Zimo's tone was extremely cold, which made Qiu Shuai feel as if he had been entangled by more than ten cold cobras. There was only fear left in his heart, which was an instinctive fear. He even had no doubt that if he didn't do what Zimo said, this guy would tear himself directly!

Without any concealment, Qiu Shuai said his idea as quickly as possible. He was really afraid at this moment!

After listening to Qiu Shuai's narration, the faces of situ Nan and his wife suddenly darkened. They didn't expect that everything happened today was arranged by this guy!

There was no big change in situ Haoyue's face. It was obvious that he had already expected all this. Now it is just confirmed from Qiu Shuai's mouth!

On the contrary, a strange smile appeared on Zimo's indifferent face!

"Ye Xiao, it seems that the daughter-in-law that the old man selected for you was very good. Just after arriving in Chengdu, he attracted the favor of our eldest son Qiu. Ha ha, now that people are here, you can do whatever you want! I'll take all the consequences! " Purple desert light smile, directly threw Qiu Shuai to Ye Xiao's front!

One side heard this sentence situ Haoyue is a jade face red, but shyly dropped his head!

As soon as he heard how to deal with it, Qiu Shuai's face was as ugly as the old zombies of ten thousand years. He had no doubt that if ye Xiao really wanted to kill himself, Zimo would cover it up well. With his huge energy, he really killed himself, and his father would not have any way!

In Bashu, he is such a tyrant!

But in the face of Zimo's icy breath, Qiu Shuai doesn't even have the courage to beg for mercy. He just looks at Ye Xiao with a pair of pitiful eyes. He only hopes that ye Xiao can let him go. Anyway, he hasn't made too many mistakes now, doesn't he?

Ye Xiao looks at Qiu Shuai and Zimo. His eyes twinkle with moving color. He knows that Zimo is completely out of his anger for himself, and his sentence, how to deal with it depends on you. His commitment to all the consequences makes Ye Xiao feel that this is the brother, the real brother. No matter how much interest is involved in this matter, he will not hesitate to stand on his own side Edge!

Once again, his eyes fell on Qiu Shuai's body, looking at the guy with blood flowing on his forehead, but he didn't dare to wipe it. His mouth said faintly, "let's just forget it. It's not a big deal anyway."

Zimo has taught this guy a good lesson for him, and there is really no need to do anything to him. How to say that his father is the political commissar Secretary of Rongcheng. If he is really done, he will bring some trouble to Zimo! Zimo thinks for him completely, how can he be so selfish?

"Thank you, ye Shao, thank you so much!" Hearing Ye Xiao say it's over, Qiu Shuai's heart has been hanging down, and he quickly thanks again and again!

"You're lucky to meet such a kind and honest man as my brother. Since he said he'd let it go, let's go." Zimo didn't expect Ye Xiao to say it directly, but he said it was up to Ye Xiao to deal with it. Since ye Xiao said so, forget it!

When situ Haoyue heard Zimo say ye Xiao is such a kind and honest man, he almost laughed. You are the evil star. Otherwise, if you let Ye Xiao deal with it alone, who knows if Qiu Shuai will directly evaporate from the world!

Ye Xiao's method is no worse than you!

However, thinking of the two demon like characters together, it actually played a negative positive effect, situ Haoyue's mouth appeared a faint smile!

"Thank you zishao, thank you yeshao!" As soon as he heard Zimo let himself go, Qiu Shuai Ru was granted amnesty and nodded to them again and again. He quickly ran outside, but he did not dare to look at situ Haoyue again!

"You are a good boy now. The young master of the Secretary of the political and legal committee looks at you as if he saw a demon king. He was beaten by you, and he was very grateful to you. Hehe, Niubi, it's really awesome!" Seeing Qiu Shuai running away in a hurry, ye Xiao gives a thumbs up to purple desert!

"Get out of here. No matter how powerful you are, there is no old chief to support me. Can you be a force?" Zimo scolded, and director Liu and director Zhu, who heard this sentence, were startled. Especially Zhu Yunwen, the cold sweat on his forehead was once again pouring down, and the old leader supported him? Is this humble guy supported by an old chief?

Oh, my God. What's the matter with me today? How could you offend such a man?

As for ye Xiao, when he heard this sentence, he was embarrassed and glared at Zimo fiercely. The thing that the old leader supported for him was naturally the destruction of Lin heartless's wedding. Now his fiancee in name is still nearby?

"Ha ha, are you going back to see the old man? Let's go. I'm going to see the old man and give you a ride. We'll have a good drink in the evening Seeing ye Xiao's staring eyes, Zimo thought that his fiancee was still beside him. Fortunately, he didn't say anything more, otherwise this matter would be troublesome!

Now he said with a ha ha, he didn't know that he knew some rumors in situ Nan's identity. Otherwise, how could he be eager to marry his daughter out?If you don't take the initiative, what if ye Xiao and Tan's family come together? A man, especially a successful man, has a few confidants. What is that?

Don't talk about others, even if he himself is outside, don't he have several lovers?

If other girls, he doesn't have to be so nervous. After all, in terms of status and status, they are not as good as their own daughters, and their daughters and ye Xiao are the relatives of the older generation, which naturally occupy an advantage. However, the girls of Tan family are different. It's a noble family in Kyoto. People's identity is not worse than their own daughters Under the circumstances, if the two people really friction what?

With the character of Tan's family, you can't let your children be lovers. It's too late! So situ Nan can't wait to finish their marriage!

No matter what happens in the future, situ Haoyue is Ye Xiao's rightful wife, not!

Stu Nan's abacus was so skillful that he pretended not to know it even though he knew it!

Seeing ye Xiao and Zifeng go out directly, he nodded to Director Liu. He said hello and took his daughter and others to go out!

If at ordinary times, director Liu may also feel that situ Nan has neglected himself. After all, he is in a hurry to come here, and now he is leaving. But now he knows that he has countless ties with Zimo, and his attitude towards situnan has changed dramatically!

He was satisfied that he could not forget his friend when he left!

When they walked out of the police station, they saw a military convertible SUV parked at the gate. There was a turntable machine gun on the cover of the SUV in front of it. Looking at this posture, people's forehead immediately burst into a cold sweat. Is this guy too tough? Even driving out all the field vehicles used for fighting?

And ye Xiao finally understood, why did he come so fast? Who dares to stop a chariot with a heavy machine gun on the road? But the one who dares to drive such a field car on the road is only for private affairs. It is estimated that he is the only one in China?

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