If tigers don't come here to stop their progress, how can they come here to cheat tigers? Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng both think that this is unnecessary.

When the little boy heard these appellations from Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, he also put the knot in his mind for the time being.

Instead, they are focused on thinking about how to deal with tigers, even though tigers have relaxed their vigilance against them. But he still followed them to prove that he was not completely relaxed.

It proved that tigers didn't believe it completely. They didn't really want to go down the barrier, but they wanted to leave. So the little boy said to Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng: "brother Xu Haojie, brother Zhao Xincheng, this tiger is too much. We are already like this, but he still doesn't chase us.

Although I have relaxed my vigilance to us now, I have not been following us all the time. I am really bored. I feel very bored

When Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng heard the little boy say this, they also agreed. Obviously, they had already pretended to be like this, and they could not pretend any more. How could they still feel that they were not good enough.

It seems that tigers still don't believe them enough. They know that it will be very difficult for them to believe, but they think it is too difficult.

Otherwise, it's always like this, but they also know that it's like this now. If they want to make the tiger believe them.

Then they must continue to insist on it. They can't return without success or give up halfway, although they feel very upset now.

But they also know that this is the case. Otherwise, if they give up, they will show the appearance that they must go to the last level.

Then the tiger must have come to stop them. They didn't want such a thing to happen. The three of them were there groaning and didn't say anything more.

The little boy also knew that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng fell into silence because of his words. However, this time, he did not attribute the mistake to himself.

Because he thinks that these are the things that they must consider and think about. They can't escape all the time. All problems should be put on the agenda first, and all problems should be solved in a targeted way.

Otherwise, they will only cause some unnecessary troubles and make them worse and worse. The little boy is also waiting for Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng to think about the problem there.

I hope that they can help solve the strategy, at least to enable them to do these things, so that they have already jumped.

In fact, the little boy also knows that no matter how much Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng say, they should be able to do these things, so he did not say any more of those words.

I hope that Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng can understand that what he said is just like this now. He has been waiting for Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng to say what they think in their hearts.

But what can Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng have in mind? If they have an idea, they will say when they do the paper again. Why should they stay now?

Now they are just thinking about what to do next. Now the tiger has relaxed its vigilance against them, but it is still chasing them.

They always think that there are a lot of things that they theorize about. It's better to think about other things. If they can, they still hope to do those things well, and then they can do other things.

It's absolutely not enough for them to be here for some bad reason, saying nothing and doing nothing.

"Well, well, it doesn't matter if we don't think about it for the time being. As long as we work hard, we believe that we will eventually find a solution. It's really unnecessary for us to think about it like this. Do you want to tell me if I'm right

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Xu Haojie say so. They both nodded and agreed. There was no need for them to think about it. Anyway, there was no solution.

They might as well be like this for the time being. They don't want to guess too many things. Anyway, they can't guess. The three of them don't think about this thing for the time being.

They came to the cave and felt that although the cave was small, the water was clean.

What's more, there's nothing in it. It's better for them to have a rest. Anyway, they don't know how many more days they will stay here.

It's also very good to find a place for them to rest here, and the cave looks very good, too.

As they walked around, they felt that the cave was really good. It was not cold or hot. Everything was just right and comfortable. There were some weeds in it, which also gave off fragrance, which proved that the cave was quite good.Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, they have come to the cave now, and they think the cave is really comfortable.

But they are not enjoying comfort now. Now that they are just like this, they should do what they should do first, instead of lying here and doing some other unimportant things here.

Anyway, they think that although they want to pretend that they don't want to continue to break through the barrier, they still need to do other things, and they still need to have some precautions.

We can't ignore them just because they have already done something and have done something. It's impossible.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and little boy all know that the tiger is a little far away from them.

They are quite far away from each other, but they can't always be like this. They have to see and think about other things, which may be better.

Xu Haojie said to the little boy and Zhao Xincheng, "little boy, Zhao Xincheng, although we have come here.

But we still have to play this play well. We can't let the tiger see the clue. Otherwise, we will certainly fail. "

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy both nodded and agreed when Xu Haojie said so. They know, of course, that they can't let their efforts fail.

If they let their efforts fail, there will be more difficult things to solve.

Especially Zhao Xincheng. Zhao Xincheng thinks that the most important thing for them now is that they have a lot of things to do, but they still have to do things well, which may be better.

However, in Zhao Xincheng's eyes, the three of them can still solve these difficulties, although now it seems that there are many difficulties and there is no way to solve them for the time being.

But I believe that through their efforts, these difficulties are not a problem, these difficulties can be solved very well.

In their eyes, as long as they can do these things well and be perfect, it is already very good.

"Don't worry, the little boy and I will obey your instructions and solve these problems perfectly. Don't worry about us. Now that we have come to the cave, let's have a good rest

Before let him Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, they are not sure, he now they have completely confirmed that they will never be threatened.

Because now even if the tiger has been following them, but has not come to do anything bad to them, it proves that the tiger is not in any danger to them.

In fact, it's really good for them. It's really simple. Anyway, they won't encounter any danger.

It's better to take this opportunity to have a good rest, although they have been playing around these days without any progress and pretending to be something they don't want to do.

But in fact, they are very nervous and tired. First of all, they come to the cave and hope to have a rest as soon as possible.

When they are well prepared, they can do what kind of danger again. Anyway, they have a lot of things difficult to solve.

They don't want to do some bad things because of their own reasons, and some bad things will happen, which is bad for any of them.

Hope to solve this problem as soon as possible, how to solve this problem, can solve this problem as soon as possible, then they will feel better inside.

Because they can't do something, they can't do it well. Zhao Xincheng will say so. After Zhao Xincheng finished, the little boy also nodded.

Now I still think that what Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng said is really reasonable. Of course, they should first think about some ways to retreat, and then some things can be good.

Now they still rest here on this matter, OK? As for those things, we can talk about them after we get them. So if we want to take them down, he also says to Xu Haojie:

"brother Zhao Xincheng, brother Xu Haojie, let's continue walking like this. We have a good rest here. I'm very tired these days.

Although we have been playing and relaxing all the time, we still have some tension at the bottom of my heart. We should have a good rest now

When Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng and the little boy say so, Xu Haojie nodded. Indeed, they really need to relax and have a good rest.

Otherwise, they will certainly cause some unnecessary troubles, which is certainly not possible. However, he still feels a little worried.

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