Ye Wuqi now has only one hand to move. He uses his right hand to look for knots on his body, thinking of self-reliance and freedom. After groping for a long time, I felt something similar to a knot at the waistcoat.

It was not a big deal to untie the knot with one hand, but the knot was on his vest. It could not be seen, nor could it make a sound. It startled the two people outside the door.

After groping for a long time, I couldn't untie the knot with one hand. Ye Wuqi suddenly remembered a story:

it said that a long time ago, there was a man who traveled thousands of miles to learn from a master.

The next day after his apprenticeship, his master found a piece of hemp rope with a thick mouth and tied a knot in it. Then, each of them was pulled by a big yellow cow.

His master and his teacher's wife, each with a willow twig the size of a thumb, beat the cow's buttocks as hard as they could, and the two oxen tried to pull at two opposite places.

It was not until his master's wife broke the willow branches in her hand that she stopped. At this time, the knot about the size of a cauldron had been pulled into one.

The master cut both ends of the knot with a sharp knife, and asked him to untie it. This solution is three years.

One afternoon three years later, he untied it quietly, but he didn't tell his master.

It's a sneak away. Because he felt that his master might not have any real skills, or he didn't want to spread his true skills. What's the use of breaking the hemp rope for three years?

When his master came home, he saw his apprentice leave without permission. At this time, he betrayed his school. He had to clean the door!

In an instant, his master, with a big knife in his hand, rushed to catch up with him, and finally caught up with him in a teahouse ten miles away. He was eating snacks.

His master was so angry that he raised his knife and looked at it. However, he was so frightened that he raised his chopsticks to block him.

Unexpectedly, he only used chopsticks to clamp the big knife in his master's hand and blocked his master's attack.

His master was also stunned, then laughed and said, "it seems that you have learned. I will let you go now."


"Well, if I had such a skill, I would not be so embarrassed at the moment." Ye Wuque sighs in his heart.

It's dark outside. The house is dark. Er Zhu and Daniel are still talking about their family.

"Can there be a wood knife here?"

All kinds of ideas in Ye Wuqian's heart began to activate. So, he began to crawl in the wood room like an earthworm, searching the whole corner inch by inch.

Finally, he touched a cold thing. He felt it slowly with his hand. One end was wide and the other was narrow. It was the ax used to chop firewood!

Ye Wuqi was overjoyed. He grabbed the axe with his right hand and cut the hemp rope on his body bit by bit. He could neither disturb them nor hurt himself.

I don't know how long it took in the dark for ye Wuqian to finally be free. However, he was tied too tightly just now, and his body was numb, so he couldn't stand up for a while.

"Daniel, you go back to sleep and come back to me in the middle of the night."

At this time, the voice of the two pillars sounded. It was really a kind-hearted two pillars.

"Well, that's good." Daniel promised and went away.

Ye Wumian is alert in the heart, this guy won't come in for ward round. If it's really like that, I'll knock him out.

"Hey! Where the hell are you from? What's your plan to come to us? "

Ye Wuqian knows that these two pillars are interrogating him, rather than trying to talk with him.

A change of mind, deliberately will become long up, gradually snoring.

"Hey, sleep when you're full, and you want to do bad things like this!" Some of the two columns dislike the absence of leaves.

After a while, outside this came thunder like snoring.

Ye Wukui:.... "

Ye Wuxiang stood up carefully and crept to the door by moonlight.

The door, bit by bit, was opened by him without any sound. Then, in the moonlight, a thief like figure, in the village left string right string, finally found the entrance of the village, then ran away.

After running along the river for about half an hour, the village finally disappeared. Ye Wuqi stopped and sat down on the ground, gasping heavily.

Tonight, good moonlight. Under the moonlight, the river water is sparkling, and from time to time there are fish jumping out of the water.

"Oh! There is such a big fish

Just now that fish, casually has more than a Jin, looks very fat.

Ye Wuqi suddenly remembered a poem: "peach blossom running water, mandarin fish fat!"

A read so far, just by that meat bone temporarily pressed down the hunger, rub a sound to run up again.

"Goo! Goo

Ye Wuque felt his stomach and sighed helplessly: "people are iron, rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry..."

No matter when, eating is always the first priority.He took off his shoes, pulled up his trouser legs, and then jumped into the river and began to catch fish with his bare hands. It was really hard to catch the fish. He finally caught the fat fish for two days.

"It's so far away from the village that they can't see it!"

Ye Wuxiang planned that, even if the other party really came after him, he would take advantage of the night to go anywhere, who could find him?

Or jump into the river and give him a escape.

At this point, ye Wumian doesn't worry about anything any more. He lights a fire and cleans the fish in the clear river water. He finds several herbs nearby, which are wrapped in the fish's belly, inserts a wood branch in the fish's mouth, and barbecues the fish in the volcano.

Not long, the two fish have been roasted slightly yellow, bursts of meat fragrance spread out. The grease was also roasted out, dripping on the fire, and a burst of smoke came out.

When the two fish are roasted, the outside is golden, and the inside is fresh and tender. When the leaves are not missing, he picks up one and starts to gnaw.

"Wow, it's delicious!"

After a while, ye Wuqian had eaten all the two fish into his stomach, and he was also full of burps.

Patting his round belly, ye Wumian lies on the grass and looks at the stars in the sky. Like this peaceful and comfortable life, ye Wuqian also likes it very much.

"Why did the beast attack this village?"

Ye Wuqian knows that the beast is not in a desperate situation. In the final analysis, it is still afraid of people, unless it is the kind of beast that has opened up its intelligence and can judge which one is more powerful than the other.

"Now that I'm here, I can't just stand by!"

Ye Wumian is concerned about the country and the people.

Suddenly, he felt a lot of movement in the woods not far away.

"Is it the beast?"

Ye Wumian, a carp, jumped up and kicked the firewood into the river, completely hiding traces.

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