Anyway, I don't know what kind of things and accidents will happen in the middle of the way. Of course, if these things are done well and these things are perfect, they may be better.

When Xu Haojie heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he knew that Zhao Xincheng must have been the same, and his proposal was to continue to maintain in accordance with the original policy.

I feel very lost in my heart, but they can only choose this way. They have no right to say or choose specific things.

In fact, although I feel very sad, things are like this. Although I feel that I can't accept it, things have already happened. They can only be brave enough to accept.

Zhao Haojie, no matter what he or she looks like in front of him, will continue to make comments, no matter what he or she looks like.

The tiger following them, seeing the three of them, frowned, did not know what kind of tricks they were playing.

The tiger had already doubted the intention of the three of them, but they didn't have any intention to move forward these days.

It's just a aimless tour of the mountains and rivers here. In the middle of the amusement here, do the three of them really retreat and continue to go down the river without any requirements.

Tiger is also very strange, the tiger looked at them three people have a kind of hate iron not steel appearance, but how can do?

He has no way to dominate their will, and his task is to make the three of them stop moving forward. Now that the task is so easy to achieve, the tiger thinks it's a bit incredible.

That's why he has been following the three of them for a few days. Up to now, he says that they have no intention of repentance.

Is it really so simple to do this thing well? The tiger felt very strange, and he also felt that he wanted to find out why? What is the situation.

But tiger also knows that it is hard to refuse to judge whether Xu Haojie, Zhao xinchenghai and the little boy have cheated him or not, and whether they really do not want to go down the barrier.

Because tigers also know that human beings are very cunning. Although Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng still have little boys these days, they pretend that they are not willing to go down the barrier.

But there are a lot of things that can't be said clearly. If the three of them are pretending to cheat him, he is not so stupid.

That's why he followed the three of them, but now he saw that they had no intention of repentance or any intention of going on.

In fact, Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy have nothing to cheat him. They don't want to go on.

I think it's not easy. But now it seems that they can't solve such problems. They feel very strange and sad.

But tiger can also adjust his mood, although he feels that Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy have done something very disappointed.

But they don't have any methods. If Xu Haojie and his several people are like this, he certainly has no other role and no other ideas.

In any case, his ideas can not play any role, he can only continue to go down according to his own, as for how they are going to look, what they want to be like, what matters to him.

He doesn't want to have some bad things happen because of these people. In the tiger's eyes, Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy have failed to live up to his expectations.

He didn't want to forget it any more. He thought that the three of them were too much. He had already helped them along the way.

However, the three of them still do not know how to repent and have no enterprising spirit. The tiger feels ashamed and angry.

How can the three of them behave like this? Clearly, he has helped them a lot and has solved many difficulties and troubles for them.

The three of them still have no enterprising spirit at all, or they don't want to go down the barrier at all, so the tiger still feels very sad and angry.

Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy did not know what was going on in the tiger's heart.

If they know that the tiger wants to see them go astray, they will be surprised.

After all, in their eyes, how could tigers hope that they would continue to break through the barrier? The tiger's appearance was to stop them from going further down the barrier, but now that's the fact.

Indeed, it is because we want them to keep going down and let them know where they are going. That's why they have been doing so many things all the time.But now tiger thinks that what he has done is not in vain. Why did Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, even if they saw what he had done, they still didn't mean to go back home.

Is it just because he can't do anything well, just because it's his? If he also felt very sad, and felt very sad, but even how sad, even if how sad, how can we do?

It is not that he has no way to stop Zhao Xincheng, Xu Haojie and the little boy from making these decisions. Some of them want to keep going, though.

But the decision-making power is not in his hands, and he does not want the three of them to do it. They will certainly do what he wants.

The tiger thinks that he is really contradictory. He should pay attention to things that he and his opposite should not expect.

Tiger's heart is really tangled and contradictory, but in this tangled contradiction, he also knows that everything should have a degree.

He absolutely can't let himself live in this tangle and confusion, because although he is late now, it has been determined that the three of them may really not want to go, do not want to break through the barrier.

But he still wanted to see if there were any other ways and strategies in case the three of them were just trying to cheat him.

So he should now leave time for a few of them, or he still thinks that he will continue to follow them to see if they are lost.

Otherwise, he would not be reconciled, so he thought about a lot of things now, and decided to continue to follow Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy down again to see when the three of them could find their way back.

If it wasn't because he was the fourth Guardian beast, tiger appreciated Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng very much. What he liked was that they could achieve the goal they wanted to achieve.

But after all, this position is different. He can't make those things happen. On the surface, he can help them do these things well through some other practices and extreme things.

But now it seems that there is no need for him to do these things, and it seems that no one needs him to do these things. Tiger feels that it sounds very disappointed, but this is the fact.

As a god beast, as a guardian of the level, he really can not have these ideas, even if he has this idea, it can be killed in the cradle.

Absolutely can not put these ideas into practice, he came to help Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng and the little boy, there are already some violations of the rules.

He can't do anything against the rules. His task is to stop the three of them from going forward, not to guard them.

It's not to motivate them to move on, so now tiger's heart is really too tangled. He said that he would always follow Xu Haojie and Zhao Xincheng, the little boy and the three of them. But after all, he still had a lot of ideas. After all, he had a lot of things to consider.

Zhao Haojie didn't know that Xu Haojie had a lot of ideas with them.

If they know that tigers want them to keep going, maybe they won't bother to pretend that they don't care.

But now they don't know, they don't understand at all, so the three of them can only do what they want.

They also know that it will be more difficult to do this, and there are many things that can not be done in the way they think.

But this is the only way. After all, they can't think of a better solution. They can't think of a better solution. They continue to do things as they are, and do other things according to the original plan.

How can they solve many other things? Even if they want to solve them, they can't solve them. Xu Haojie, Zhao Xincheng and the little boy are confused in their hearts. They don't know how to go on.

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