With the roar of the man, a lot of people swarmed around. Judging from their appearance, they should be local people. In a short time, more than 50 or 60 people surrounded Ye Xiao and others. These people didn't do anything. They just surrounded and talked about what they were talking about. In a word, they just bullied others It's hard to hear!

Situ Nan's face became strangely ugly. As the head of the house of situ and the most important person in Jinghai City, when was he criticized?

"Go However, although he was very angry, situ Nan also maintained his identity. Naturally, he would not really ask his bodyguards to clean up the group of people. Now he just snorted coldly!

As soon as he heard the order of situ Nan, these bodyguards immediately protected situ Nan and others, and they were forced to leave. This guy clearly came to find fault. Who would take care of him?

Judging from their posture, they just want to blackmail for a while. Why should such people pay attention to them?

"Do you want to go when you hit someone?" At this time, the fallen guy has been helped up. Seeing that situ Nan and others want to leave directly, he hums coldly!

"That's right. Is it great to have money to hire bodyguards? Is it possible to hit people at will? "

"Can't let them go? Can't that be the end of it? "

"Stop them, you have to give an account!"

"Yes, it must be explained!" There was a burst of indignation in the crowd, and many people have begun to rub their hands. It seems that if there is any disagreement, they will immediately start to fight!

After being criticized by so many people in public, situ Nan's face turned blue with anger. However, he was the leader of the Tushi group after all. Even if he was angry in his heart, he couldn't really order to deal with these people!

"Account? What do you need to account for? " At this time, wearing a black Zhongshan suit, ye Xiao came out and directly came to the man who had been helped up by his companion!

Forced by Ye Xiao's momentum, a look of fear flashed in the man's eyes. However, thinking of so many people on his side and the support of those big people behind him, he also suppressed the fear in his heart and said directly, "I'm just kind enough to invite you to take a ride. If you don't sit, you can push me directly. Now my arm is sprained, so you always want to Why don't you tell me

"Sprain?" Ye Xiao sneers and looks at the man's left hand held by his right hand!

"Yes, sprain! You can't move now. It hurts when you move! " Seeing ye Xiao's eyes, the man once again summoned up the courage to say!

"Well, what do you say?" Ye Xiao sighed, his eyes had become completely cold, but his mouth still said!

"At least pay for the medical expenses, and then apologize to my friend!" At this time, another man holding him took over the topic and directly started to drink!

"Ha ha..." Hearing the other party's offer, a cold smile appeared in Ye Xiao's mouth, but in the man's hand, he felt that such a smile was so terrible!

Just when the other party wants to say something, ye Xiao suddenly reaches out his right hand, grabs the man's left hand, and then twists it forcefully. The person can't respond at all, and immediately hears "click!" A sound, the arm has been twisted into a twist directly, white Sen's bones are exposed, there are also threads of blood on the top, looks not terrible!

However, his scream has not been completely sent out. Ye Xiao has kicked out again, directly on the other side's calf bone. This foot also contains a very strong force. How can the man resist such a foot? The "click" sound rings again, and his leg bone is also crushed. When the whole person loses his balance, he will fall down Go, but was Ye Xiao a stuck neck, even if want to scream, for a while, unexpectedly also can't call out!

The whole face is blue and blue!

At this time, ye Xiao took out a pile of cash from his pocket. Instead of giving the other party a chance to reply, he put the advanced into the other party's mouth. It was just like throwing garbage and throwing it on the ground. Then the cold voice rang out again: "this is more than 10000 yuan, which is to compensate for your medical expenses. In addition, for the behavior just now, I apologize to you!"

The whole scene was silent, and everyone was staring at Ye Xiao with astonishment in their eyes. What did this guy do? In the blink of an eye, Jiang Dong was beaten like this. How dare he do it?

Seeing Jiang Dong's bloody arm and the painful color on his face, all people's hearts had a touch of fear, and the body involuntarily took a step back!

"Uncle situ, let's go!" Ye Xiao didn't look at Jiang Dong on the ground any more. He turned around and said a word to situ Nan. He took the lead in walking forward!

Situ Nan nodded and followed him. He had already seen Ye Xiao's means, but he didn't feel anything? But Zhang muyue, the wife of situ Nan, was startled. Thinking of the scene that he beat Ye Xiao hard when she first saw him, she was secretly glad that he had been merciful to him at the beginning. Otherwise, if he had come here like this, he would not have been disabled?However, it was obvious that this group of people had come to trouble just now. Zhang muyue felt that he was very happy. As for situ Haoyue and Murong Mingyan, they seemed to have been used to it for a long time!

Ye Xiao was in front of him, followed by situ Nan, and then the three ladies of situ Haoyue. Those bodyguards were protecting them and went out all the way. They saw Ye Xiao's iron and blood methods. For a moment, no one dared to intercept them. Until ye Xiao and others were almost out of the enclosure, these people came back to their senses!

"Brothers, stop them, they hit people, can't let them go like this!" I don't know who shouts such a sentence, the people who have already been quiet are so agitated again!

Those men who had already dispersed instinctively also surrounded Ye Xiao and others. Many even took out fruit knives, especially those in front of Ye Xiao. Almost all of them had small knives in their hands. It seems that only holding the knife can make them safer!

Seeing that these people dare to intercept themselves and others, and even the knife has escaped, ye Xiao's eyes narrowed. Looking at this posture, it should be more than just trying to blackmail. Unexpectedly, so many people have prepared knives. This is a murder weapon? And dare to show the weapon at the exit of the airport. Who dares not have a certain backstage? And if they dare to do so, they must have the permission of some people?

You know, ye Xiao grew up in Chengdu when he was a child. It's quite good to know that the public security in Chengdu is better than that in other places. Even in places like the railway station, few people dare to take out murder weapons in public. However, this is an airport, and someone dares to take out a water knife here. If he is not instructed to kill him, he will not believe it!

It's just that I've just arrived in Chengdu. Who should deal with myself and others?

Unconsciously, ye Xiao's mind appears the man who accosted situ Haoyue when he got off the plane? Do you remember that he wanted to invite situ Haoyue to a row of Audi cars?

A dandy with an official background calls a group of local ruffians to come to their trouble, and then personally solves these hooligans. This seems to be the most commonly used means for those dudes to pick up girls?

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