In his vision, more than half of the people who should have surrounded Ye Xiao have fallen down, and the rest of them are also retired. It seems that they dare not go forward!

As for ye Xiao, whom Zhang Xu secretly suggested that he could teach a good lesson, he was standing in the center of the mountain. Although he was far away, Zhang Xu miraculously saw a sneering smile on his face. I don't know why. Seeing this ironic smile, Zhang Xu felt cold all over his body, and that feeling was as if he was being watched by a great beast of the great famine Same thing!

Instinct from the deep soul let Zhang Xu not get too close, also don't provoke him, otherwise he will die very ugly!

At this time, Qiu Shuai's Audi car drove over. Behind the Audi, there was a black Volkswagen, which had a police sign on it!

When the Audi stopped on the platform, Qiu Shuai's figure got out of the car. As soon as he got off the car, he asked Zhang Xu, "how is the matter going?"

"Qiu Shao, things are not going well." Zhang Xu said with a sad face!

At this time, Qiu Shuai also came to the position where Zhang Xu stood. He glanced at Li Xiaozhu, who was flattered by his side, and then looked forward. When he saw a group of people who were beaten by Ye Xiao and crawled all over the ground, his face was extremely ugly!

At this time, the Volkswagen with the police license plate also stepped down from a middle-aged man in his forties and walked towards this side!

"Waste, is a group of waste, so many people, even one person is unfair, Zhang Xu, what kind of waste are you looking for?" Qiu Shuai almost roared out!

Zhang Xu on one side shrugged his head and didn't dare to retort. Li Xiaozhu on the other side was angry when he heard the other party abusing his subordinates as rubbish. However, at the thought that even Zhang Xu did not dare to refute his words, the identity of the other party was definitely unattainable, so he had to suppress his anger and even dare not show his face, especially when he was following Qiu Shuai When the middle-aged man, he was more modest and bowed his head. This is the director of the airport police station. Can he only walk behind this childe?

"Qiu Shao, you really don't need to be angry about such a thing. The boy is good at it. Maybe he was the bodyguard of the young lady. It's just that such a rich family doesn't worry about food and clothes, and it's nothing to like your own bodyguard. Although you can't do things according to the plan, it's not difficult to clean up the boy alone!" At this time, the middle-aged man who followed Qiu Shuai came forward and said with a smile!

When Si Haoyue and his disciples are threatened by the police, they will find out who they are Hun was so useless that he was put on the ground by one person!

"Oh? What do you say? " Qiu Shuai's eyes brightened. In fact, he didn't want to deal with Ye Xiao. He just wanted to get situ Haoyue. He was upset to see this guy show off in front of beautiful women. It would be a good thing to teach him a lesson!

"it's very simple. He hurt so many people. As a people's policeman, how can we stand by and take him to justice?" as long as we arrive at the police station, how to pick up him has the final say? The director of the police station said with a smile!

"Qiu Shao, director Zhu is right. After you have caught the boy and cleaned him up, you will happen to appear in the police station, and then you will be generous enough to bring the boy out. The young lady of the situ family will certainly be very grateful to you. In this way, you will have a chance to kiss Fangze!" On hearing the suggestion of director Zhu, Zhang Xu's eyes brightened and a new idea flashed over!

Although instinct told him not to be too close to Ye Xiao, he had no choice but to think that his future was pinched on Qiu Shao!

What's more, these things don't need to appear in person. What's the danger?

"Not bad, not bad, Zhang Xu, you have a good idea. Director Zhu, thank you very much." Hearing Zhang Xu's suggestion, Qiu Shuai's eyes are also bright. In this way, isn't it the same thing back to the origin!

What's more, director Zhu has just said that he may have been the bodyguard of situ Haoyue, but because he has been protecting him all the time, he has a good impression on him. For those rich people, such things are not uncommon, but few rich girls will love these bodyguards all the time. In the final analysis, the bodyguards are bodyguards, but they are not big enough Yade, just let her know that it is not just personal force but power that can really protect her in this world!

"Ha ha, it's my honor to be able to serve Qiu Shao. Qiu Shao, please avoid first, and I'll take care of the matter here!" Director Zhu accepted with a smile on his face, and his eyes narrowed into a line. Qiu Shao's father is the Secretary of the political commissar, who is their biggest boss in Chengdu. It is good for him to have a good relationship with Qiu Shao!Not to mention anything else, as long as Qiu Shao mentions his name to his Laozi when he talks, he will be promoted too much in the future!

"Well!" Qiu Shuai nodded and turned to his Audi!

Director Zhu also nodded to Zhang Xu, saying hello, and turned to his Volkswagen. Both of them didn't look at Li Xiaozhu any more. How could they put such a small role in their eyes!

As for Zhu Xu, he also turned around and followed Qiu Shuai's back. He ignored Li Xiaozhu at all. He was such a waste, patting his chest to assure himself that he would be able to complete it. But now? Don't be smart enough to come up with such a good proposal in time, then this matter is really done up!

He has been in Qiu Shuai's mind these days, and his impression is greatly reduced. In such a situation, where will Zhang Xu care about the life and death of Li Xiaozhu!

Seeing these big people leave one by one, Li Xiaozhu felt oppressed and angry in her heart, but she could do nothing. The people did not fight with the officials. He was just the head of a small group. How dare you argue with such big people!

On the other side, ye Xiao decisively put dozens of people on the ground, each of them was severely injured, lying on the ground constantly moaning, and the remaining dozens of people just did not dare to step forward!

One by one, ye Xiao's eyes are full of fear, as if to see the devil out of hell!

Seeing that these people were no longer coming forward, ye Xiao was too lazy to say anything to them. He turned to see situ Nan and said faintly, "Uncle situ, let's go!" With that, he raised his legs and walked towards the front, while those people were spreading rapidly towards both sides, and no one dared to intercept them again!

Sima Nan, Zhang muyue and Murong Mingyan, including situ Haoyue, recovered from their shock. Although they all found ye Xiaoneng, they were shocked to see that ye Xiao knocked dozens of people to the ground without any effort. Is this kind of combat power too powerful?

Until ye Xiao talks, they wake up and go outside with Ye Xiao!

But as soon as the crowd got out of the enclosure, police cars drove up from afar and stopped in front of Ye Xiao

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