"What are you looking for?" A voice came, ye Wuque looked at the edge, and found the village head Zhang Linshu standing on the edge.

Ye Wuqian looks at the village head Zhang Linshu with strange eyes. He finds that Zhang Linshu looks very normal. There seems to be nothing special about him. The standard passer-by is definitely not the person he wants to look for.

"You What do you think of me Zhang Linshu was a little hairy because he had never seen such sharp eyes as ye Wuque. He felt as if he had been watched by a wolf, which made him feel uncomfortable and even stuttered in his voice.

"Nothing!" The leaf does not lack light answer to say.

At the moment, ye Wuqian is standing at the entrance of the village, carefully looking at everyone passing through the village. He wants to find out the more strange people. Only by finding the strange people can he receive the task.

However, the people in this village seem to be normal people, and there are no abnormal characteristics, which makes him a little depressed.

The villagers who walk in the entrance of the village are frightened by Ye Wuqian. In the eyes of the villagers, he is an abnormal person. Who can look at people directly at the entrance of the village?

In particular, the village's big girls and little daughter-in-law, all far away from him, thinking that he had bad intentions.

"You Are you really OK? " Zhang Linshu, as the village head, couldn't help asking him again.

"I'm looking for someone!" Ye Wuqi also felt a little embarrassed and answered Zhang Linshu.

"Who are you looking for? I'm the head of the village. There are no people I don't know in the whole village. As long as you say his name or his characteristics, I can help you find them! " Zhang Linshu's pledge.

In fact, what is the name of the person you are looking for, or what characteristics do you have? Even ye Wuqian doesn't know, how can you say it.

According to the experience of accepting tasks in the past, the person who assigned tasks must be a more special person. As for what is special, he can not say clearly. Only when he meets a person, can he be sure by feeling.

Now people can not find, the task can not be received, he is more and more anxious.

He knows, perhaps looking for people with a task, for him, is also a postgraduate entrance examination! This kind of thing is not urgent!

He spent a full day at the entrance of the village, but he didn't have that special feeling. He still didn't know who the man with the task was.

The next day, he still came to the entrance of the village, as before, standing beside the big tree at the entrance of the village, staring at the passers-by in his eyes.

"You Who are you looking for? " Zhang Linshu, the village head, came to the entrance of the village again, and asked Ye Wuwei with a bitter face.

He is the head of the village. He has to be responsible for the whole village. This strange man stands at the entrance of the village all day long, which makes the villagers dare not go out of the village. If it goes on like this, it must lead to a big disaster. Therefore, he has the responsibility and obligation to make it clear. Even though he has a innate fear of Ye Wuqian, he still decides to ask.

"I'm looking for a strange person, someone special, even out of place in this village!" Ye Wuqian is also a little anxious. He recalls carefully when he accepted the task in the past and saw the characteristics of the people with the task. He replied to the village head Zhang Linshu.

"This Isn't that you? " Zhang Lin Shu lowered his head and said softly.

This sentence almost didn't make ye Wuqi die. Originally, he wanted to find a strange person, but he didn't think that he was a different kind in the eyes of others.

But on second thought, it's true. I'm waiting at the entrance of the village every day. In the eyes of outsiders, it's not normal people who can do it. No wonder they are regarded as strange people. It's no wonder that the villagers are evasive to themselves today.

At the moment, ye Wuqian is very depressed. He never thought that it would be so difficult to find a person who can accept the task when he came to this village. However, he has been looking for it for nearly two days, but there is no clue at all. Moreover, the village head Zhang Linshu really knows the most about the village, even he doesn't know it. I believe it's useful to ask others There is no place, so he has given up the idea of inquiry, can only helplessly wait here.

"If there is another strange person in this village, it should be him!" At the same time that ye Wuxiang felt desperate, Zhang Linshu, the village head, said to him.

"Who?" After hearing the village head Zhang Linshu said so, ye Wuque was excited and couldn't help asking.

But where does he know that his mood changes, so that an ordinary person can not accept.

At this time, in Zhang Linshu's eyes, ye Wuqian was a terrible beast. In particular, the light he emitted was even more frightening than the most terrifying beast. Therefore, Zhang Linshu was so scared that he could not speak at all.

And ye Wuque also responded, gradually converging his breath, trying to pretend to be more peaceful, but his heart is excited, if he said that this person is really put on the task, he can receive the task, and there is no need to wait here foolishly."He He is a madman, but he is the only madman in the village, in the south of the village Zhang Linshu, the village head, stammered to ye Wuwu.


How can a madman carry a mission? He's definitely not the one he's looking for.

But in fact, he has been waiting here for two days. He has known almost everyone in the village, but he has never seen the madman. Maybe the madman is the one he is looking for. This is his only hope and the last straw to save his life. So even if he doesn't believe that the man who sets off the task is a madman, he must go to see it 。

Therefore, ye Wuqian did not say anything to the village head Zhang Linshu, nor did he continue to wait here foolishly, and hurried to the south of the village.

The village was not very big, so he soon went to the south of the village.

After walking to the south of the village, he really saw a man with dirty hair here.

"I'm not crazy I am a normal person I want to eat I want to eat everything And drink good wine... " The old madman with dirty hair is muttering to himself, looking like he is talking to himself.

At the moment of seeing the old madman, ye Wuqian felt that he was already desperate, because such a madman could not be the person he was looking for. Originally, he thought he was pretending to be crazy. After all, people with tasks have some strange hobbies.

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