The nearest house in Pingba is a mountain road three or four miles away. According to situ Nan's order, all the bodyguards stayed in the car and were responsible for guarding the car. This is a mountainous area, so no one should run here to their disadvantage. Besides, there are two super masters like Ye Xiao and Zimo. Even if someone really comes, they are just looking for death There's no need to be afraid of anyone!

Ye Xiao is leading the way in front of the cross-country chariot, but Zimo goes to the front of the cross-country chariot. He twists off the screw cap with bare hands, and twists up the heavy machine gun that weighs hundreds of Jin. It looks like an ordinary toy machine gun. This scene makes stunan's bodyguards change their faces one by one. This guy looks gentle and quiet, how So strong? But they didn't see the scene of Zimo and ye Xiao hitting each other!

"What are you doing with this gun?" Ye Xiao is not surprised to see Zimo wring the machine gun. He said that the boy could lift a huge stone when he was a child. He just wondered why Zimo twisted such a machine gun on the road!

"There is game at the back of the gully. When you're free, I'll try some game for my younger brother and sister!" Zimo said casually, as if to say a most common thing, listen to in the ear of Ye Xiao is secretly wipe a cold sweat on the forehead, NIMA, with a heavy machine gun on the chariot to hunt, and the bad guy can do it?

The faces of Mr. and Mrs. situnan also changed slightly. They are worthy of Ye Xiao's brothers. This is simply a masterpiece. No, it should be a rarity!

At present, a group of people walked along a winding path towards the gully, which was only three or four miles away. If ye Xiao and Zimo ran at full speed, it would take at most one or two minutes. However, there were women wearing high-heeled shoes, such as Zhang muyue, whose speed was greatly slowed down!

It took about 20 minutes to walk down the hillside and come to the door of the first farmer. There was a young couple who had been staring at this side. When it was clear that ye Xiao was the first person walking in the front, they immediately returned to the house and kept the doors and windows in strict control!

It's not only the first one. They go all the way, and some people close the doors and windows immediately. It looks like they're trying to prevent ghosts from entering the village!

Seeing such a scene, situ Nan asked curiously, "what's going on with them? Are you afraid of strangers? "

As soon as he heard situ Nan's question, ye Xiao's face turned red again. Why did these people hide like they saw a ghost when they saw him? Was it not that when he was a child, he often beat these guys and couldn't score the southeast, northwest, northwest?

How could he explain such a thing to situ Nan? Just looking for a reason to explain the situation, Zimo, who was following him, said: "Uncle situ, they are not afraid of strangers, but they are afraid of Ye Xiao, the little devil. This boy is a very violent element. When he was a child, he often beat up the children in this village. It can be said that none of them has not been beaten by him!"

Hearing Zimo's words, ye Xiao wishes that the stone would crush the boy to death, and then find a crack to drill in. This is all a childish thing. How could he take it for example?

Situ Nan's implicit smile, eyes have looked at Purple desert, Miao seems that you are not a safe person, right? And situ Haoyue, who walked with Murong Mingyan and Zhang muyue, had already laughed directly!

Hearing the silver bell like laughter of situ Haoyue, Rao Shi Ye Xiao is very thick skinned, and he is also a little uncomfortable at this time. Fortunately, this small village is too small, and has arrived at the end of the village after a few steps!

"Yes, I lived here when I was a child, and there are yubai and the three of them!" Ye Xiao pointed to a fence yard in front of him and said!

Beside the courtyard, there is a huge locust tree. Beside the locust tree, there is a clear stream. The water of the stream splashes from the top to the bottom. It looks like a picture!

I said, "Xiaoye came back to the gate and opened the gate."

Then situ Nan and others saw an old man sitting on a chair chopping firewood slowly raising his head!

The old man's hair was completely pale, and he looked as if he had a very old age. But when he looked up, he saw that his face was very ruddy, not like an old man at all, but like a middle-aged man. His appearance was quite handsome, and his turbid eyes also burst out all kinds of essence when he saw Ye Xiao!

This is a man who looks like a man in his eighties at first sight, and at most in his thirties at the second eye. When you look at him at the third eye, you can't tell his age!

"You son of a bitch, you're not big yet. I'll fight you!" The old man snorted coldly, and suddenly an ax struck on a piece of firewood, which immediately shot at Ye Xiao like a cannon ball!

Ye Xiao's first reaction was to dodge quickly, but in that case, situ Nan, who was following him, might not be attacked. With his body, he could not bear such a blow!

As a result, ye Xiao could only step forward and hit the flying wood with a fist!"Bang!" At the sound of the sound, inch strength suddenly burst, ye Xiao's fist hit the wood hard, the wood immediately burst, burst into the sky of sawdust fragments!

And ye Xiao's fist, also appeared bursts of red!

At this time, the old man had already put the axe on the ground, and the man had already stood up. He was wearing a light blue robe, and his long white hair was casually draped behind his head!

The manner is very casual, but also reveals a natural beauty. Just now, the feeling was just a country old man, rustic, but in the blink of an eye, he felt a floating breath, which is more noble than aristocracy!

There is no doubt that if he dressed up like this and walked into the city, those high-ranking ladies would be crazy because of him!

There is no need to introduce him. Situ Nan has already recognized this old man, who created the whole situ family at that time!

"Master!" Without any hesitation, situ Nan took the initiative to welcome up!

Murong Mingyan's face is also excited. She hasn't come to see the old man for several years. She also welcomes her with a smile!

As for Zhang muyue and situ Haoyue, it's not easy to stand still and follow situ Nan. Instead, Zimo is holding the huge machine gun and staggering at the back, without any sense of being a guest!

"Ha ha, all of you are here. Just come in and sit down." The old man laughed and nodded to situ Nan. His wise eyes swept Murong Mingyan and others, and finally fell on situ Haoyue!

Staring at by the wise eyes of the old man, Rao is used to seeing all kinds of big scenes and feels uncomfortable. It seems that the whole person is shining in front of a big light bulb with a kilowatt!

Fortunately, the old man quickly took back his eyes and took the lead to walk towards the house!

In front of the old man, he was still like an innocent child. His words and deeds were cautious, for fear of causing the old man's dissatisfaction!

Ye Xiao and Zimo looked at each other and followed them in

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