"Well, I'm sorry, uncle situ and aunt Yan. I just came here alone. I'll call the car right away!" Zimo didn't think it was a big deal to drive out in a field car. Since he became the deputy commander of the wolf field army, he has been doing this all the time. In the whole Bashu, no one dares to ask him for trouble!

He just thinks that his car can't hold so many people, and ye Xiao has nothing to do. It seems that it's not appropriate to let aunt Yan, situ Haoyue and other beautiful women squeeze such a car with him!

Purple Mo apologetically said, about to make a phone call, a row of black Mercedes Benz cars came over, soon stopped in the street in front of the police station, a man about 30 years old took the lead to get off the car, bumped his butt and ran to this side, while running, while wiping the cold sweat on his forehead and head!

"Ha ha, purple desert, don't bother so much, the people who pick us up are coming!" Seeing the visitor, situ Nan said a word to Zimo with a smile, and then looked at the comer calmly!

"Chairman, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The person who came here is the manager of Tu's group's office in Chengdu. Knowing that he has made a big mistake today, he has not run to the office and has begun to apologize repeatedly!

"What's going on?" In front of Ye Xiao's face, situ Nan was not easy to get angry and snorted coldly!

The manager didn't dare to hide it. He directly happened to them after they came to the airport. It turned out that Qiu Shuai had already investigated the identity of situ Nan and others. Relying on his own relationship, he found some traffic police nearby and transferred them to one side!

It was only after Qiu Shuai left the police station that the traffic police immediately let them go and told them where situ Nan and others were. Qiu Shuai didn't want to be missed by Ye Xiao!

"This guy again?" Hearing the narration of the experience, Zimo's face was gloomy, and he snorted coldly. It seemed that he felt that it was inappropriate for him to let Qiu Shuai go so early. Just now, this boy didn't completely CONFESS!

"Hehe, purple desert, forget it, it's just like this!" Seeing the apology on Zimo's face, situ Nan also said with a smile. Now he can be regarded as ye Xiao's father-in-law. Zimo is Ye Xiao's brother-in-law. Naturally, he should think about Zimo. Maybe a secretary of the political and legal committee is nothing, but it is unwise to offend a secretary of the political and Legal Committee for such a small matter!

He was a businessman, and he paid attention to making money by being amiable. Situ Nan would not have been so stupid!

"All right, then." Seeing that situ Nan said so, Zimo didn't say much!

"Yan elder sister, you and uncle and they take a car together, I talk to this guy!" Ye Xiao also said at this time!

"Good!" Murong Mingyan agreed and went to the Mercedes Benz!

And situ Haoyue also knew that ye Xiao and Zimo must have a lot to say, so he took Murong Mingyan's arm and walked towards the Mercedes Benz. Soon, a row of black Mercedes Benz were led by a field cross-country vehicle equipped with heavy machine guns and headed for Jinxian County!

Jin county is not too far from the airport, but the place where the old man lives is in a valley. Although there have been great changes in various places in Bashu over the years, the place where he lives has not been completely connected with cement road. When entering the mountain, the motorcade is very careful!

Of course, this kind of rugged mountain road has little impact on the field chariots. Zimo is driving to take care of the Mercedes Benz behind, so he drives slowly!

"Ready to get married?" Next to the cliff, purple desert is stretched out his hand to take out a box of cigarettes, from which he took out a cigarette, lit it in his mouth, said slowly, as if he didn't worry about the car falling down at all!

"The old man asked me to go back to get married. Can I refute it?" Ye Xiao grabs a cigarette and takes out a cigarette to light. He turns a blind eye to Zimo's hands leaving the steering wheel!

"Shit, I think that girl is good. She is knowledgeable and reasonable. She is also beautiful. She should have a figure, a good appearance, and a family background. How can you look at you like you don't want to be like that?" Seeing ye Xiao's bitter smile, purple desert turned a white eye on the spot!

"Well, she and I are just friends!" The bitter color on Ye Xiao's face is more intense. Zimo said it well. Situ Haoyue is a first-class spouse candidate no matter from what aspect. If he marries her, he will not lose at all, but this matter is not so simple!

"Friend?" Zimo sneers, but his meaning is very obvious, can't you kid have no idea to her?

"Well, I admit, I do have an idea for her, but our relationship is really just a friend, at least I think about her..."

"It's not strong to tan yet, is it?" Before ye Xiao finishes, Zimo has already taken over the topic. Ye Xiao makes a big red face on the spot. It seems that it is really such a thing. It is not only smiling, but also Qianqian, YUEWU and

At the thought of all kinds of women lingering around him, ye Xiao's head suddenly became a little big. When did he have so many women in his heart?

See ye Xiao even blush, purple desert forehead appeared a root of black lines, it seems that this guy is very coquettish these years, even caught up with so many pink peach blossom!"Send you eight words, no matter how many women, there is no need to worry!"

"Which eight words?" Ye Xiao put out a pair of modesty to ask for advice!

"It's better to kill wrong than to let go!" Purple desert a face serious say!

"Go away!" Ye Xiao was very angry. He thought there would be a good move. It turned out that it was this shabby move. Just when the two brothers were fighting and making trouble, the cross-country chariot finally drove into the small mountain village where the old man lived!

This is a small mountain village, but it is really a small mountain village. When the off-road vehicle drives through the depression, what you see is a small gully with only more than 20 families. Even these vehicles can't drive into the gully, they can only park on a huge flat dam. After getting off the car, they still need to walk for a distance!

Ye Xiao and Zi Mo jumped out of the cross-country chariot at the same time, and the rear motorcade opened the door successively. Si Dunan, Zhang muyue, Murong Mingyan and situ Haoyue got off the vehicle successively!

"Uncle, auntie, we can't open to traffic, we can only walk! Please forgive me Ye Xiao apologetically stepped forward and said to situ Nan that he was also his father-in-law and was really good to himself. Naturally, he would treat him politely!

"Ha ha, ye Xiao, you are almost a family. What are you doing so politely? It's a beautiful place to walk. The old man chose a good place Situ Nan ha ha ha a smile, did not care to say!

Zhang muyue also said repeatedly that it didn't matter. Although she frowned when she saw the rugged roads, she did not dare to be dissatisfied at the thought of the old man who almost changed the situ family!

As for situ Haoyue, when she got off the bus and saw the original mountain village scenery, her eyes had already twinkled with joy. She grew up in a big city and went to many places to visit. However, no matter which scenic spot there was, there were many traces of artificial construction. Where there was such a simple village, her first feeling was like coming to another place It's like a world!

When Murong Mingyan finally got out of the car, she had a look of nostalgia in her eyes when she saw the small village. She had not been here for a long time. Here is the place where ye Xiao's childhood is recorded. The little boy who once bare his buttocks and wanted to hold himself has grown into a man of indomitable spirit

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