Although he also knows that they need to rest, but if they rest too much and too long, is it not good, will they encounter some worse things?

But now I don't care about these things, and I don't care about these things. Anyway, if I can make them stay very well, they can stay well.

Then let them have a chance to have a good rest. Would it be better to have a rest? Anyway, they have been waiting here for a long time.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng had to let the three of them find a comfortable place, and then they fell asleep. They did not set up a defense.

Because they think the tiger is behind them, in fact, it will protect them. Although they are not sure about it, they always feel it vaguely.

The tiger has helped them eliminate some dangers around them, such as when they meet some other wild animals.

As long as the tiger roars a little, those wild animals will run to other places obediently, and won't take their place. As long as the tiger blames him for walking a little less, the animals within a few miles will leave far away.

So they all think that tiger is intentional or not? They always think the tiger is trying to help them, so that's why.

But they also understand that it is not right for them to think like this, and he also knows that it is wrong for them to be so amorous.

However, they still need to. If Zheng is what they think, they still feel very happy. At least it proves that tigers don't mean to solve them, and they don't mean to make them.

It's just some weird reasons. Maybe it's also because of the tiger's duty. They are sleeping soundly now, and they don't feel so much because of some things.

When Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy woke up, it was already evening. Their stomachs were cooing and they didn't know where they were going to find some food.

When they come to this cave, they still hope that they can solve the things they need. They can't feel that everything is inconvenient because they have just arrived, and then they don't eat anything. This is definitely not possible.

Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng are responsible for going out to look for food, and the little boy is responsible for looking for firewood nearby, so that they can move at the same time.

Anyway, they think that there is a tiger, they should not encounter any danger, anyway, they think this is good, and the fact is so.

Because of the tigers around, because of the protection of tigers, in fact, they will not encounter any kind of danger outside, even when they are hunting.

But some animals will still take the initiative to send them to the door and let them catch them. Although they feel strange, they will know after a second thought.

What is the reason why tigers don't take the initiative to eat the gourd?

If the tiger is to attack his future and get them, why should he treat them so well, but in fact, they really feel that the tiger is really good to them.

Although I always follow them and do other things, I always feel that tigers are protecting them and protecting them.

They all feel very strange now, three people are roasting chicken next to them, they do not know how to say, and even though they all feel vaguely about it in their hearts.

But they were not honest and aboveboard. When the three people talked about it together, they took the initiative to start the topic. Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, "do you two think the tiger is strange?"

"Strange, what strange? The tiger has been following us. I just want to see if we are really not interested in breaking through the barrier. Besides, there seems to be nothing strange about it

After listening to the old man Xu Haojie's words, Zhao Xincheng thought for a while, and then he said so. He felt that there was nothing strange about the tiger.

He has been following them all the time. It seems that the tiger has done nothing. Why does Xu Haojie think this tiger is strange? Zhao Xincheng also felt puzzled.

When the little boy heard Xu Haojie say this, he actually thought there was something strange about the tiger. He said to Xu Haojie:

"brother Xu Haojie, in fact, I also have this feeling. I always think that although the tiger wanted to fight with us before, in fact, it was only in addition to fighting with you when you were alone.

Brother Zhao Xincheng and I came to you. After the three of us met, he didn't do anything bad to us.

Although he has been following us all the time, I always feel that we are benefited because he follows us, and we have avoided a lot of dangers. I have this feeling

The little boy said all these things that he felt, and he nodded clearly after listening to them. He did bring them up because of these feelings.Zhao Xincheng did not know why. Now when he heard the little boy say this, he suddenly felt it. Indeed, before that, although tigers were confronting each other before.

Although tigers are ferocious, they never say that they will attack them on their own initiative, nor do they want to do anything bad to them. This is indeed very strange.

Zhao Xincheng was also very puzzled. He looked at Xu Haojie, and then said to Xu Haojie, "I'm surprised that Xu Haojie said so. Why does the tiger never seem to attack us on its own initiative.

Why on earth? Does he have these practices? What kind of medicine does he sell in his gourd? "

Xu Haojie originally thought that the little boy would not know, but now he did not expect that the little boy was the first to see it besides him. He gave the little boy a look of appreciation.

Then he said slowly, "in fact, I don't know. When we went hunting just now, these small animals came to me by themselves. It was the first time I saw them. I always felt strange. I think about it, and I always think that these should have something to do with tigers. "

But what does hunting have to do with tigers? Don't tigers just want to cure them, don't they want to pass customs smoothly? Why would you come to help them?

Is it because they decided not to go further? Is that why tigers treat them well? But isn't it because you don't believe them that you always follow them?

If you believe it, why follow them? This is a contradictory place, so Xu Haojie said these things.

After hearing this, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy did not know why. In particular, Zhao Xincheng wanted to understand where the strange things Xu Haojie and the little boy were talking about and what they meant.

But he always felt that there was no place too strange. Hunting things were sent to the door, probably because there were animals in the forest, but they did not encounter any danger and did not see the world, so that was it.

The reason why they are not in danger is that tigers follow them. In fact, there should be nothing else.

Although Zhao Xincheng knows nothing, he knows that he has not thought thoroughly, so he still listens with modesty.

Zhao Xincheng listened to what Xu Haojie and the little boy said, because in Xu Haojie's eyes, he was really a little weak in this respect, and he could not understand.

He might as well listen to what the little boy and Xu Haojie think, which may be better. Zhao Xincheng said to Xu Haojie and the little boy:

"I can't feel anything, but I know it must be because my sixth sense is not very strong for these. Otherwise, I will listen to you again if you observe what I should pay attention to We suggest that this is OK. "

When the little boy and Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng say so, they both sighed helplessly, and then both nodded. If the feeling of Zhao Xin's coming true could not come out, of course, it could only be like this.

Besides, it's always good to be careful. Although they don't have any evidence to prove these things, it's good for them to think of it like this. They should be prepared for the rainy days and guard against the dangers. This may be better.

"Clearly, the tiger wants to kill us, but now looking at him, he seems to be protecting us. I really don't know what the tiger is thinking?

If I knew what he was thinking, I would tell him at the first time that we could avoid some unnecessary risks in the first place, but he would not say anything

Even now little boys don't know whether tigers are good or bad? Is it to help them or to hurt them?

If you speak out to help them, why did you confront them before? Why did he go to fight Xu Haojie before? But if you hurt them, how can you protect them now.

So the little boy thought it was strange. He didn't know what was going on. He wanted to understand it, but he didn't know where to start.

Xu Haojie himself is the same. He has dealt with tigers and tigers. When tigers attack him, he also knows that although tigers don't try their best, it's not because tigers want to let him go.

It's because tiger thinks he has no ability. Because tiger underestimates him, he doesn't try his best. Xu Haojie thinks it's very strange.

Those small animals took the initiative to send them to eat, or the tiger helped him avoid some dangers on the way, so Xu Haojie felt very strange about how to solve this problem.

He felt strange. He couldn't think of any way or reason. He could only be like this for a while. Although he knew it was strange and it was really difficult to explain, he hoped that he could do these things well.

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