"Well, let's go straight to the new plane journey." The voice appears again, leaf does not lack to touch the chest, and then nodded.

With a flash of light, ye wubu felt only that it was dark in front of him. When he could see things again, he had already appeared in a primitive forest.

"Where is this?"

Ye Wuxiang is puzzled. The trees in this forest are very strong, and there are many big trees surrounded by five or six people.

There are also many traces of wild animals left in the forest, wild boar, roe deer, pheasant

"This Do you want me to survive in the wilderness by sending me to this desolate place

Ye Wuque is really speechless. He chooses a direction in the forest and starts to walk aimlessly.

Walking along, the leaves are intact, see a relatively small tree, as if it was artificially bent, the tip stick to the ground.

"Is this..."

Ye knows something about hunting. There is a trap called "boom". It is to use the elasticity of trees to make mechanisms. Once the wild animals step on them, the trees will bounce up.

The rope tied to the tree will also hold the leg of the trap tightly, and hang the beast in the air, no matter how strong it is, to the place where there is no help in the middle of the air. Only howl and struggle!

One of the advantages of this trap is that the prey usually does not die immediately, but is basically starved to death. In hot summer, prey doesn't stink immediately.

There is also a kind of trap, which is to put a kind of rope on the only way for the beast to put its head in.

When the beast finds out that the situation is not right and moves back, his ears will block the rope. The more the beast struggles, the tighter he will soon die of suffocation.

"It's smart."

Ye Wuque observes the trap for a while, and finds that the local workmanship is perfect. He can't help praising him.

At the same time, his heart is also wide. He is not interested in making a living in the wilderness. There is a saying, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!

There are traps here. At least it means that there are people around here. There will be a place to eat and sleep.

Ye Wuqian observed the directions around him, chose a direction and walked towards the foot of the mountain. Where people gather, they need water.

So if you look at the trend of the surrounding mountains and guess where the water source is, it will probably be the location of the village.

Ye Wuque went down all the way, and met several traps of hunters. He made a detour because the nose of the beast was very sensitive and the smell of the human body. As long as you pass by, you'll stay.

The smell will not disappear until there is a rain. Otherwise, the wild animals will be alert and take a detour or simply turn around and run away.

Over a few ridge, in the sun is about to set, leaf Wuwei finally saw, in the setting sun, a village, smoke curling, showing a peaceful and comfortable.

Ye Wumian's heart was overjoyed. After walking for so long, he was already hungry.

All the way to the foot of the wind, in the impression of Ye Wuwei, the villagers in this village are very simple and have guests. Not to mention hospitality, mixed with a hot meal, always indispensable.

Come to the entrance of the village, ye Wuqian sees some children playing in the open space. I saw this group of children, playing the game of Eagle catching chicken.

The biggest boy plays an eagle and the second child is a hen. Behind him, there are children grabbing the clothes of the children in front of him.

This even a long string, only to see those "chicks", all happy scream, seems to be "Eagle" chase, very exciting, interesting.

The "hen" is solemn, and seems to feel that he is shouldering a major mission, while the "Eagle" is arrogant. It seems that these "chickens" can not escape his "Eagle's claw".

Ye Wuque smiles in his heart. Everyone has such a childhood, and only once. Recall their own hours, innocent, infinite beautiful.

"Hello, children."

Ye Wuxiang stood far away to say hello.

Seeing the monsters, it seems that they are scared to see them scattered. It seems that no one has seen them.

"Is this village isolated from the world?"

Ye Wuqi looks at the buildings in the village, which are the most primitive and simple ones. The village was built on a rare flat at the foot of the mountain, showing their diligence everywhere.

In front of the village, streams from all over the mountain converged into a small river.

"There should be fish in it."

Ye Wuqian likes to fish and barbecue in these pure natural places. He fantasizes that on a warm spring afternoon, he calls on three or five friends and a river with plenty of water and grass to have a barbecue dinner.

Thinking of all kinds of seasonings and the aroma of fish, ye Wuwu's stomach can't help but cry out again.

"Who are you?""Who are you?"

Just when ye Wumian's soul is wandering out of the sky, the sudden noise and the voice of asking will pull Ye Wuqian back to reality.

Looking around, a group of rough and wild men in fur and trousers, old and young, with hoes, bows and arrows as well as wood knives, rushed forward bravely.

"Lying trough, I just want to get a meal. Do I need such a battle?"

Subconsciously, ye Wuxiang stepped back and was alert in his heart in case the group suddenly got into trouble.

"Don't be impulsive. I've traveled here from afar. I want to stay for a night. Please make it convenient."

Ye Wuqian said that, the opposite was ready to rush forward a little bit.

"Well, I think you look pretty. You're not a good man at first sight."

A young man on the opposite side said with malice.

"Greasy dough Er, er, how do I feel that I am Ximen Qing? " Ye Wuwei abdominal Fei said: "is it hard to be jealous that I look good?"

At this time, ye Wuqian found that all the women in the village were also standing in the distance, and there were some pretty pretty pretty girls looking at ye Wuque. Their eyes were full of curiosity and no malice.

"Elder brother, I really came here. You say I'm not a good man. I'm in your village. What is there worth plotting for me

The man may also be a big old man. Listening to ye Wumian's question, his voice stopped and his face turned a little red. He stammered:

"who said Who said there is no good thing in our village The flowers in our village are popular with everyone

At this time, a middle-aged man, who was a little older and more calm, turned pale at the man just now, and said to Ye Wudang:

"this little brother, I am Zhang Linshu, the village head of this village. Now the world is not peaceful. I come to ask you, you said you traveled, where did you come from? I'm familiar with the place around here. "

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