Isn't that good enough? In their eyes, as long as they can do these things well, it is already very good.

Although it may waste some time for three people to go out together, it is better for them to waste time than to encounter danger.

The three of them together, even if they encounter any kind of danger, they can quickly solve it, but also do not need to think about those things.

In their eyes, as long as they can do these things well, Xu Haojie and Zhao xinchenghai also want to be their most important and best partners.

They are absolutely impossible to let their good partners and friends encounter any kind of danger. They will certainly try their best to solve these problems. As for those things, they are not willing to think about them or think about them.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy also know that they think a lot of things now, which is not necessary.

Because what they want to say is not comprehensive and what they think is not comprehensive. They must treat things with a dialectical perspective when things happen.

Then he will think about the more appropriate solutions. Otherwise, he will do these things only by imagination now, and solve these things only by imagination.

In fact, there is no need at all, because he didn't expect that what they did would never be so comprehensive. Xu Haojie said to Zhao Xincheng and the little boy:

"little boy and Zhao Xincheng, no matter how much we think and plan, we can't get the most complete and comprehensive one. We might as well be like this for the time being. "

When Zhao Xincheng and the little boy heard Xu Haojie say this, they felt very strange. What is the temporary appearance? What will they be like for the time being.

Are they going on like this all the time? In case the tiger doesn't want to go all the time and is always behind them, they will follow all the time?

At this time, the little boy and both of them felt that it was really difficult to do this, and both felt that if we really wanted to do this according to Xu Haojie.

Then they will waste a lot of time and energy on this matter. They are not willing to do such a thing, and they are not willing to make such a choice.

They all hope that Xu Haojie can have a little opinion and have other methods. Originally, Xu Haojie will come up with some methods that they can't think of.

Then let them leave here, but now it doesn't look like this at all. Xu Haojie didn't come up with these methods.

So Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are both disappointed, but they both know that it is really difficult for Xu Haojie to think of these things in a short time.

Now it's very good that Xu Haojie can think of these things. Unlike them, he can't think of anything at all. Xu Haojie and the little boy also understand Xu Haojie very well.

The two of them thought about it for a while, and then they said, "it's not like we said, if we really want to maintain the way we are.

What if the tiger refuses to leave? Can we just stay here until the tiger is gone

Because Zhao Xin felt that it was really difficult to maintain the current situation. It was not because the tiger couldn't walk away. They didn't have so much time to wander around.

They have been in the underground palace for a long time. If they continue like this, they will definitely waste more time. They don't want to waste time. They want to finish all these checkpoints quickly, and then go out quickly.

The little boy's idea and Zhao Xincheng's idea are the same. They both think that there is no need to solve the problem temporarily.

If they maintain the status quo, it will only lead to some unnecessary things. It is better to think of other solutions, otherwise it is just a waste of time to stay here all day.

Because in the eyes of Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, there are a lot of things that they must solve very well, absolutely can't say nothing and do nothing, which is a very bad thing.

However, they can't guess how many things they want to develop according to their expectations.

Many things they are not qualified to comment on, they do not have the ability to do, they can only let it go, although very reluctant to admit.

But now only Xu Haojie said that this method is the best. They can only maintain the status quo and go on like this for the time being. Moreover, they have no way back at the beginning of their choice.

At first, they chose to cheat the tiger and let the tiger think that they didn't go on. Now they have to go on like this.

In any case, if tiger's discontent is aroused in the midway, it will be really a bad thing, and there will be more troubles waiting for them. They are not willing to have such a thing happen.Even if they can't stick to it, they can only stick to it. Zhao Xincheng and the little boy both understand these things and understand the interests.

Although I don't agree with you very much, what can we do if we don't agree? This is the way things are, and things can only be solved in this way. It doesn't help to talk about other things.

"Brother Xu Haojie, we don't have any other choice. It's really sad. It's so difficult to maintain the status quo. Obviously, maintaining the status quo will lead to many problems, but we have no other way to go."

Zhao Xincheng listens to the little boy. Xu Haojie can't bear it in his heart. He also knows that it's not good, but it's like this.

He doesn't want to be like this, but after all, things have already happened. If he can't finish these things without doing so, what should be done if other things happen and lead to some serious problems?

A lot of things they are not willing to do or think about, but things have already happened. They can only do like this, can't do without thinking about other things.

So even if he is very sad, just like he thinks he should not, they also have no way to change, nor the ability to change.

Xu Haojie could only nod his head. Then he said to the little boy, "don't be so pessimistic. We should think about the good. Maybe after a while, tiger will leave by himself.

After all, it has been so many days, and he feels that we really don't want to continue to string down, but to travel here. Maybe he will feel bored and go away. "

Although Xu Haojie also knows that this matter does not have much hope, if the tiger will go away, then a few days earlier, how to do, why wait until now?

Since he has waited until now, it has proved that he is not easy to let go of his guard easily. If we say that they have a fluke mentality, they just want to make them happy for a while.

In fact, there is no help to solve the problem, and they don't think it has any effect. In fact, the little boy and Zhao Xincheng all know that if they tell these facts, it will only lead to a big reversal of very bad results.

Because everyone knows such a situation, such an outcome, even if they no longer how to say, how to do, in fact, is irrelevant, is also useless.

It's better to keep a feeling and wait until later to solve the problem. What can we do if we can't solve it now? What kind of solutions can they have? Only for the time being.

Although the little boy and Zhao Xincheng are still very sad, they can only be like this for the time being. They don't want to embarrass Xu Haojie, nor do they want Xu Haojie to think that they are a difficult person to get along with and solve.

So they both nodded and agreed with Xu Haojie's proposal. After all, in their eyes, only Xu Haojie proposed this method, which has the feasibility of implementation and operability.

There are more or less problems with other methods. As long as they keep the status quo and continue to visit mountains and rivers, they should be very good.

Although they don't want to admit it, there is only such a good way to make the tiger continue to believe in them, and they can go on.

There will be a lot of things that they can't master. They don't want some unnecessary things to happen because of their reasons.

Otherwise, they will feel very surprised, and they will feel helpless. When things are still under their control, it may be better to cut off those things first.

Although they think it's good or bad, there is no way for them to come up with some better solutions.

Zhao Xincheng and the little boy didn't feel much about it. They also felt that Xu Haojie had no mistakes in this topic.

Zhao Xincheng said a lot to Xu Haojie. He felt that if it was really the only way to do it, then they must be the best and the most perfect. This may reduce their burden and save a lot of time.

Absolutely can't waste time here all the time. This will definitely lead to more problems. They think that since they can only choose this way.

Then it must be finished. There is no other way for them to go. They can only go through this method, and then call on the other people, which may be better.

Zhao Xincheng now said to Xu Haojie, "I know that there are many things. In fact, even if we want to solve them seriously, there will be many things hindering us.

The most important thing for us now is to keep going. No matter what method he uses, we will achieve the same goal by different routes. It will be good to reach our goal in the end. "

Because now Zhao Xincheng has figured it out, but since there is no other way to go, it's better to seize the time, take the last road and finish the road well.

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