Now after seeing that place, his heart is also very excited. He feels that he can see the little boy immediately, and that he can see the little boy wake up from the coma. He feels very happy.

Seeing Zhao Xincheng become so happy, he naturally knew that they were about to arrive at their destination. Cool ice grass is actually very happy, cool ice grass thinks that since he thinks they are about to arrive at the destination.

Then he can see what kind of situation Zhao Xincheng's friend is like, and he also wants to challenge himself to see if he can solve it, so that he can know that he can solve it in the end.

But if the situation is not so warm, he should not use too much effort to save the little boy's appearance, which makes him feel eager to try.

If you want to see how capable you are and whether you can take these things, it's best to let him know that he is full of treasures and that he can save people in the midst of fire and water.

But he has never tried, he never knows how powerful his ability is, although he is now very happy.

Zhao Xincheng doesn't know. In fact, he doesn't have the experience of saving people, but he thinks that since liangbingcao has agreed.

He can also do this thing well, so he will work hard to do it well. There is no need to worry too much. Since it is cool ice grass, he is willing to come here with him to rescue the little boy.

Then he should not launch some bad things, he should not go to cool ice grass. Put forward some high requirements, should not do these things well.

Therefore, he also has his own ideas and opinions. If he can, of course, he hopes that he can do these things well and try his best to do them well.

But if he couldn't do it, he wouldn't feel any better. Now he said to cool ice grass: "I'll arrive at my destination soon.

I hope you can help my friend, but if you really can't help, you don't need to have any psychological burden, anyway, you have tried and experienced.

If the result is really unsatisfactory, I will not blame heaven and earth, and I will not blame myself. After all, the end is like this, and I have no way to overturn any ending

Cool ice grass heard this, he nodded, in fact, his heart is like this, anyway, he will try his best to help the friend in his mouth, must be trying to help.

Because he also knows how his ability looks. If he can't solve it, he has no way. He can't sacrifice himself to do these things well.

Although he also knows that there will be many problems, there will be many problems, but it does not matter.

As long as they try to believe him, no matter what kind of problems, no matter what problems, there are traces to follow, they can work very hard to do well, and can all be changed.

So next, he still felt that he would try his best to do all the things he should do and try to finish the things that should be done.

He didn't know how to give an accurate answer. He didn't know how to give an accurate answer. Anyway, he thought it was good to drive, just try to do it well.

As for other things, he did not know, so those let him hear, after Zhao Xincheng said so, he had nothing to say except nod.

Zhao Xincheng felt very happy when he saw liangbingcao nodding. After all, he also knew that this was not the responsibility of liangbingcao, nor his task.

To help him is also because cool ice grass is a better person, but also because of his people, he is more kind, if it is to change to other people.

It is estimated that he will not come, although he has already been very grateful for liangbingcao. No matter whether liangbingcao can help him or not and whether he can do a good job in the future, he doesn't think so.

Anyway, he knew that he could do something well next, so he tried his best to do it well. It was really not good. What could he do? Was he going to demand anyone.

If there is no way to let the little boy get out of the state when he is trying hard, he will not blame the cool ice grass, nor the blood red crow. Of course, he will not blame himself.

It's only because their timing is not right, and their ability is not enough. So he doesn't know how to get there. He has a face that can open his mind.

Anyway, he knew that the owner of the underground palace would protect them well, and would let the little boy not fall into some dangerous situation. In fact, it was very good.

No matter what kind of bad things will happen next, no matter what kind of problems he will encounter, he must feel that as long as they work hard.

In fact, no matter what kind of difficulties they encounter, there will be a lot of road to go and a lot of things to do.If they are stagnant just because they have encountered some difficulties for the time being, he will think that they must be very bad.

Cool ice grass does not have much psychological burden, nor much ideological burden. What he can do can be done by doing. He knows that they have gone through that, regardless of the outcome, they are all inclusive, and they can accept it.

It doesn't matter whether they can make them happy or not. He said to liangbingcao, "because I've worked hard, I've experienced it, and you've helped me, so the ending is doomed by heaven.

You don't need too much pressure, let me ask you to help me, but if you really can't let the little boy let my friend.

I won't blame you for letting the little boy come out of his lethargy. You just have to do your best. You don't have to feel too heavy a burden

Liang bingcao really thinks so in his heart, and he doesn't have much burden. However, even if he doesn't have any burden in his heart, he is a little reluctant to hear Zhao Xincheng say so to him.

His ability is very strong. That's it. He clearly doesn't believe his ability. So he said to Zhao Xincheng, "Hey, little brother, don't do this. You don't have any confidence in me. In fact, I'm still very strong.

I'm sure I will try my best to do what I should do well, and although I don't know what your friend's situation is now, we will arrive soon, and I will have some opinions when the time comes.

No matter whether it can be cured or not, I will try my best to do it naturally. Since I promise you, I will try my best to finish it. You don't have to be greedy

Zhao Xincheng heard cool ice grass say so, he nodded, also did not say those words any more, anyway, they are about to arrive at the destination now.

When the time comes to see the situation of the little boy, cool ice grass will naturally have its own research, naturally will have its own consideration.

He said to me now these actually have no effect, now they came to the little boy's side, cool ice grass saw the little boy, he did not say anything.

Because of liangbingcao, he felt that the situation of the little boy was also in his expectation, and it was not serious to any extent. Fortunately, Zhao Xincheng has been persistently looking for him, and has been working hard to find him.

In fact, the situation of the little boy is not so serious, although compared with some normal conditions, it is indeed serious.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, he will help the little boy. Since they have met so much now, it is also a kind of fate.

He certainly won't let their fate drift with the tide, and he won't let them suffer some damage. He doesn't know what will happen next.

But since they have met, let them go through it, then the next step is to try our best to do these things.

Cool ice grass, he looked left and right, looked east and West, he looked from the version of the little boy from the body, all over this side, he was there thinking about what to do.

Little boy and he are very big should be, in fact, there are a lot of things can be both, it is not necessary to sleep and damage some not very good things.

Although he is also thinking now, Zhao Xincheng saw cool ice grass, they had been looking east and West, and now suddenly they are still there.

It's as important as thinking. Now lengbingcao must be thinking about how to save the little boy. He didn't appear to disturb cool icegrass.

I still hope that cool icegrass can think of it. If it can, he will feel very happy.

He did not disturb the cool ice grass. After thinking about it, he finally came up with a good method, because the pollen on his body actually has the function of saving diseases and treating people.

He now thinks that maybe he can take the pollen out of his body, and then use the blood red crow to protect the water as a drug guide, and then let the little boy drink it. It is estimated that he can wake up from his deep sleep.

However, he has never done such a thing. He just thinks about what he can do through the thoughts in his mind.

He doesn't know whether he can do it in the end, but he will do it by himself. Who makes him wake up and think about his surroundings.

Zhao Xincheng saw that the cool ice grass came out of the sleeping state, so he said to the cool ice grass: "how, cool ice grass, how is the situation of the little boy now? Can you wake him up from his deep sleep? "

Cool ice grass he heard Zhao Xincheng ask, he nodded, he felt that the little boy's situation is not too serious, although it is a little bit serious, it is completely controllable.

So, now liangbingcao said to Zhao Xincheng, "don't worry, how could he have any accidents with me? Anyway, I believe that through my efforts.

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