"I'm sorry, director Liu, Mr. situ's friend has been involved in a number of wounding cases. Now, the matter has not been investigated clearly, so we can't release people!" Director Zhu showed an ugly look, very sorry for director Liu said!

"Mr. Zhu, I heard that it was those people who wanted to blackmail Mr. situ, and even more prepared to rob him with a knife. Did the friend of Mr. situ just defend himself?" On hearing Zhu's reply, director Liu's face sank on the spot!

In fact, in his capacity, there is no need to come in person, just call the deputy director in charge of this division. We are all colleagues, and with the identity of situ Nan, selling such a face is nothing!

The reason why he came in person was because of situ Nan's face. You know, director Liu is from Jinghai city. He stayed in Rongcheng only because of his work. But he clearly knew the power of situ's family in Jinghai city. This is not only a real estate tycoon, but also some leaders of the central government have countless ties with situ's family!

Without a strong backstage, how can the industry reach that level?

But these are not known to all, and not everyone can think of it!

Director Liu came here in person. In addition to showing his respect to situ Nan, he also wanted to have more relations with him, which was of great help to his official career!

But now, oneself came over personally, this small director unexpectedly does not give oneself face, this how does not let director Liu be angry!

Especially in front of situ Nan, does this make him feel incompetent? Can't even a commander in charge?

"Director Liu, of course, I also believe Mr. situ's words, but after all, this involves many cases of wounding, and there are still many people who may be disabled for life. We should always investigate whether they are right?" Even when he saw director Liu's gloomy face, Zhu Yunwen said to his scalp that it was ordered by Qiu Shao himself and must be done well. Now Qiu Shao is coming soon. For Qiu Shao, what is it to offend director Liu? What's more, if Qiu Shao comes later, what can director Liu do about himself?

"Director Zhu, you really don't let people go?" Seeing that Zhu Yunwen even found these reasons for himself, director Liu's face was not only bleak, but also his voice! He really didn't want to lose face in front of situ Nan!

Zhu Yunwen is not happy to hear the bleak voice of director Liu. From his position, he is only the director of a police station. However, it will take him many years to become a deputy director of a district. In normal times, a deputy director can never offend himself, but he can't care about it now!

"Oh, uncle Zhu, what's the matter with you? Why are so many people coming? " When Zhu Yunwen was in a dilemma, a young man's voice suddenly rang out at the door of the office!

When they looked back, they saw a man in a casual jacket walking in with a smile on his face. As soon as they saw the visitor, situ Haoyue's face sank on the spot. It was really this guy!

As for director Liu, his face changed when he saw the visitor. When he heard his name as Zhu Yunwen, his face became even more ugly. The childe of the Secretary of the political commissar of Rongcheng City actually called Uncle Zhu Yunwen? Still so intimate? How could that be possible? How did Zhu Yunwen get involved with Qiu shaoche?

"Hello, Qiu Shao! Why are you here? " Many thoughts flashed in his mind, but director Liu met him for the first time. He and situ Nan were friends, but the one in front of him couldn't offend him more. It was his immediate superior. The whole public security system of Rongcheng was under the charge of the Secretary of the political commissar!

Even the Secretary of the political commissar has the power to directly appoint or remove a deputy director of a district!

"Oh, uncle Liu is here too. Ha ha, I just got off the plane. Isn't it a drop in to see Uncle Zhu? I just didn't expect uncle Liu to be here. By the way, uncle Liu, what are you doing here? It doesn't seem to be in your jurisdiction? " Qiu Shuai, with a confident smile on his face, shook hands with Director Liu and asked curiously!

"This..." Director Liu showed a puzzled look for a moment, especially Qiu Shuai's last sentence. He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. If he did, if he told him the truth, would he say that he was seeking private interests through public affairs? And it's too wide? If he said a few words to his father, he didn't need to say anything bad. He just said what happened today, and he couldn't bear it!

"Ha ha, Qiu Shao, this is the case. Director Liu was entrusted by Mr. situ to deal with some matters..." Fortunately, at this time, director Zhu took over the topic, and simply said the process of the matter once again!

As soon as Zhu Yunwen said this, director Liu's face was even more ugly. Why didn't Zhu Yunwen know how to adapt at all? How can you tell me the truth? You are not such a person?

"Oh, it's such a thing. Since uncle Liu is here, uncle Zhu, why don't you let the people go first? How can people like Mr. situ go to trouble with those punks? I think most of them are those guys who want to extort money because they are foreigners! " After listening carefully to Zhu Yunwen's introduction, Qiu Shuai pretended to meet with situ Nan and other people, and said!Hearing that Qiu Shao not only did not blame himself, but also helped himself, director Liu showed a look of gratitude, while situ Haoyue on the other side snorted coldly. She was not the ignorant girl Qiu Shuai thought she was. Where can you see what these childlike brothers did?

As for situnan, his brow was slightly frowned. Although he did not know what was going on, he also knew that there was no free lunch in the world. Qiu Shao would not be nice to himself for no reason. For the sake of director Liu, it was even more a talk. Judging from director Liu's attitude towards him, it must be the son of a senior official in Rongcheng What kind of Yamen who will be a small deputy director in the eye!

"But Qiu Shao, this Director Zhu once again showed a look of embarrassment, as if he was really a good police justice!

"Bang!" Just as Qiu shaozheng wanted to improve his tone and take all the things into his own hands, the door of the office was pushed open again, and then a man in his twenties came in coldly!

The visitor was dressed in a black casual style Zhongshan suit. His appearance was extremely handsome, and even some of them were handsome. Especially the natural purple long hair, which was so draped on his shoulders, added a strange charm to his handsome face, and his skin was extremely white. The whole person looked like a kind of evil beauty!

Such a face, for countless beautiful girls, has absolute lethality!

However, this is only his first feeling, but when you see him in the second eye, especially when you see the cold light in his eyes, you will only feel danger. A cold breath diffuses from his body, just like a cobra lurking in the grass, which may give you the most fatal blow at any time!

At the sight of this man, Zhu Yunwen, director Liu and even Qiu Shao all changed their faces. Especially Qiu Shuai, he almost jumped out of fear. Why did this evil star come?

"And my brother?" The visitor didn't look at Qiu Shuai, but he snorted coldly?

"Your brother?" Zhu Yunwen plucked up the courage to ask!

"Ye Xiao..." The man vomited two words!

"Ah..." Zhu Yunwen jumped to his feet

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