Thinking of this, ye Xiao turned her head and looked at situ Haoyue, and found that she also looked at herself. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly and her eyes twinkled slightly. Obviously, she also thought of this possibility!

After smiling at situ Haoyue and indicating that he has nothing, ye Xiao has turned to look at the several people in front of him!

Seeing that these people even took out fruit knives, those bodyguards were like a big enemy one by one. Some even put their hands into their arms directly. If the other party really wants to mess around, in order to ensure the safety of stu Nan, they don't mind firing directly!

In China, the control of firearms is extremely strict, but it is mainly aimed at the common people. These bodyguards of Si Dunan have gun certificates!

As for what kind of consequences will be caused by the shooting and wounding, it is not the problem that these bodyguards should consider. Their duty is to protect the safety of situnan and others!

"You want medical compensation, too?" Seeing that these people took out fruit knives, ye Xiao didn't have the slightest fear on her face. Instead, she took a step forward and gave a faint smile, but anyone could see the indifference in his smile!

The people who stood in front of Ye Xiao were afraid. After hearing Ye Xiao's medical compensation, they could not help but think of Jiang Dong's miserable appearance. The color of fear in his eyes became more intense. However, when he thought about his hair, he still stood in the same place. Anyway, he had weapons in his hands. If he really dared to do it again, it would be a big deal How about stabbing him?

Relying on the advantage of the number of people, these people were not scared back by Ye Xiao. One of them, Li Min, even summoned up the courage to say, "don't you dare to kill us?"

"Hehe, what do you say?" Ye Xiao smiles faintly, and her eyes fall on Li Min's body. She is swept by Ye Xiao's knife like eyes. Li Min's courage is praiseworthy. At this time, she can't help shivering all over her body. However, he hasn't completely recovered. Ye Xiao has come to him one step at a time!

His pupils suddenly contracted together. He didn't seem to understand that there was still a few steps away. Why did he suddenly come to his eyes?

I want to stab the fruit knife in my hand towards the other side, but who knows that my right hand holding the knife seems to be clamped by a pair of tongs. I can't move it. Then I feel a huge force attacking me, and then a burst of sharp pain comes!

"Click!" A sound, his wrist was once again twisted alive, that deep pain let him faint in the past, and the fruit knife in his hand also fell down directly, was caught by Ye Xiao, and then put his back hand into Li Min Gang's mouth just because of the scream, and stabbed his tongue against each other, and Li Min's cry stopped suddenly!

Then ye Xiao hit Li Min's nose with a backhand, and the bridge of his nose was smashed directly. The whole person was smashed to fly and fell heavily on the ground!

However, ye Xiao didn't stop at this point, but quickly ran to another person's body. He also grabbed his dagger, inserted it into his eyes, and twisted his arm, finally kicked it away!

It's just a time to breathe. Three men have been easily laid down by Ye Xiao. Everyone is scarred and bloody!

Other people were completely shocked. Is this still human? How long has it been that I knocked over my three brothers? His three brothers don't even have the strength to fight back?

"Brothers, these outsiders are murdering and wounding people. They are going to chop them up!" People are often easy to lose their senses. They often do things that they know they can't do, but they still have to do. When their fear reaches a peak, they will also lose their senses. They don't know who yelled. At this time, the person closest to Ye Xiao is pushed from behind, and the whole thing will rush towards Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao's body deviated and avoided his knife. Then he easily grasped his wrist and pulled it backward. His arm was directly dislocated. The fruit knife in his hand was taken away by Ye Xiao, while another man just rushed over. A knife stabbed his heart. Ye Xiao sneered and pulled the first one. Suddenly, the man couldn't take the knife back. A knife was inserted into his partner With the small abdomen, not waiting for him to draw out the knife, ye Xiao has come to him, and then a knife into his shoulder, gently pick, has picked the tendon!

"Ah Two men almost at the same time issued a scream, and more men have rushed towards Ye Xiao, but they are also just a step on their partner's footsteps!

When there were more than 20 people lying down in the local area, no one dared to step forward. One by one, they retreated from a distance, and their eyes toward Ye Xiao were full of horror!

Is this still a man? It's so easy for a person to turn over so many people, but he didn't even have any injuries. Is that too tiger? This is not a movie?

In fact, not to mention them, even the stu Nan family, including the bodyguards, are full of horror at Ye Xiao's skill, especially those bodyguards, who are all special military veterans, and their skills are extremely good, but compared with Ye Xiao, they are like three-year-old children!

If they were allowed to deal with ten or twenty people on their own, they would be able to do so, but it was absolutely extremely reluctant, and they would certainly be injured. It is impossible to point out that they will be seriously injured. They are not as skillful as ye Xiao!They have no doubt that even if these people all rushed up, the final result is only one, that is, ye Xiao one by one, the number has become a threat to him!

On a platform less than one kilometer away from the accident site, a man in a black suit with a lizard tattoo on his forehead was also staring at everything here. Although there was some distance apart, he couldn't see clearly, but the scene that more than 20 people couldn't get up after they fell to the ground was still in his eyes!

His name is Li Xiaozhu, a very feminine name, but he is the leader of this group of people. The main business project is wild taxis, which are illegal taxis. Anyone who drives such cars in this generation must pay him a certain fee. Of course, compared with the rent of the regular taxi company, the fee is much cheaper!

Originally, he did not do such things as extortion. After all, if a taxi without a license is caught, it is nothing more than a fine at the intersection and will not be subject to criminal detention. Once extortion is caught, it will be sentenced!

Li Xiaozhu doesn't want to stay in the cell, but today, a big man from the top came to him and asked him to do some small help, that is, to create some trouble for those people, and to cooperate with a childe to perform a play, a hero rescue play!

His people just need to find an excuse to have a dispute with each other and forcibly take these people away. The childe will bring a group of police to rescue the beautiful woman and show the strong background of the young man. This is actually a very simple play. It will not lose anything, but also get a chance to make friends with those big people. Why not?

However, who knows that the dispute has taken place now, but the young man has not come, so many of his subordinates have fallen down. How can we explain this to the big man?

"Mr. Li, how are things going?" At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded behind Li Xiaozhu!

"Mr. Zhang, it seems that something has changed?" Although it was not easy to explain, Li Xiaozhu still answered honestly?

"Change?" Zhang Xumei's head wrinkled, and he had already stepped onto the platform. When he saw a scene not far away, his face also changed dramatically 、

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