On the contrary, there is no lack of leaves. The tip of the sword stabs on the flesh of the blood trough accurately, but it doesn't go in. It's like stabbing on an iron plate!

After the sword body was extremely bent by the impact force, the huge rebound force rebounded Ye Wuqian's body like a bullet!

"Lying trough!"

Ye Wuque holds his body in the air, sees the right time, stabs a sword on a big tree, and then stabs the boar's eyes again with a flick.

Just as he was about to approach, the old pig demon roared again. Ye Wuqi only felt the eardrum buzzing. He was blind for a while, and a wave of air rushed towards him.


Ye Wuxiang was directly roared to the ground by the old wild boar.

"This tusk can only win by wisdom, not by force!"

Ye Wumian got up and ran, and the old boar chased after him!


Ye Wumian jumps up to a big tree, and then runs toward the top of the tree like a monkey.

The old boar saw this, roared, ferocious and murderous, and hit the tree.


The old tree broke in response to the sound, and the leaves were not missing at the top of the tree. Before the tree fell, it fell on the top of another tree, and the old boar ran into another tree

This chase war lasted a long time. When the sky was bright, hundreds of towering trees had fallen innocently under the pig's head.

However, after a while, they burned themselves again and made the pig's head golden. It was revenge.

With the advantage of speed, ye Wuqi left the old pig demon away and hid in the leaves in the distance. He watched the mad pig tirelessly logging.

"This stewed pork tripe is not so easy to eat."

Give up?

It doesn't exist.

Ye Wuwu's eyes turn around in disorder, thinking about the countermeasures. All of a sudden, his eyes ran over the bath.

"I don't know what it would be like if the goods fell into the bath. Will you suffocate to death? "

"I'll let you eat some mud and go to the fishy place first."

This is where I read it. Ye Wumian gave a long cry and jumped down from the tree.

"Dead fat pig, come after me!"

I saw the old pig king who was keen on logging work. He saw that the leaves were not missing along with the sound. His red eyes were even more red, as if he were going to burst out fire!

A new round of chase war is about to begin. Because ye Wuxiang has been resting for a while, the big fat pig is fighting continuously. Ye Wuque can easily control the distance between him and the pig.

In view of how to make it easier for an old boar to plunge into the mud, ye Wuqi chooses a very good terrain. It seems that it is luxuriant weeds, but it is devil's mud when you go down with one foot.

There is no lack of leaves, standing by the grass. The old boar came roaring like a mad cow.

Twenty meters, ten meters, five meters, jump!

Ye Wuqian jumps forward, and an air wave arrow passes through his crotch. If he jumps a second later, the whole body will be smashed and fall into the bath.

But is that possible?

Ye Wumian, a flying dragon in the sky, looks at that overlord pig who plunges into the bath without hesitation, just like a swimmer plunges into the river, which makes him feel very comfortable.

"It's a beast in the end!"

Ye Wuque falls on the ground lightly and looks at the huge object that has become a mud pig, struggling to sink slowly in the mud.

The whole body has disappeared, but the mud is still rolling back and forth like boiling water. It can be seen that this big guy's last struggle is so fierce!

"My pig belly!"

Ye Wuqi's secret path is not good. He thought the mud was not too deep, and it would be good to trap the pig. However, he saw that the wild boar was getting deeper and deeper, and the mud rolling was getting smaller and smaller. Finally, it disappeared slowly.

"Oh! What a pity... "

Ye Wuxiang's heart is dripping blood.

However, at this time, the change was born.


After a short silence, there was a loud noise in the bath. A huge mud pig rose from the sky!

Then, heavy fall into the river, the mud on his body was instantly washed away by the water, and the pig king showed his domineering posture.

At the moment, the overlord pig has lost its true colors. It is like a trapped animal about to drain its last drop of blood, struggling before death.

Despite this, Bawang pig has left a deep shock to Ye Wuqi.

Just now, it must have sunk into the bottom of the bath and stepped on the solid soil. When its life was threatened, it showed a terrible bouncing force. Only by doing so, could it break through the heavy mud and escape from the mud sea.

The overlord pig scurried out of the river and fled towards the woods.

"Can you run away?"

Ye Wuque sneers and rises to the sky, holding a butcher's knife in his hand, and cuts towards the blood trough meat there!


With a sword, although the skin of overlord pig was not cut, it was cut down on the ground, like a hill, and could not get up again!"Ding! Ding Ding Ye Wuqi did not stop at all. He kept on chopping with one sword, killing the tyrant pig who was just majestic, but now he is as angry as a gossamer.

Finally, after ye Wuxiang repeatedly waved and cut down, the iron clothing of overlord pig began to crack, and the bright red blood burst out, splashing ye Wuque with blood.

"Puff! Puff

He had been Chopping for more than half an hour, and ye Wuqian cut down the whole huge pig head, and the whole person was exhausted.

Ye Wuque felt the warm carcass of overlord pig.

"If it's used as a pillow, it's still good!"

After a while, ye Wuwu pillow overlord pig, into a deep sleep.


"Ah, I found it. Here he is."

"My God! What do I see? Am I dreaming? "

"He, he actually killed the devil!"

People gathered more and more. Soon, the whole village came here. They were unbelievable, then silent.

"Well, is this the young man they thought was mean?"

Seeing the leaves in their deep sleep, none of them made any noise.

The village heads Zhang Linshu and Zhang he are also under the head.

"This young man must have experienced an earth shaking battle with the beast just now."

"He is so capable of beating, but when we tied him up, he didn't hurt people."

"What a good man, I will marry my daughter to him."

"I will give him Ruhua!"


Ye Wumian wakes up and finds himself lying in a comfortable bed. In his sleep, he feels someone moving himself, but he doesn't feel any dangerous breath, so he doesn't get up.

"Benefactor, you wake up!"

Next to them, there are village leaders Zhang Linshu, Zhang he and several village leaders.

Ye Wumian drank a bowl of steaming soup, and found that his coat had been taken off by someone. It must have been washed.

"Oh, you're welcome. You can make me more delicious food in the future."

At the same time, ye Wuxiang suddenly thought, where is this.

"Who is the man who sent me the character?

"It seems that we still have to look for them one by one," Ye Wuwei said slowly.

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