"Ye Xiao, Xiao Feng has been taken away by Zhan Guxiu, not in our hands!" Li Xiongfeng snatched the phone and said directly. He knows that cheating or delaying time is extremely unwise at this time. The best way is to Tell ye Xiao the truth and let him understand that Xiao Feng is not in their hands!

Even if he killed Li Menglin, it was useless!

At this time, at the other end of the phone, ye Xiao is sitting in a huge Humvee, driving giant Kanu, sexy Sarna in the co driver's seat, ye Xiao is sitting in the back, and Li Menglin is sitting next to him!

"You mean you can't let Xiao Feng go?" Hearing the voice from the phone, ye Xiao said coldly!

"I said, Xiao Feng has been taken away by Zhan Gu Xiu. Now we can't contact him. Even if you kill Li Menglin, it's useless!" Li Xiongfeng once again suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "this guy, how can't understand people's words all day?"?

"Well, it's no use anyway. I'll kill him and stop!" Ye Xiao said, directly hung up the phone!

"Hello, hello..." On the other end of the phone, Li Xiongfeng almost jumped up in anger. How could he be like this?

But the card slave at the end of the phone stepped on the brake and parked the Hummer on the side of the road. At this time, the Humvee had come to the suburbs, next to a jungle. Ye Xiao twisted Li Menglin and jumped down like this!

"You What are you going to do? " Li Menglin just heard the conversation between Ye Xiao and his grandfather in the car. Now, seeing ye Xiao's cold eyes, he was afraid that he would not really kill himself, would he?

"What do you say I'm going to do?" Seeing Li Menglin's frightened face, ye Xiao sneered, then threw his whole person on the lawn, and his mobile phone also fell on the ground!

Kanu also jumped out of the car, but just leaned against the side of the car, took out a big cigar and lit it slowly, while salna on the side didn't mean to get off the bus at all, so she just sat there, took out a cigarette and started smoking!

"It's none of my business. You can't kill me! Please don't kill me Seeing ye Xiao's icy eyes, Li Menglin really suspected that he would kill himself directly. At the moment, he cried out and begged for mercy!

"If you want to blame, you can only blame your uncle! He should never, never should, take my brother away Ye Xiao said coldly, with a sarcastic look on his handsome face. As the lineage of the Li family, he is such a coward who is afraid of death. No wonder the Li family has been getting worse and worse these years!

At the same time, ye Xiao took out a huge desert eagle and slowly aimed at Li Menglin!

At this time, Li Menglin's phone rang again. Li Menglin rushed forward and connected the phone as if he were a vicious dog. He knew that this should be from his grandfather. Only his grandfather would save him!

"Grandfather, help me!" Li Menglin is almost crying, a face to the phone number crying! He doesn't want to die. He really doesn't want to die!

"Waste, take the phone to Ye Xiao immediately!" At the other end of the phone came Li Xiongfeng's angry voice. He was also the son of the general at least. How could such a waste come out? Even if you were a little gutsy to die? Li's face has been lost by you, but think that this is their only grandson, now it is important to save people!

Like a pug, Li Menglin climbs up to Ye Xiao and hands up his mobile phone. He is afraid that he is not humble enough to arouse Ye Xiao's dissatisfaction, thus causing the disaster of killing life!

"If you let him go, I'll help you get Xiao Feng back!" Ye Xiao took the phone and heard Li Xiongfeng's voice coming from the other end of the phone again!

"Should I believe you?" Ye Xiao asked!

"You must believe me. Zhan Gu Xiu is a man with a big beard. No one can let big beard let Xiao Feng go except me!" Li Xiongfeng firmly said!

"Why does bearded listen to you?" Ye Xiao sneered, a pair of pressure root does not believe the appearance!

"It was our Li family who saved the life of moustache. He owed me a favor!" Li Xiongfeng at this time also can't care so much, speak directly!

"So you've got the bearded man this time?" Ye Xiao continued to ask!

"Not bad!" Li Xiongfeng said coldly!

"Well, your story is wonderful, but how can I believe it's true?" Ye Xiao said faintly!

"You..." Li Xiongfeng was so angry that his lungs almost burst. He said so much that he even said things related to beard. How could this bastard not believe it?

"Since I can't believe it, I'm sorry to say goodbye to your grandson." Ye Xiao said, directly pulled the trigger, also at this time, hang up the phone!

"You..." Li Xiongfeng, who is more than 70 years old, was so angry that he jumped up and smashed the phone on the spot. He was so angry!

"Come on, get your car and go to Jinling garden!" Li Xiongfeng was angry. This guy actually killed his grandson. Is this too lawless? Anyway, this guy has an old chief behind him. He has to ask for an explanation!This time, even if it's an old life, ye Xiao must be killed!

At the other end of the phone, the bullets of Desert Eagle almost wiped Li Menglin's scalp, and even took a large amount of hair on his head. Li Menglin was scared to urinate on the spot, and his pants were wet!

After a few minutes, I found myself still on the lawn. Looking at Ye Xiao again, I found that he was constantly flipping through his mobile phone!

"I I'm not dead? " Li Menglin some not sure asked, just now he thought he must have died, did not expect to live now!

"Not yet, but I won't know later!" Ye Xiao shook his head and did not look at Li Menglin more!

"Ye Shao, Mr. Ye and Mr. Ye, please let me go. I really don't know what they have done. Please let me go!" As soon as he heard that ye Xiao would not let go of himself, Li Menglin kowtowed to Ye Xiao on the spot. He was really afraid, and the feeling of death was really hard and hard!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Ye Xiao murmured a word, turned around and went to the car, got on the Humvee, and said to the carnou standing at the door: "Bai choufei will come soon, just give it to him!"

"Good!" Kanu nodded, but did not get on the car, just staring at Li Menglin lying on the ground!

Ye Xiao doesn't say more, starts Hummer and goes away!

"Don't you worry about your friend's safety?" On the car, sharna is very curious to ask, in her opinion, ye Xiao is heavy on love and righteousness, should not be able to ignore the lives of her friends ah!

"Worry!" Ye Xiao said frankly!

"Then why don't you accept his request?" Sarna asked curiously!

"Yes, what? Do you think he can really let big beard go? " Ye Xiao gave a faint smile!

Sharna is silent for a moment. Indeed, whether Li Xiongfeng really wants to cooperate with Ye Xiao, even if he really lets big beard go, is big beard Ken, but Zhan Gu Huken? Why does Zhan Guxiu want to capture Xiao Feng? Ye Xiao is very clear in his heart. He just wants to lead him to go. How can he release Xiao Feng at this time?

But since I knew that I would not go back to Xiaofeng, how could I have said so much to him?

"Where are we going now?" Asked the puzzled Sarna again!

"Jinling garden!"

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