So now the new emperor ascends the throne, but he has seen through after all. He hopes to leave like Ye Wuwei.

"Master, in fact, I don't want to stay in the palace. I have already seen through the treachery in the palace and want to leave." Ye Wuxiang is really surprised.

Because all along, he thought that alchemists should also like the wind and cloud of the secular world, otherwise there was no need to come out of their families, there was no need to join the world.

But now seeing the alchemist like this, he knows that the Alchemist is not pretending or acting like it. He really likes it in his heart and hopes that he can return to his family.

So ye Wuqian and the alchemist went to explain the situation to the emperor. The emperor heard that ye Wuqian and the alchemist wanted to leave. He was also very sad and kept him. But ye Wuqian and the alchemist were very resolute.

"The emperor, the alchemist and I have made up our minds. You don't have to keep us. You are very outstanding now. You are well managed from all over the country. I believe you will create a prosperous country."

The emperor also knew that no matter how he could detain him, he would not be able to keep the alchemist and ye Wuque, so he was helpless. In fact, he was reluctant to give up, but he could only nod his head and agree to the request of Ye Wuqian and the alchemist to leave.

Ye Wuqian and the alchemist simply cleaned up and went out of the palace on the same day. As their family lived far away, and ye did not want to return to the family, they proposed to go back to the alchemist's original residence before entering the palace.

Alchemist didn't know ye Wuqian didn't want to go back. He took Ye Wuqian to his residence. They lived here for a while.

During this period of time, both of them were leisurely and carefree in planting medicinal materials, refining pills here, and living a leisurely and leisurely life.

Ye Wuqi has never forgotten his task. He has not got a drop of sincere tears from the alchemist, and his task has not been completed.

If he wants to leave, he must first get this tear from the alchemist. How can he make the alchemist leave this tear?

It happened that the alchemist came directly to the door. The alchemist had just been knocking at the door. Ye Wuqian asked the alchemist to come in. During this period, alchemists also knew that ye Wuqian did not return to their family, but to continue his dream of traveling around the world.

"Master, I know you don't want to go back, and I don't want to drag your hind legs. I really appreciate your presence, because of your presence, I know that my existence is so valuable. It turns out that I'm not the one ignored by my family

Hearing the alchemist say this, ye Wuqian is also very moved, because he knows that the Alchemist is also a very capable person, but because he is not valued in your family, he will choose to leave.

Ye Wuqian comforted the alchemist and said to the alchemist, "you don't have to be too sad. Now you have realized your ambition in life. You can go anywhere.

You don't have to be grateful to me. Everything I do for you is what I should do. Since I am your master and the master of your family, everything I do should be. "

The alchemist nodded. He knew that what ye Wuqian said was true and true. However, he felt that he should be grateful.

He has been telling his own pain, saying that he shed tears of gratitude to ye Wuwu, who took this tear with some emotion.

Originally, he was still thinking about what kind of way to let the alchemist shed a drop of sincere tears for him. However, he did not expect that the alchemist directly shed a drop of gratitude tears, and ye Wuqian also felt very sorry.

Now that the task has been completed and the tears from my heart have been obtained, ye Wuqian doesn't want to waste much more time here. Ye Wuqian directly explains that he wants to travel around the world in three days.

"Alchemist, in the days to come, you will have to rely on yourself. Your medical skills are very good. Next, whether you want to go back to your family or to wander in the lake and lake, you can do it. I hope you can keep your original mind, help the world and think for the people of the world."

Hearing that ye Wuxiang was going to leave, the alchemist was very sad and agreed with tears, because he must follow what ye Wuque said. Ye Wuque had told him to be considerate of the world, and he would definitely be like this.

"Master, don't worry. No matter where I go, I will certainly work for the poor people and the poor people."

Ye Wuqi was very satisfied with the alchemist's words, "all the banquets in the world will come to an end. We can separate here. Next, I will travel around the world."

The alchemist cried directly. He was a big man, but he really felt a kind of unprecedented dependence here. He felt that he was really a living person following Ye Wuqian.

In the past, although he had many people asking him for treatment, he always felt very lonely. Now ye Wuqian is with him to discuss medical skills with him. He really feels very grateful.But now they haven't been together for half a year. Ye Wuqian is going to leave soon, so the alchemist will be more or less sad, or will be a little sad.

Ye Wuqian knew that alchemists might have some dependence. He felt that this dependence could not be sustained for a long time. After all, if he was too dependent on him, it would only cause some unnecessary troubles.

So he said to the Alchemist: "you have to know that in the next time, you have to get used to a person, to get used to a person's life, so that it will be very good for you."

The alchemist nodded. He was not willing to leave Wuque, but he also understood that he had to get used to a person's life. No matter Ye Wuqian or other people, he would leave him one day, and he would go on his way alone. What's the use of him being so sad?

"I know, master, I will do as you tell me in the future, and I will try my best to get used to being alone and not to rely on others.

Master, thank you very much for your cultivation. I have benefited a lot from this period of time. If it were not for your cultivation, my medical skills would not have improved so quickly. "

The alchemist once again thanks Ye Wuqian. He really thinks that ye Wuqian is the star of his life. If he doesn't, he has a lot of things that he doesn't know how to do.

Hearing this, ye felt that the alchemist was too serious. In fact, he was very satisfied with the alchemist's performance.

And he can't help alchemists much. Generally speaking, it's because the alchemist himself is very powerful, because he has strong learning ability, so he can learn so much knowledge.

”You don't have to refuse. Your ability is obvious to all. Your ability is very strong. In the future, as long as you persevere in learning and training, I believe your medical skills will be better and better. You should believe in yourself. "

After ye Wuqi finished speaking, he took out a book he had written all night from the drawer, which recorded all the strange medical skills he had learned in his dream before. I believe that alchemists will have a new harvest after learning.

"This is what I wrote. When you have time, you can open it and have a look. I believe you will have a lot of gains and ideas."

The alchemist nodded happily when he took the medical book handed over by Ye Wuqian. Ye Wuqian took down his jade pendant which symbolized the master of the family from his waist.

The alchemist did not know why he was staring at Ye Wuqian. He did not know what ye Wuqian meant. "Master, what do you mean? The jade pendant is your most precious thing. Please put it away as soon as possible. "

Although the alchemist didn't know what ye Wuque meant, he also seemed to understand the intention of Ye Wuque.

He quickly fled, he did not want to be really as he guessed, but ye Wuque was not willing to let him escape.

He handed the jade pendant to the alchemist, and then said earnestly, "you know I prefer a free life. Although our family is a hidden family, it is also relatively free.

But I am still bound. I only like to travel around the world. I pass on the identity of the family master to you. I hope you can lead our family to glory. Would you like to

The alchemist shook his head. How could he be willing? He is willing to work for the family all the time, and he is willing to go up the knife mountain and go down the fire sea, but he really does not want to take over ye Wuque's position. Ye Wuqian is the best master. Why pass on the master to him?

"Master, don't do this. Keep the jade pendant by yourself. I will do my best to serve the family, but I really don't want you to give me the jade pendant."

Ye Wumian knew that the alchemist would not agree to anything, but he had made up his mind. Even if the alchemist did not agree, he must let the alchemist know that he really wanted to leave.

"Don't refuse any more. I've made up my mind. As the master of the family, I order you to accept and be the next master of the Xinglin family. "

He didn't want to leave Yupei without tears.

But ye Wuque wants to travel around the world. If he refuses, ye Wuque may be very disappointed. He really doesn't want to replace ye Wuque.

But ye Wuque has ordered him to accept it as the master of his family. He can only accept it. After accepting the jade pendant, ye Wuque leaves.

Alchemists don't want to face the feeling of parting, the scene of parting. Alchemist quietly at the door looking at the back of Ye Wuqian's leaving, his heart is very uncomfortable, also very painful.

He knew that the jade pendant was a heavy responsibility for him. He had already taken over the position of master of the family.

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