This cold-blooded and cruel evil star, this one who never takes anyone's eyes, this evil star who beat all over Bashu, will even shed tears? Are you dreaming?

Apart from Qiu Shuai, several people have never met Zimo, but they know him a lot. They never thought that the first Yamen in Bashu would shed tears!

Ye Xiao's eyes also twinkled with tears. Although the two have been in secret contact, but since that time, they haven't seen each other for many years? So many years did not meet, the two people's feelings not only did not weaken, but more profound, it is a kind of blood thicker than the water even closer feelings!

The two men can still hold back the tears, while Murong Mingyan on one side has already burst into tears. Other people may not know, but she clearly knows what the feelings between the two brothers represent?

Their parents were the best brothers, and their parents abandoned them at the same time. When they were very young, they were a pair of orphans who had no father's love and mother's love. However, such a pair of difficult brothers and sisters became the youngest heroes in China step by step by relying on their own skills. No one knows how much hardship they have suffered in recent years Not many people can understand that kind of emotion between them!

Now, these two brothers and sisters, who have not met for many years, finally get together again!

The eyes of situ Haoyue were also full of tears. Although she didn't know what kind of experience they had, she felt the absolute trust and absolute concern between the two men. She was also moved by the two men's meeting. She was deeply happy with Ye Xiao and her brother!

Even Zhang muyue has some tears!

"By the way, what's the matter with you? How come I was taken to the police station just after I came back? " Two big men almost forced the tears in his eyes, and then purple desert said softly!

On hearing such gentle words, director Liu and others, who are familiar with Zimo's character, are shocked again. Is this still the cold-blooded evil spirit that they are familiar with? When did he wait for tenderness?

However, such gentle words in Qiu Shuai's ears made him more frightened than his indifferent words. What does it mean that he can speak to Ye Xiao so gently? It shows ye Xiao's position in his mind, but now, he even calculated Ye Xiao. If he knew it, it would be all right?

Qiu Shuai directly turned his eyes to Zhu Yunwen, hoping that this guy would not betray himself.

Zhu Yunwen was also in a cold sweat at this time. Although Ye Xiao was ok, it did not mean that he would be OK. With Zimo's temper, if he knew that he had worked with Qiu Shuai to calculate his brother, he would certainly not let himself go. Zhu Yunwen's eyes fell on Ye Xiao, hoping that he could really forget the villains and spare himself this time His eyes, that is to see or not to see, now he is too busy to protect himself!

"Ha ha, let's not talk about it. Let me introduce you to Mr. situ. You have to call it uncle. This is Aunt Zhang. This is situ Haoyue. Uncle, auntie, Haoyue. This is my elder brother, purple desert." Ye Xiao takes a glance at Qiu Shuai, only makes Qiu Shuai's heart cold. Does he know all about it? Did Zhu Yunwen disclose it? At the thought of this possibility, Qiu Shuai hated Zhu Yunwen to the bone, but now it is not good to show it!

"Oh? It turns out that this is uncle situ. Hehe, in this case, this one should be a sister-in-law who hasn't passed through? " Zimo laughs and quickly goes forward to shake hands with situ Haoyue and others. When shaking hands with situ Haoyue, he laughs and makes situ Haoyue have a big red face on the spot!

As for ye Xiao, also a burst of bitter smile, this matter is originally set by the old man, Zimo naturally also knows! Qiu Shuai, who is not far away, is almost pale at this time. His sister-in-law and mother-in-law, what kind of wind does Laozi have today? How could you think of this evil girl's daughter-in-law? Isn't it a long life?

Situ Nan and others are also smiling. This guy is Ye Xiao's elder brother? Never heard him talk about such a big brother? However, hearing his surname and seeing his striking purple hair, situ Nan had already guessed who his descendants were!

"Now, what's going on here?" Speaking of this, purple desert's eyes also fell on Qiu Shuai's body, this guy's disposition he how many some understand, has also guessed some!

"Hehe, I have to ask this one!" Ye Xiao's face showed a faint smile, and his eyes fell on Qiu Shuai's body. The reason why he came to the police station with such cooperation was to wait for his arrival?

When he got off the plane, the guy rushed up and accosted situ Haoyue, which made him unhappy. He didn't expect that he didn't give up his heart and insisted on putting power on others. No wonder he himself!

"Ha ha, ye Shao laughed. I just got off the plane and came to see Uncle Zhu on my way. I didn't expect Ye Shao to be framed by a group of bastards. I asked Uncle Zhu to release Ye Shao's first. Who knows zishao is just coming, I'm..." Seeing the two people's eyes, Qiu Shuai's heart was beating drums. He quickly explained to himself that before Zimo came, he really came to speak for ye Xiao. It's nothing to say so!"Ha ha..." Zimo just looked at Qiu Shuai, and didn't even ask about it like Zhu Yunwen. He came to Qiu Shuai's side step by step!

"What you say is true?" Purple desert sneers and says!

"Really, it's all true. If zishao doesn't believe it, you can ask Uncle Zhu!" Although there is no guarantee that Zhu Yunwen will betray himself, Qiu Shuai can't care so much at this time. He only asks Zhu Yunwen not to betray himself. How can he say that he is also involved in this matter? If Zimo knows about it, there will be no good fruit to eat!

"Ha ha, I believe, I believe you're the devil!" Qiu Mo's face, however, is a smile from the front to the back of the desk!

"Bang..." Qiu Shuai's head smashed heavily on the desk, and the mahogany desk was smashed with a crack. As for Qiu Shuai's head, a big hole was naturally broken, and blood flowed directly out, and his clothes were quickly dyed red!

Seeing such violent purple desert, situ Haoyue finally understood why he and ye Xiao would become the best brothers. They were just two violent elements!

The same strong, the same overbearing, the same violence, but also the same enough man!

Seeing such a gentle and beautiful man in Zimo suddenly showed such a violent and bloody side, situ Nan and his wife's faces were shocked again. This feeling was like a gentle lamb suddenly turned into a violent Tyrannosaurus Rex, which shocked people. And Zhu Suo and Liu, who had heard of Zimo's name for a long time, were all trembling!

They finally saw the legendary evil star, the cold-blooded and merciless evil star means. The other party was also a childe of the Secretary of the political commissar. They even said that they would fight. The fight was not vague at all, and it was so miserable? It's a mahogany table of solid wood. How much strength is needed?

"Truth!" Purple desert has no expression, one hand holds Qiu Shuai, coldly says!

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