The man's tone was strangely cold. There was hardly a trace of emotion in his indifference. However, Zhu Yunwen, who heard these two words, jumped up directly. He was scared!

Then his fat body almost looked like a football shot by Carlos, whizzed out and ran directly to the interrogation room. What director Liu and what Qiu Shao are? Go to hell!

However, Zhu Yunwen felt that he was going to hell today. Otherwise, how could he catch someone at the airport? He was the brother of this evil star!

It's a brother, not a friend. My God, does this evil star have brothers?

In Chengdu, even in Bashu, as long as you are an official, as long as you have a little common sense, you don't know who you are!

This is Zimo, the son of CAI Mingxuan, the Secretary of the provincial Party committee. Of course, he is an adopted son. However, anyone knows that Cai Mingxuan treats this adopted son better than his own son, and the position of the adopted son in his mind is more important than that of his own son. Cai Ziheng, who has served as secretary of the municipal Party committee of a city in other provinces, is also distressed by his younger brother Love is added!

As for why the people of the Cai family love him so much, no one knows why. He is the center of the Cai family since he appeared at the age of 12!

In addition to being the adopted son of the Secretary of the provincial Party committee, the father of his wife Ouyang Xueying is also the governor of Bashu province. The first and second leaders of a province are married to each other. This is almost nothing in China. However, it happened. At the beginning, it caused a stir in the political arena of China. However, the positions of the two big men did not change Sit still!

In other words, in addition to a strong father-in-law, he also has a strong father-in-law. Such an identity and status can make him run freely in Bashu province. He is definitely the top dandy in the province. He is the top dandy in the province!

Of course, this is not the place where he really frightens people. What really scares people is his personal strength. He has two super strong elders. Instead, he chose to join the army. In addition, he joined the wild wolf field independent army, which has the strongest fighting capacity in the whole southwest region. It is a powerful force with only 8000 people, but its combat effectiveness is comparable to 80000 people!

Compared with the mysterious forces such as the dragon clan and the ghost, the wolf's combat effectiveness is worse, but compared with other special forces, the wolf field army is definitely the most powerful army!

The dragon clan and ghost belong to special forces. Ordinary people don't know about these two organizations. They are secret forces of Huaxia state!

The wild wolf field army is different. It is the strongest special combat force in China. The task rate is the only one that reaches 100%. Especially in the early 1980s, in order to complete a certain task mentioned above, the whole army was almost destroyed, but it still completed the task in the end!

For more than a decade, the wild wolf field army was in a bad situation, and did not get good results in the national special forces competition. Until Zimo joined this force, the wild wolf field independent army became stronger again, and now it has become the strongest force except the dragon clan and ghost!

Zimo has also become the deputy commander of the wolf field independent army because of his military achievements for several times in succession. His rank is even more a brigadier general. It can be said that he has stepped into the category of a general!

He will become the youngest general in China in recent years, a general under 30 years old!

Who doesn't know about such a bull man and these officials in Bashu?

Of course, what these officials and dandies fear most is not Zimo's identity, but his means, that cold and merciless iron and blood means!

It can be said that at least more than half of the top dandies in Bashu have been taught by him, and everyone has left an unforgettable mark in his life. He can't compare with his life experience, his position, his ability. Under such circumstances, who dares to offend him?

Not only the dandies did not dare to offend him, even those officials did not dare to offend him. It can be said that he was the local emperor of Bashu Province, and people were even more afraid of him than the Secretary of the provincial Party committee!

At the thought of Zimo's terrible identity and iron and blood means, Zhu Yunwen felt a tingle in his scalp, and the cold sweat on his forehead fell down one by one!

Now he only hopes that the boy named Ye Xiao has enough courage to resist the police. In this way, his subordinates may not be successful. If the boy doesn't resist, he will be beaten by his own group of subordinates

At the thought of this, Zhu Yunwen did not dare to think about it. As a result, his future would be finished. It doesn't matter if he just plays his future. Anyway, he has a lot of savings over the past few years. If he really loses his position as a director, he will have no problem supporting himself. But the question is, will the evil star let himself go easily?

Even if you don't die, you will certainly take off a layer of skin!

Zhu Yunwen's fat body almost hit the door of the interrogation room, and then directly ran into it. When he ran into it, he immediately saw a scene that shocked him!It's not that ye Xiao was beaten up to be a man, nor his subordinates. The whole interrogation room is full of smoke. Ye Xiao and his subordinates are all around the desk one by one, smoking cigarettes and puffing cigarette rings. It seems that there is no posture of interrogating prisoners. It's just a group of friends gathered together!

"Director!" No one thought that Zhu Yunwen would rush in directly, and was startled one by one. Except ye Xiao, almost all of them jumped up. They pinched out their cigarette ends and held them in their hands for the first time. There was a sound of hissing. It was the sound of burning flesh and blood. In fact, it had already been seen. It was just an instinctive reaction!

"Director, we..." Brother Bing's face also shows embarrassment. He wants to explain to Zhu Yunwen that he and others are moving towards Ye Xiao and persuading him to be lenient if he confesses and strict if he resists. However, Zhu Yunwen directly interrupts his words before he speaks out!

"If you don't do it, if you don't do it, ye Shao, I have no eyes. I've run into you. Please don't remember the villains. Forgive me!" Zhu Yunwen didn't care to lose face in front of his subordinates. The whole person knelt down to Ye Xiao. In such a scene, the faces of brother Bing and Xiao Lei who went down directly changed dramatically. Why did the director kneel down to him?

Not to mention them, even ye Xiao was shocked. Although he had known that the director would come to meet him for the first time, he didn't expect that he would kneel down to himself directly. What does this mean? What does it mean? What kind of position does his big brother have in these people's hearts? These people's fear of that guy is almost ordinary It's hard to think about it!

"You get up first. It has nothing to do with you." Ye Xiao said faintly, and Zhu Yunwen quickly got up from the ground!

"Ye Shao, please hurry up. Zishao is still waiting for you in my office." Zhu Yunwen wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. His face was full of smiles, and he made a gesture of asking for help!

Ye Xiao is not polite. He nods to several policemen and goes out. These policemen are already surprised and can't close their mouths

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