Then he must lead them to train their family to perfection, just as ye Wuqian said. So they are hermits now, but they also have a series of things to take care of.

After saying goodbye to the alchemist, ye Wuqian did not leave the plane immediately, and did not leave the fourth task immediately. Instead, he played around for a few days.

This time, he spent very little time. He could also have a rest. However, he knew that no matter how busy he was, he still had to continue his task and not slack off.

Ye Wuque came to a small county town, although the county is very small, but also very busy.

He came to a restaurant, under the guidance of the bartender, he went down to the elegant room on the second floor.

"My guest, you are right to come today. Today we have a discount. You can have a 50% discount on everything you eat."

When ye Wuqian heard the bartender say this, he felt a little strange. He didn't expect that there was still a discount method for them when they left the country, so he was very curious.

"Oh? Do you mean you can eat anything at half price? "

"That's natural. Our boss's wife is a management genius. There are always two days a month for half price discount. Because of this, the business of our restaurant is getting better and better."

It turned out to be the way their boss's wife thought about it. Ye Wuqian thought in her heart. It's impossible that this landlady, like him, came from the modern times. After all, only those who know these methods from modernization can they know the concept of discount.

He had this idea in his mind, but ye Wuqian didn't want to prove it, because he didn't have much curiosity. He let the bartender go down first after he served the good wine and dishes in their shop.

After eating and drinking enough, ye Wuqian went to the window, opened the window and looked downstairs. There were many people in the whole street and it was very lively.

Ye Wuqi also felt very gratified. Under the emperor's administration, the two became more and more prosperous and the country was peaceful and peaceful. Ye Wumian is very happy, because although he is about to leave, he is naturally moved and happy to see the emperor's good governance of Paris.

Just as he was about to close the window, he saw a family crying at the corner of the street. It seemed that something was wrong.

Ye Wuqi didn't see clearly. Under the guidance of curiosity, he paid and went to the corner of the street. When he got there, he found that the son of the family was ill and could not be cured in any way.

Now the family is planning to die together. Ye wukuo is proficient in medical skills. He will not stand idly by in such a situation.

He came to the little boy's side and felt the pulse for the little boy. When the little boy's parents saw that ye Wumian was like this, they immediately had confidence. They knelt down to ye Wumian.

Then he said to Ye Wuqian, "this noble man, can you cure my son? I can't lose my son. "

The little boy's mother cried, and looked at Ye Wuqian as the last straw to help her son wake up and restore his health.

The little boy's father is also the same, see ye Wuqian seems to have an eyebrow, quickly turn home to give the last silver to ye Wuque.

Kneeling in front of Ye Wuqian, he prayed: "this noble man, please help my son. My son is still so young that he has not yet gone to school.

My wife and I really can't lose him. As long as you treat your son well, our family is willing to be a cow for you. We dare not forget your kindness to us for generations to come. "

The little boy's parents really hope that ye Wuqian can help them to cure their son. They have not enjoyed any happiness in their life. They only hope that their son can have a good life in the future.

However, it was not expected that a few days ago, the little boy would suddenly be poisoned and ill. If they could take good care of the little boy, he would not have to suffer these crimes.

The little boy's parents really feel remorse and regret. However, self blame and regret can not solve the problem. The only person who can solve the problem is the noble man in front of him.

Ye Wuqian quickly helped the little boy's parents up and gave them back their silver.

"Don't worry about it. I happen to know some medical skills. Although your son's condition is dangerous, there is no way to rescue him."

When the little boy's parents heard Ye Wuqian say this, they immediately had hope. They knelt down again and prayed that ye Wuqian must cure their son. Ye Wuque naturally knew that this was because the little boy's parents were really desperate, so he did not refuse.

He took the little boy to the house and renovated it again. He checked everything from top to bottom. He found that the little boy was also poisoned and a little dangerous.

Ye Wumian doesn't know why such a small child is poisoned, but he knows that if he goes to trace those things again, he may lose his life.

He didn't say anything to the boy's parents. Instead, he said that the boy was just unconscious because of other diseases."Don't worry, I know about your son." Ye Wumian took out a pair of silver needles from his pack, and then applied acupuncture for the little boy. He quickly vomited out a mouthful of blood. The blood was black, and I thought he had vomited out the toxin.

The little boy's parents were very nervous, but they knew that ye Wuqian must be saving their son now. They did not dare to go forward. They loved their son in time and could only stay where they were.

Ye Wuqian was good at acupuncture and moxibustion. He pulled out the last silver needle, wrote a prescription and handed it to the boy's parents: "you can take the medicine according to the medicine on the prescription. Take it before meals every day, three times a day, and you will be cured within five days."

The little boy's parents are very grateful to Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian finds that his family is full of treasures. Some of the herbs he wrote are indeed valuable. He sent the Buddha to the west, and took two pieces of silver from the bag to the little boy's parents, and asked the children's parents to buy medicine for the little boy.

"No, you have saved our son for us. How can we take your money?" The little boy's parents would not accept anything.

Although they didn't have any money in their family, he felt that he had already troubled Ye Wuqian once. How could he ask for ye Wuqian's property? It was clearly that they should pay Ye Wuqian.

"Don't refuse. I don't think the situation in your family is very good. These herbs are quite valuable. Take them and buy them for your son."

Although the couple were still worried, they thought it was the same as what ye Wuqian said. They had no silver, so they accepted.

"We will never forget your great kindness. If there is any place that needs our help in the future, you can open your mouth and we will die."

Ye Wuzhi nods. In fact, he doesn't have any place to use them. Anyway, he has almost finished playing and is about to leave the fourth plane.

These yellow and white things do not really have any effect on him, so he did not say anything, "as long as you live a good life, as for other things, don't say much."

The couple nodded. At this time, a little boy was lying on the bed and woke up. "Dad, mom, what's wrong with me? Am I dead? "

"Bah, what nonsense, you live well, come to thank this benefactor, it is the benefactor who saved you."

The little boy's mother wants to help the little boy up and kneel down to ye Wuque. Ye Wuque immediately stops the little boy's mother's action.

"Your son just woke up, you don't have to thank me. Have a good rest. Don't think about other things."

"His brother, did you save me?" The little boy looked at ye Wumian in disbelief. After seeing ye Wumian nodding, the little boy's eyes were full of tears.

Although he didn't get up, his eyes were full of reverence and gratitude: "thank you very much, big brother. If it wasn't for you, I might not have seen my parents now."

The little boy's parents heard the boy say that, and they were there to wipe their tears. Indeed, without ye Wumian's help, they would not have been able to save their son now. Their son is likely to leave them, too.

"Well, you don't have to thank me. It's because you are also very strong. You have a strong sense of survival, so you can wake up. In the future, you should be filial to your parents, OK? They broke their hearts for you. "

The little boy nodded his head solemnly. He would be filial and repay his parents. Ye Wuqian left after seeing that the three members of the family should not be in any danger.

There is no one outside the city. Ye Wuqi breathes a sigh of relief. He has finally completed the fourth task and can finally finish the next task.

Time passed quickly. In an instant, he had completed four tasks. In these four tasks, the first task and the second task took longer time.

But in fact, he also gained a lot of things and got a lot of help in these two tasks. No matter who met in the first task, or in the second task or the third task, he could learn from them.

Although he has left the first three planes forever, he will always miss the people inside, and will always bury his missing for them in his heart, and will never forget it.

Ye Wuqi will always remember the people and things he met for a period of time. Even if he doesn't see each other again, he won't give up the friendship they once had.

All the banquets will come to an end. He is just a passer-by, just a scenery in other people's lives.

With a little bit of disappointment, ye Wuqian left the fourth plane and went to the next plane to complete the next mission.

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