Because of this, he doesn't know what will happen next. Everything is unknown. He must do something well first.

To be able to think about other things, and he put the little boy in the first place, now to see the little boy like this, his heart is naturally very sad.

A person's sadness, he put all these blame on the master of the underground palace, but his heart is also very tangled, because he also knows that it is wrong to blame all the things on others.

It's not because he's not good enough. If it's because he's doing well, how could such a thing happen.

Therefore, Zhao Xincheng feels very sad in his heart. He knows that he can't make his mood go up and down like this.

Now the thing to do is to find a water source, right? No matter who is wrong, no matter how many levels the owner of this underground palace wants them to go through.

No matter what the rules of the underground palace are, since it is a foregone conclusion, it is unnecessary for him to think about other things.

It's better to put your whole heart and soul into solving these problems in front of you, so now Zhao Xincheng is also able to take back his own eyes and ideas.

Don't waste your time on those things. Now he feels like he can't find water. But he still felt that he must be able to find it.

And he also knows that although it is impossible to break through the fifth level easily, there are many things that can have some precursors.

There are many things that actually have some ideas. If you can, Zhao Xincheng certainly hopes to let Fang Fen, ye Wuqian and Xu Haojie help him.

He also knew that this idea was impossible to achieve, since the three of them had been eliminated by the rules of the underground palace, so much time.

Then they certainly will not meet in this period of time, unless his little boy broke through with him, or his little boy quit halfway.

Thinking of quitting midway, Zhao Xincheng shook his head directly. How could he retreat in the middle of the way? How could he become a shrinking turtle?

No matter how many difficulties and dangers he may encounter, he will certainly stick to it to the end. As for the matter of quitting halfway, it is not suitable for him to do it, and he will never do it.

However, in his eyes, there are many things that can be negotiated and solved. If he thinks that there are many things that are not easy to operate, he refuses to do them.

Then there will only be more and more difficult to operate things, so he can only temporarily calm down, do not think of those things.

Because he also knows that those things are actually unnecessary explanations, and they are not qualified to do them. Those things will only make you hurt your nerves and brain, and put yourself in a bad situation.

He doesn't want to be such a person. He doesn't want to do such a thing. He just hopes that he can finish all these tasks as soon as possible.

Try to do what you should do well. In fact, it is the greatest respect for their team, because Zhao Xincheng is not a person who belittles himself.

He felt that his lack of ability was because he really lacked it, not because he was modest or how. Now he still knew that he had some difficulties.

But he will temper his will and improve his ability. Although he is very happy about this, there are still some things that he can't choose from.

In fact, I still feel that I am not very happy in my heart. Although my ability has been improved, it may be a good thing for him.

However, to achieve this good thing, we have to use a lot of bad things to pave the way. In fact, it is very difficult for him, and he does not know what to do.

But that doesn't matter. Since these problems and difficulties arise, there must be solutions and solutions.

He doesn't have to think about too many things, and he doesn't need to create some bad ideas because of these things. This is very unfair and bad for him.

However, it doesn't matter. No matter what he said, he hoped that all the things would be solved. He hoped that all the things could be done as well as he planned.

Even if he can't, at least he has a buffer time. In this buffer time, he can do what he wants to do well. In fact, it's already very good.

After all, for them, there are a lot of things that he can't master. As long as there is one thing he can master, he must seize the opportunity to complete these things well.

It is absolutely impossible to waste time, but the fact is that he did not have such an opportunity and opportunity at all.If there is, how can he still be like this, but in fact he has not. Anyway, he should know that there are many things that can not be done according to his ideas.

His current role, he is to take his own little boy, those unrealistic ideas, and some irrelevant ideas are all forgotten.

What he hopes is that he can do well, make the best thing that should be done, find the water source that should be found, and then let the little boy feel better, and continue to go through the barrier, which may be better.

Otherwise, it is not good for them to think about something that is not very important, and it is really difficult for them.

It's a very bad thing for anyone, he doesn't want to have such a thing, and the little boy actually has some consciousness.

Just because the body is too tired, too tired, the temperature around is too high, so he still has some feeling that he can't wake up.

Although he was conscious, his body was still in a deep sleep, and he could not catch his body waking up, so he could only sleep there.

In fact, in the eyes of the little boy, no matter whether they can find water or not, it has nothing to do with plant food. It just makes him feel that it doesn't matter in his heart. His body actually shows that there is a serious water shortage and serious dehydration.

If he doesn't drink any more water, it will only cause some unnecessary things to happen, which may endanger his life. The little boy doesn't worry about these things.

His only worry is that Zhao Xincheng will do some bad things for him, and will cause his own body to be hurt for him, which is certainly not possible.

Therefore, the little boy also thought that it was really hard in his heart. He also thought that maybe Zhao Xincheng would do those things for him and hurt himself for him. He felt very uncomfortable and felt guilty.

But he also knows that all things can not be generalized, can not put all the wrong on his own body, he is not the white lotus, he is not the virgin, he should not do so.

Although the little boy is conscious, but his body can not move at all, eyes can not open, so he can only sleep in the same place.

Then he has been waiting for Zhao Xincheng to come back. Unfortunately, he has been waiting for a long time. Zhao Xincheng doesn't come back. In fact, the little boy knows it very well.

The reason why Zhao Xincheng hasn't come back is not to help him find water, not to look for food.

It was because of his ghost appearance that Zhao Xincheng was frightened that he had been looking for water. The little boy was still very sad when he thought about it.

He felt that he was really useless. If he was not too tired and tired, how could Zhao Xincheng be so tired?

It is clear that they have just entered the fifth level and have not yet gone to meet the test brought by the fifth level. Are they going to be kicked out at the gate?

Are they just beginning to choose to give up? The little boy didn't like it, and he believed Zhao Xincheng didn't want to.

They don't want to give up halfway. After all, they think that since they have persisted to this point, how can their hard work be wasted?

They have suffered too much, met too many dangers and difficulties, anyway, they have spent a lot of time and energy, so now they are not afraid of those things.

They will stick to it. No matter it is Zhao xinchenghai, they all think so in their heart. Now the little boy is lying there alone.

He couldn't open his eyes and couldn't use his strength at all. However, he had been murmuring in his heart. He hoped that Zhao Xincheng would be in danger. He hoped that Zhao Xincheng would not encounter any kind of situation or danger.

Otherwise, he really can not escape the blame, he will really feel very sad, will also feel very self blame, because in the eyes of the little boy.

Now he and Zhao Xincheng are both dependent on each other. If there is any problem in Zhao Xin's real life, he also feels that he will feel very uncomfortable and feel very self reproach.

But now he also knows that there are many things that can not be done according to their ideas, although he can't move at all, and he doesn't know how to do things.

He always believed in his own ability and believed that no matter how he said it, the master of the underground palace would never kill them all. He would help them and let them do these things well.

And in fact, in the eyes of the little boy, the rules of the underground palace also have the beauty of the arrangement and his ideas.

If it wasn't for the arrangement of these underground palaces, perhaps he would not have a suitable shelter now, otherwise

The air here is so hot. Why is it that the ground is not so hot? It may also be the meaning of life for them and a little hope for them to live.

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