It's just that he can't think about it quickly, and can't guess it quickly. So now Zhao Xincheng is still cheering himself up in his heart.

He always believes that he can do these things well. No matter what he says, he can make these things perfect and well done. As for those things that can be done, they will not be forced to do them.

Zhao Xincheng has been walking around the roadside. He hopes to find some clues that can provide some clues. To his disappointment, even if he tries hard to find these things, he has not found any relevant clues.

It's just some unimportant things, but he always thinks that no matter what, there will be some things after him.

He felt that all the things in the world could not be connected at all. He felt that everything in the world was related. He had to pay close attention to this connection.

Since there will be vegetation, there will certainly be water sources. Since there is no vegetation at present, he may need to change direction, or change his thinking to find the answer. It is not certain to think about it.

Zhao Xincheng also felt that he could not hang himself from a tree all the time. He had to think about other methods and other things.

He absolutely can't cause some mistakes because of his negligence, which is very bad for him, and even worse for the little boy.

He could not delay the little boy's best time, because the little boy was close to coma and had not waked up all the time. He had to find the water to rescue the little boy.

Otherwise, the little boy's condition will only get worse and worse. Besides the little boy's condition, he really wants to stay for a while.

Still have a good look at what will happen next, but he knows that there are many things he can not solve, many things he must think about.

As long as he thinks about it well, no matter what kind of problems he encounters, he will certainly solve them well. As for other things, he can think of them, even if they can't think of them.

Anyway, now is the important thing, that is to find water and food, whether the fifth level can continue to break through, he is not at the top of the list.

The most important thing is to protect the little boy first, so that they can stay here smoothly. Otherwise, if there is no way to guarantee their lives, what is the significance of breaking through the barrier?

They must be able to do other things on the basis that their lives are not threatened and they can continue to break through the barrier.

Zhao Xincheng thinks so, because in Zhao Xincheng's eyes, although many things can be done according to their ideas, they are not the creator after all.

They are not so many capable people. They should not have many things to do according to their ideas, and they must think of a perfect plan.

Only after you think about the rules, you can think about other things. Otherwise, everything is empty talk.

All things are in vain to think, will only waste their time and energy, is a thankless thing, now Zhao Xincheng still feel that he should put his time and energy in the place should be placed.

It is not good for him to think about what he has not got, and it is also very bad. He must think about other things.

In other words, it is very important for their whole plan to break through the barrier. As for those unimportant things, unimportant ideas and some unimportant things, he doesn't have to think about them or care about them.

To think about it will only make him very unhappy. As for the other benefits, there is nothing at all.

Zhao Xincheng is also thinking of some other ways to get his attention to those places, instead of thinking about these things here.

Zhao Xincheng, who wants to waste his time and energy, has been cheering for himself here. He looks at the desert here.

Although he felt a little sad in his heart, he always believed in his own ability, and also believed that their luck should not be so bad. Is there really nothing?

If we really leave them in such a deserted place, they can accept it. The most important thing is that they must have food and water.

Now Zhao Xincheng thinks about it, but he still thinks his mouth is very thirsty. He thinks that they have not drunk water for a long time. He must find the water source as soon as possible.

But looking at the matter of finding water, it is estimated that there is still a long way to go. He is not worried, he is not afraid.

He thinks it's OK, because he can still accept and still can insist. But if he can accept him and persist, it doesn't mean that the little boy can also accept it, and it doesn't mean that the little boy can also insist.

When he thought of the little boy's tired look, that tired look, his heart was like being cut by a knife, he really felt very uncomfortable.If we can, of course, we hope that we can make the little boy eat water and find food to eat as soon as possible. This is certainly a very important thing for the little boy.

The little boy became so tired and became this way, or because the air temperature here is too high, the temperature here is too high.

And he didn't have anything for him to replenish water, so Zhao Xincheng felt very sad, and he didn't know where to find something to replenish water.

But he believes in his own ability and that he can always turn the corner. Even if there is no way to find water or food for the time being, he still has no way to find food.

But it doesn't matter. He believes that as long as he perseveres in his efforts, he will be able to find it. Even if there may be some very important things now, there will be some unexpected things.

He always believed in his own ability, always believed that their team was absolutely protected, and how could the master of the underground palace kill them all.

Since the owner of the underground palace wants them to go through the barrier and has already ensured their passage, they will definitely put their life safety first.

How could their lives be in danger? Maybe when the last moment came, the owner of the underground palace would take the initiative to tell them about the water source.

Maybe the owner of the underground palace will tell them how to get the food. These are uncertain. So Zhao Xincheng still has some expectations for the master of the underground palace.

Although he felt that the underground palace rules formulated by the owner of the underground palace seemed to have some inhumanity and some were not very good, he also believed that the owner of the underground palace was not such a bad person.

It's not about revenge, or some bad people. I believe the owner of the underground palace has some understanding and judgment about what will happen now.

Maybe after that, the owner of the underground palace will find that his rules are wrong. It seems that there are some flaws in the implementation of his own rules.

At that time, the master of the underground palace will be able to do these things well, and put these rules aside.

Then do something that should be done and change these rules into something that should be corrected. This may make things better. So the owner of the underground palace is not here now.

But Zhao Xincheng always believed that the owner of the underground palace would never help them to be interested in it, and that killing them out would give them some time and space.

Absolutely will help them to do these things, otherwise it will be too unreasonable, these words are so, Zhao Xincheng also knows that absolutely can not put all these ideas, all these reasons are put on the body of the master of the underground palace.

If you can, of course, I hope that I can use my own strength to solve all the hurdles and problems in the fifth level.

But if he does, he may not be able to take care of the little boy. The reason why they come to the underground palace is to accompany the little boy.

If he doesn't care about the safety of the little boy, what's the point of their coming to the underground palace? What else does he mean to do?

So now Zhao Xincheng can still distinguish between the primary and secondary people. The protagonist is the little boy. He can't change the role of the protagonist because of his own reasons before.

Zhao Xincheng still thinks that although he may be able to stick to it with his own ability, even if he doesn't eat or drink water, he can still stick to the fifth level.

But the little boy is not the same. The little boy is just a little boy. No matter what, Zhao Xincheng still thinks it will be better to put the little boy first.

At least he can always remind him what to do or what he shouldn't do, so now Zhao Xincheng is still very sad and angry.

If it wasn't for the master of the underground palace who didn't make the rules well and didn't consider the actual situation. How could so much have happened?

In the final analysis, it's not because the owners of the underground palace are very general and casual in making rules.

Otherwise, how can this happen? And although he can exercise his own ability, although it can make his ability to get a certain improvement.

But in fact, Zhao Xincheng still hated the master of the underground palace and kicked out the people who had better abilities one or two.

In fact, there is a problem for him, because he has a clear understanding of his own ability.

But he also knows that he does have some defects and deficiencies in some aspects. If in this fifth level here, if he accidentally uses those defects and deficiencies, what should he do?

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