Dongsheng police station interrogation room is not big, only less than 20 square meters, the overall appearance of a square, in the middle is placed a desk, one end of the desk put a wooden chair, that is for the people who need to be interrogated, the other end is three chairs, which is for the police in charge of interrogation. In general, only two or three policemen are needed for interrogation, but with Ye Xiao After entering the interrogation room, at least seven policemen came in slowly!

This makes the inquisition room which is not spacious seems to be crowded a lot!

Seeing these policemen with guys, ye Xiao showed a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He swaggered to the chair at the end of the desk and sat down. Before waiting for the police to ask, he took out a bag of special cigarettes from long Di Na's pocket, took one out of his pocket, lit it and put it on his mouth. Then he threw the rest to the office On the table, very comfortable to say: "take to smoke, anyway, for a while and a half also can't end! Have a cigarette and relax

Seeing ye Xiao's attitude so arrogant, he even took out his cigarette and smoked it from Gu himself. All the policemen who had been hinted by the director were furious one by one!

Nima, in the end, you or I will interrogate. How do you think of this posture as if we were interrogated prisoners?

"Boy..." One of the leading policemen is about to speak, and ye Xiao's voice has continued to ring!

"I know your director specially told you to clean up my meal, but I advise you to smoke a cigarette and wait for a few minutes. Before long, your director will come to meet me in person!" Xiaoye is full of confidence!

After hearing Ye Xiao say what director Zhu intended, these policemen have shown a look of horror. When they hear his confident words, they are even more shocked. What is the origin of this man? Is there a bigger backstage than the Secretary of the Municipal Political Committee? But if it's really a bigger backstage than the Secretary of the Municipal Political Committee, why doesn't Mr. Qiu know him?

They are all the confidants of director Zhu, but they understand why he arrested this boy!

"Boy, who do you think it is? You say that director Zhu will come and come?" One of the relatively young policemen cried indignantly!

"Try it if you don't believe it!" Ye Xiao gave a faint smile and did not put the policeman in the eye at all!

"Looking for death!" The young policeman saw that ye Xiao showed disdain. He was furious on the spot. He grabbed the electric baton and started to attack Ye Xiao!

"Xiao Lei, don't be impulsive!" Seeing that the younger policeman was about to rush over, a policeman who looked the most experienced suddenly said, and even reached out and grabbed Xiaolei's shoulder!

"Brother Bing, you don't care about me. Let me clean up this guy first. I'll be responsible for what happened." The policeman called Xiaolei seems to respect the older policeman. Even if he is very angry, he doesn't completely ignore brother Bing's words!

"Is your cigarette a special supply?" Brother Bing grabs Xiaolei's shoulder and doesn't talk to him any more. Instead, he looks at the cigarette box on the table and asks Ye Xiao!

"I have good eyesight. I even know that this is a special cigarette supply!" Ye Xiao nodded, and his smile was even more brilliant. It was obvious that the guy on the plane made the right and wrong about these things. These policemen were just shot by people. Ye Xiao is really not interested in starting with them any more. Now if you can't, you'd better not fight!

As soon as I heard the three words of special cigarettes, the other policemen were stunned. Even Xiao Lei quickly calmed down and offered cigarettes? Since it is a special supply of cigarettes, it is specially for those national leaders to smoke, which can not be bought in the market. Only those boys in Kyoto can get some from their elders!

Is this guy the son of a family in Kyoto?

"Brothers, let's have a cigarette first. You don't have to worry anyway!" Got the affirmative reply, that is called ice elder brother policeman to take the lead to open a way!

He has been a policeman for many years. He has never seen any criminals, but there is absolutely no one who is so calm and calm as ye Xiao. From his perspective of many years, such a person is absolutely not simple!

Moreover, he had seen such a cigarette case in an internal magazine. He knew that it was a cigarette specially for an old and powerful chief executive. He had some impression. When he asked, who knew it was true!

Although I'm not sure Ye Xiao must be a prince in Kyoto, it's always right to wait a few more minutes. Isn't it just the time to smoke? Even director Zhu has some explanation, isn't it?

After a few minutes, if his backstage hasn't been sent, it's not too late to clean him up!

As he said this, brother Bing picked up the packet of special cigarettes and handed them to his brothers. The other policemen were not bad bags. Before the matter was clear, it was not easy to start directly. He also took over the cigarettes and smoked them one after another. For a moment, smoke curled up in the interrogation room!

At this time, in director Zhu's office, director Zhu personally invited the situnan family to sit on the spacious sofa, and he personally made a cup of tea for situnan and others, and then he sat in his own position!Just now, situ Nan had already said those words with Director Zhu, which implied that he could give him a large sum of money if he let Ye Xiao go. However, director Zhu put on a business like manner and said that he was waiting for the results of the investigation. He knew that it was the other side who was trying to do something else. He did not say anything at this time. He just sat on the sofa smoking a stuffy cigarette and waiting for his friend Come on!

Seeing that situ Nan was not interested in talking to himself, director Zhu didn't say much. He just quietly sent a short message to Qiu Shao, indicating that all the things had been settled and let him come quickly!

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. Situ Nan had already stood up from the sofa. It was not too far away from the city. On the way, he had already called. Now his friends should have arrived!

Sure enough, as soon as I got up, I saw a man about the same age as director Zhu came in. Behind him, a man dressed as a secretary in his thirties was also following him!

At the sight of the visitor, director Zhu immediately stood up and respectfully welcomed him: "director Liu, why are you here? Welcome director Liu to inspect the work? "

The visitor is the director of a Public Security Bureau in Chengdu. Although he is not Zhu Yunwen's immediate superior, he is one level higher than Zhu Yunwen!

"Director Zhu, I'm not here to inspect the work, but at the invitation of a friend, I come to ask him to do me a little favor!" Situ Nan has simply told director Liu about the matter once, and he doesn't say much nonsense after his arrival, just like the theme!

"Ha ha, director Liu, if you have any orders, you can do it as long as I can do it!" Director Zhu said with a smile on his face that he already knew what the other party had done in his heart!

"I'd like to introduce you first. This is my friend, Mr. situnan, chairman of Jinghai Tushi group. He has a friend arrested by you. I hope you can release his friend as soon as possible!" Director Liu is half of Zhu Yunwen's boss, so he doesn't beat around the Bush and says it directly!

In his opinion, it's not easy to come here in person as deputy director of public security to ask you to release people. If you are wise, you should release people as soon as possible

Who knows, Zhu Yunwen's face is stiff

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