Anyway, now they are doing these things well. Even if the next human beings are really some heinous villains, he doesn't think so.

If you can do something well, you should try your best to do what you can do. Anyway, he doesn't know what's going on, so he feels that although he can't change cool icegrass's view of the outside world.

But at least he can work. The outside world of cool ice grass is not as complicated as he imagined, nor as bad as he imagined. In fact, there are still some beautiful places that need to be explored by them.

Now he said to cool ice grass: "in fact, you don't have to feel how afraid the outside world is. Although there are bad people, you should believe that there are always good things in the world.

The bad guys are just a small part. They are born to be kind, but after some things the day after tomorrow, the cool ice grass becomes bad. You have to believe that the outside world is always beautiful. "

Cool ice grass heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he does not agree, he does not know what Zhao Xincheng said is true or false, he does not know whether to need to believe.

However, he knows that there are many things like Zhao Xincheng said. He can't kill all the people with one stick, but he also thinks that although he can't kill all the people with one stick.

However, it is certain that something bad will happen. He doesn't want such a thing to happen, although there are many things to be done by them.

However, he felt that no matter whether he wanted to change the world's ideas or his mind to change the world, he was not in a hurry at this time, not in this moment.

Although he now heard Zhao Xincheng say so, he did not refute or agree, because he felt that he had not seen it in person.

He also doesn't want to rush through other people's mouth to describe the outside world. If he has the opportunity, he also wants to go outside to have a look.

However, he is only a plant now. When he becomes a man of practice, he will be able to go outside. This should be good.

At that time, he will investigate by himself what the world is like, and see how colorful and beautiful the outside world is.

Whether it is ugly or beautiful, whether it is good or evil, he will accept it all, as long as he lets him see it and let him feel it.

In fact, it's already very good. In any case, there will be a lot of things that will happen next, and he won't think about it. He just feels that if these things can be done, they can finish with so much energy.

Anyway, he thinks that there are many things, although he can not do according to his own ideas, but as long as he works hard, there should not be some bad situations, and there should not be some bad things.

So he now said to Zhao Xincheng, "yes, I actually see you through me. I also think that the outside world should not be as vicious as they say, and not as ugly as they say.

However, I still think that those things can be done by ourselves. If we don't do them according to our ideas, it's certainly nothing. But if we say this, as we think, it's OK.

Anyway, we have a lot of ideas and opinions. If we can do something well, it's OK to do something. "

Because in the eyes of cool icegrass, even if the outside world is so colorful, colorful and colorful, he doesn't feel it.

Because he didn't go to see it, he didn't want to listen to others. He just wanted to investigate and see what the outside world looked like.

"Little brother, if I have a chance, I still hope that I can go to the outside world to have a look, to have a look, to think about what the outside world looks like. Maybe I will change my view of you human beings then."

In fact, cool ice grass he did not say is he, in fact, after seeing Zhao Xincheng, he has also changed his view on people, although he said that he had changed.

He didn't say that from the sky to the ground, such changes could be made, but at least there should be changes. He felt that human beings were not like those before.

He said so many bad, so many vicious, at least now Zhao Xincheng is not vicious, is a very good person.

It's not very good. I don't know what's wrong with him. He just thinks that what he should do must be done. He must try his best to finish what he should do.

He wants to go with Zhao Xincheng to see what his friends are like? Whether his new friend's condition can be cured or not, it may cast off their immediate priority.

As for the other things, as to when he will cultivate his life and when he will go out into the outside world, he will certainly have nothing to do with him.

In his eyes, in fact, there are many things, absolutely can not be done according to his ideas, but he will try his best to do those things.Anyway, he thinks there are a lot of things that will not be like what he imagined, but he will definitely try to do the things that he thinks can be done well.

He doesn't think too much about things that he can't do, and he doesn't think about how much. He thinks that many things can be done well.

As for the other things, we should just do them, and we should not do them. Now Zhao Xincheng has heard the words of cool icegrass. He knows that cool icegrass has some ideas of thinking about himself.

So he thinks it's nothing. Besides, he also thinks what the outside world is like.

Whether it's good or bad, no matter what it looks like, it's actually about thinking about it and seeing it by yourself. Maybe it's better. After all, the world in other people's population is depicted by others, and everyone's imagination is certainly different.

Therefore, he still hopes to let cool icegrass dig and find it by themselves. Since cool icegrass also wants to discover it by himself, he certainly won't say anything more and will not feel like it.

He just thinks that it will be better if we try our best to do what we should do and try our best to finish what should be done. As for other things, we can do them as soon as we can, and there is nothing that we can't do.

He can only do what he should do, and he will try his best to finish it. If he can't do it, he won't feel like it.

He felt that all the people in the world are like this, very hard to live, very hard to climb up, he certainly will not stay in place.

He didn't have this kind of consciousness at all. When he saw the cool ice grass, he wanted to go to the outside world by himself. If he went swimming, his position was very good.

So he thought that he still supported the idea that they talked about. Since he wanted to go out and have a look outside, he could feel what the outside world was like.

Then he must support lengbingcao unconditionally, because he feels that lengbingcao is like a little boy, with curiosity about the outside world.

His vision and imagination of the outside world. Although he thinks that Leng bingcao may have a little misunderstanding about the outside world, it doesn't matter. When does lengbingcao go out by himself.

After seeing how beautiful the outside world is, he will change some views on his own, and change these views, which can not be reversed by others.

He didn't think that he should do these things well.

Because he thinks you don't need to do some useless work. Anyway, he will try his best to do what can be done well, but there is nothing wrong with what he can't do.

He thinks that although many things can't be done, he will try his best to do the things he thinks can be done well.

Anyway, there will be a lot of things to do, waiting for him to explore, and he does not want to because he is not very good.

And cause some unnecessary trouble, he felt that he would try his best to do what he could, and would try his best to finish what he could do.

So he also felt nothing, since can meet, then prove that they are predestined, so he still don't help him now.

Cool ice grass has some other ideas. Of course, he knows that Zhao Xincheng must have this item. I want to tell myself that at that time, he thought he didn't want to say that now.

In any case, their urgent task now is to rescue the little boy. They only feel that they can say and do what they can, and when they can meet them, they can't do anything and have no idea.

"Little brother, how beautiful the outside world is. I will go to see it myself and think about it. The most important thing now is to rescue your friend. See what happened to him, so you don't have to worry about it all the time

Zhao Xincheng now heard cool ice grass say so, he nodded, he can only cool ice grass, he is also for his consideration, he is now the most important thing is to think about how to do next.

It is to think about how to finish those things next. After all, the little boy is in a coma, but he doesn't know how to help him.

If we can help small and medium-sized boys, we must be. If we can't help them, he doesn't know what to do.

His position and the situation of his coma are not expected to be solved as soon as possible.

Cool ice grass to go with the little boy, not long after he saw, will soon come to that place Oh, is the blood red five night that water source place.

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