He moved slowly in that direction, carefully slipping away. Although the moon is bright in the sky, the leaves are still hung on clothes by many thorns.

All of a sudden, his feet sank, and all of a sudden the mud reached his knees.


Ye Wuqi grabs a willow branch behind him. With the help of a pull, the whole person rises into the air and falls steadily on the solid ground.

"It's close, it's dangerous!"

Later, after his investigation, it turned out that the river water slowed down here and formed a large area.

If he had not grasped the branch, he would have sunk into the bottom of the bath and would never come out again. After several years, he would have become a part of the bath.

Ye Wuque goes around this bath and gropes for the source of the sound. Finally, the sound becomes louder and louder.

When he got closer, he took a close look, and a huge wild boar appeared in front of him.

This wild boar is about five meters long, which is thicker than the big well. By visual inspection, it is at least two thousand jin!

This giant has two tusks in his mouth like ivory. His eyes are red and his mane is like a steel needle!

It's the beast that Daniel and ER Pang said!

"This wild boar must have been mutated, otherwise it would not have grown so big."

At the moment, the overlord pig is leaning against a towering tree and rubbing its stomach back and forth. There are lice on the beast. It is very common to scratch on the tree.

In front of the big tree, the giant tree was crushed by the big tree like a giant pig.

"That's how it comes from!"

Ye Wumian climbs the mountain, a big tree surrounded by five or six people, lies down at a fork on the top of the tree and looks at the overlord pig from a distance.

Wild boar's huge and fat body swayed back and forth, occasionally scratched to the key point, the pig would raise its head, grow up, close its eyes, a very enjoyable, powerful feeling, it was very funny.

"If it's Stewed..."

Although Ye Wuqian has just eaten two fish, he is not hungry now, but the nature of his food is still exposed.

What is food, this meal has not been digested, we have to think about what to eat next.

"If I kill this overlord pig, the villagers will be very grateful to me. I don't have to say that I can invite the villagers to eat wild boar meat for a few days!"

Ye Wuqian thought that the wild boar could grow so long, it must have experienced countless years, and ate many lingcao lingguo. The meat must be delicious and nutritious.

"Those two pairs of tusks also have a certain collection value!"

There are also two pairs of red eye beads, which may have become good materials for alchemy. At that time, peel off the whole skin of this big guy, and then put in the sawdust inside.

Make a fake overlord pig, stand at the entrance of the village, become the village god beast, what tiger lion, must take a detour.

If you want to say that eating wild boar, ye Wuqian is very experienced. Wild boar meat is fat and thin, fat but not greasy, thin but not firewood. Two hind legs have the most meat.

The biggest hind leg of the wild boar that ye Wuwu had eaten before was only 20 jin. If you look at the wild boar in front of you, one hind leg is only a few hundred jin.

"Goo Doo."

Unconsciously, ye Wuwu swallows a mouthful of foam into his stomach. He only feels that the two fish just now seem to have been digested, and he can still eat it!

"Creak! Creak Several big trees were crushed by overlord pig. This guy actually rode on the fallen tree trunk, rubbing back and forth, enjoying the twigs tickling his stomach.

Especially on the eggs, there are a lot of unreasonable lice lying on the top to suck blood. Sometimes the overlord pig really wants to bullshit, but he has no hands.

At this time, the branches kept scraping on the eggs, and many lice were scratched on the ground by the branches. The feeling of a little pain and a little itching made it fly.

If he knew that, at this moment, not far from it, there was a young man who was planning how to stew him. How did he feel? Did he still feel so enchanted?

Most people think that the most delicious meat on boar is the hind legs, but as a senior eater, ye Wuqian's favorite food is not eggs!

It's a pig stomach.

Boar stomach, commonly known as stomach, this belly, and block homonym.

Wild boars eat everything in the mountains, and some poisonous things also eat, so its stomach is particularly strong, and the general poison it does not pay attention to at all.

A long time ago, there was also a foodie. He was also a big man. He tested wild boar. No matter what poison the wild boar took, it would not be poisoned immediately.

He also came to a conclusion that wild boar stomach is the most precious thing on wild boar. It can be used as medicine to strengthen spleen and tonify deficiency.


Ye Wuwu can't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

"I will kill this pig

Ye Wumian stands up and looks coldly at the old pig demon not far away.However, just clearly just swallowed a mouthful of saliva, now what is the mouth flow out?

"When eating wild boar's stomach, you must keep the thin film on the stomach, slice it, put green onion and ginger in boiling water, boil it slightly, and take it out..."

"Put the oil in the hot pot, and put in the hot pepper section, pepper granules, fragrant leaves and star anise..."

“…… Saute until fragrant. Add pork tripe. Stir fry until golden. Serve in a jar. Simmer for two hours... "

All kinds of cooking methods flashed in Ye Wuqian's mind, and the aroma from the pot seemed to float to the tip of his nose.


If you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it any more!

Ye Wuqian touched the saliva from the corner of his mouth. He held a three foot sword and swept down the throat of a wild boar like an eagle attacking the sky!

It's too late. It's fast then! Super invincible overlord pig is rubbing with the branches. When it flies away from the sky, a burst of wind will pull it back to reality.

Open its blood red eyes, a brave young man, is carrying the endless killing intention to break through the sky!


Husband pig angry!

It seems to be saying, thousand shouldn't, you shouldn't disturb me when this pig tickles! Heaven has a way you do not go, the region has no door you break in!

In this case, I will make you.

See that ten thousand year old overlord pig, look up to the sky long roar, toward that young trample hoof to run wildly.

Suddenly, the whole forest trembled.

Ye Wuque is a man in the air, like an arrow from a string. Seeing an old boar, he doesn't avoid it. When he wants to face him hard, he can't help narrowing his eyes and sneering at the corners of his mouth


Avoidance is impossible to avoid, as long as it is what he wants to eat, this life is impossible to avoid!


At the moment when people and pigs met, they made a clear sound of fine iron hitting each other. The huge body of the old wild boar was knocked down!

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