Jinling garden, Li Xiongfeng angrily walked in, followed by his secretary, but when he came to the gate of the hospital, Li Xiongfeng still suppressed his anger and said politely to the guard standing at the door!

"This comrade, please inform the old leader that Li Xiongfeng wants to see you!" Anyway, the one who lives in it is the most powerful old man in China. Li Xiongfeng doesn't dare to make a real mistake!

"The old chief said that if General Li came, he would go straight in!" Who knows Li Xiongfeng is polite, the security guard is more polite, directly let go of the gate!

Li Xiongfeng was stunned. Did the old chief know he was coming? However, he said thanks and went in. As for his secretary, he stayed outside. Jinling garden is not accessible to anyone!

Walking in the Jinling garden, Li Xiongfeng felt uneasy. He really didn't understand what the old chief executive thought? Does he know that he came to question Ye Xiao this time? So give yourself a little fruit to eat in advance, so that this thing can be done? If so, you can't agree to kill yourself. Qi'er is dead. Now lin'er is dead. How can you tolerate this hatred? No matter how the old chief protects the boy, he must give an account!

Determined in his heart, Li Xiongfeng walked into the old chief executive's residence. At this time, the old chief executive was sitting on the sofa in the living room, smiling at the coming him!

"Comrade Xiong Feng, here you are. Please have a seat." Seeing Li Xiongfeng come in, although the old chief didn't get up to greet him, he said with a smile, and invited Li Xiongfeng to sit down. This makes Li Xiongfeng feel flattered!

Since Li's father went, he has not been treated like this for a long time. However, thinking that the other party is likely to speak for ye Xiao, Li Xiongfeng represses the excitement in his heart and sits opposite the old chief executive!

"Old chief, in fact, I have something to report to you this time?" After nodding and thanking the secretary who delivered the tea for himself, Li Xiongfeng said directly!

"Report? Is it to report Ye Xiao's injury to your grandson? " The old chief's brow frowned and said!

Li Xiongfeng was stunned. The old chief knew it. It seems that he really intended to intercede for ye Xiao. At the moment, Li Xiongfeng sorted out his thoughts, summoned up courage and said, "yes, old chief, although Ye Xiao has made great contributions to the country, he first killed Lin and then Mengqi. Now even Menglin has been killed by him. You can't ignore such a murderer !”

Hearing Li Xiongfeng's explanation, the old chief's eyebrows wrinkled. He didn't speak immediately. Seeing the old chief's expression, Li Xiongfeng felt a burst of drum beating in his heart. At this level, would you like to cover him up?

"Old chief, there are family rules and state laws. You have always taught us that the prince violates the law and the common people share the same crime. Everyone is equal before the law, ye Xiao..."

"Everyone is equal?" Without waiting for Li Xiongfeng to finish, the old chief officer has directly interrupted him!

"Yes, everyone should be equal before the law!" Although he didn't understand why the old chief executive suddenly interrupted himself, Li Xiongfeng still opened his mouth!

"Do you think that after so many years, can everyone really be equal?" the old chief's tone was slightly heavy, and his words were helpless!

He came from the war years and always set an example, but it doesn't mean that all the people around him set an example. If all of them were equal, why should he spend so much effort to weaken the strength of these noble families? Isn't it just to give those born in poor families more opportunities?

Of course, the old leaders also understand that if one powerful family is overthrown, another will rise. However, many things are clearly aware that it is impossible to succeed and must be done! At least, the power of China can be controlled by more people, not just those big families!

When asked by the old chief executive, Li Xiongfeng's words were blocked. Over the years, which of these big family's children, including the Li family, is not above the law, as long as it does not involve the interests of other big families, even if their children kill some people, they are still not free from the law!

Everyone is equal before the law, which is just a empty word. Even if it is as powerful as the old chief executive, it is impossible to really realize this sentence!

"Xiongfeng, how many years has your father been there?" Seeing Li Xiongfeng's silence, the old chief asked suddenly!

Li Xiongfeng was stunned. How could the old chief suddenly ask about his father? But still the honest answer: "15 years!"

"Yes, it's been 15 years. When we were carrying guns to shoot the little devils together, did you ever think that the world would become like this? Xiong Feng, your father is the best and most proud person among us. You have his pride, but you don't have his pride. You let me down!" The old chief shook and sighed!

"Old chief, I'm..." Li Xiongfeng is confused. This time he came to report to the old chief executive about ye Xiao. How could he drag his father's body and let you down?

As for what pride is arrogant, is it useful? Now the Li family is not as good as it used to be, even if they have pride again?But before he finished, he was interrupted by the old chief again!

"Listen to what this is!" The old chief said, and pressed a mobile phone on the tea table. Li Xiongfeng found that the mobile phone was familiar to his grandson!

"You must believe me. Zhan Gu Xiu is a man with a big beard. No one can let big beard let Xiao Feng go except me!"

"It was our Li family who saved the life of moustache. He owed me a favor!"

In the mobile phone, came Li Xiongfeng that strong suppress the angry voice, heard such a voice, Li Xiongfeng's face completely changed!

"Xiongfeng, you didn't think of it. With the mobile phone and the recording function, when you were fighting ghosts with your father, did you ever think that the times would not come to such a level?" Seeing Li Xiongfeng's pale face, the old chief murmured, but his words were full of deep helplessness!

Li Xiongfeng is the descendant of his comrades in arms. It can be said that he grew up watching Li Xiongfeng grow up. But now, his relatives in this world have done something which is equivalent to treason. Rao is firm in mind, but he also has some regrets. If there are other things, the old chief may look at the face of his comrades in arms and let the Li family live, but big beard was in those days What the Li family did was even more serious than treason, and the Li family even let go the big beard. How can such a crime be covered up?

Even if the man in front of him is the descendant of his comrades in arms, even if he is a high general, such a crime can not be ignored!

The old chief is very sad, but he has nothing to do!

"Uncle Liu, help me!" Li Xiongfeng broke down completely. At this moment, he was no longer aggressive or upright. He was in his 70s. Like a child, he knelt down in front of the old chief. He looked like a child who had done something wrong!

However, there are many things that can't be wrong in this world. Once they are wrong, there will be no way to correct them. Tears are flickering in the eyes of the old chief. He gently beckons to the back, and the spirit emperor wearing a silver black mask walks out of the room

Li Xiongfeng's eyes were lax. He knew that he was finished, and the Li family was also finished

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