also thought so. In fact, they didn't worry about money at all.

The only thing they worry about is that there will be some unexpected situations and some bad things, but now it seems that those things are not called things.

They think that if they can, it is the best to be able to do other things, but even if they can't, it doesn't matter. In their eyes, as long as they can do a lot of things, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, their favorite thing is to stick to the end. They can make things perfect and do the best. As for money, as for other things, they can get them, they can get them, they can not get them.

They don't care whether they get the final treasure or not. They all think that it doesn't matter. They just hope that they can keep some better things in these things.

As long as they can protect themselves in these levels, and then let themselves suffer some better consequences, it's good. Don't let them lose their lives here, which is already very good.

Although the tiger's roar has stopped, they don't think it's going to stop.

Because they already know that it is impossible for Xu Haojie to be in danger or suffer any blow, so they feel much better now.

Since such things have happened and can be done, they will not think about them any more.Anyway, thinking about it is just to think about it here. It is not helpful to their progress and the whole process of breaking through the barrier.

Then they don't want to think about so many things, and they don't want to think about so many things any more. Anyway, they will be content when they come. They must have the same choice to accept all the tests and investigations brought to them by the rules of the underground palace.

As for money, it doesn't matter, as long as they can do it well.

"Yes, little boy, it's unnecessary for us to think too much. Now we can do these things well, and they are the best.

If we think about it, we will only make ourselves feel bad, and we will only make ourselves very uncomfortable. As for some other things, we don't need to think too much. Next, we will have a good look

Although they are really worried about Xu Haojie, they still feel that it is better to sort out all their ideas.

Of course, if they can sort out the best things in their minds as soon as possible.

But if they can't solve these problems as soon as possible, it doesn't matter. It's just in their eyes.

As long as you can let them get a better thing, you can make them do some good things in this level, which is very good.

They will still doubt their ability, or doubt that they have no way to do those things, they can still do those things, which is already very good.

So after Xu Haojie and the little boy figured out these things, they didn't think about anything more. Instead, they went on to look for Xu Haojie.

Originally, after they heard the roar of the tiger and stopped, they were still very worried about what kind of danger Xu Haojie would encounter.

But now they will not be so worried, although until now they are still facing some very dangerous situations, which is the minimum.

Now they know that even if it is a very dangerous situation, it will not cause any trouble to his life, which is good.

After Zhao Xincheng and the little boy figured out these things, they already felt very good in their hearts, so they didn't think about those things with more affectation.

They think that thinking more about those things, in fact, has no effect on them at all, it will only make them feel more and more uncomfortable.

Now it's good that they can sort out their emotions, so the two of them still move on.

They went on walking for less than a few hundred meters when they suddenly saw Xu Haojie. Now Xu Haojie is really fighting with the tiger.

And looking at Xu Haojie's appearance has become very weak, they really realize that if they don't help Xu Haojie to do these things, if they come late, Xu Haojie can't resist.

The two of them saw that Xu Haojie was very weak and could not resist the tiger. When the tiger was fighting to attack Xu Haojie, they immediately went to help Xu Haojie and help Xu Haojie.

I hope they can resist the tiger's attack, because they think that the tiger is really too much. They are here to deal with Xu Haojie wholeheartedly.

After seeing Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, they both felt that they really loved Xu Haojie. Xu Haojie fought against the tiger alone for so long.

Seeing that there were bloodstains all over the grassland, it was Xu Haojie who left him. He suffered a lot of tribulations and really suffered a lot of dangers.

When the two of them saw the situation, they felt uncomfortable and felt that they could not accept these things. Fortunately, all three of them felt relieved.

Because Zhao Xincheng and the little boy have been looking for Xu Haojie. After such a long time, they finally came to Xu Haojie.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng felt very happy to help Xu Haojie fight the tiger together. No matter what, even though Xu Haojie is still in danger, he still suffers some injuries.

But at least the three of them are fighting side by side, and they can continue to fight against all the suffering, all the dangers and difficulties together, which is good enough.

All three of them feel relieved because Zhao Xincheng and the little boy have been searching for Xu Haojie.

Xu Haojie has been looking for Zhao Xincheng and the little boy. The three of them are already together, so that they can fight side by side.

After fighting with the tiger, Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "are you two OK?

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