But in fact, he didn't have any money with him, and all the villagers in this village thought that he and the old madman were the same way, and they all hid from him from him. Even Zhang Linshu, the village head, did not dare to get close to him any more. It was not possible to get food from the villagers without spending money.

Although Ye Wuqian is strong in force, he is a man with a sense of justice and will never attack these ordinary villagers. Therefore, he did not intend to snatch food from the villagers.

He walked out of the village and came to the small woods outside the village. As long as there are trees, there must be game. For people of his strength, it is not difficult to find something to eat.

The woods outside the village are very quiet and silent. It seems that there should be no small animals.

But ye Wuqian is not an ordinary person. He can hear all the sounds within a few miles. Even if a needle falls on the ground, he can hear clearly. Therefore, he soon finds a target. Listening to the voice, it should be a pheasant, and he is sure that it should be very fat.

This is exactly what he wants. Although he has not received the task for the time being, it is also good to roast a delicious pheasant when he is hungry. After all, he is hungry now.

So he quickly approached the pheasant, and soon found the target.

But the moment he found the target, he was stunned because it was an unusual pheasant.

The whole body of this pheasant is golden yellow, looks bigger than the goose, manly.

Ye Wuqi has never seen such a big pheasant. He doesn't even know whether it is a pheasant. Is this a special fierce animal?

He had a sense of danger and didn't dare to get too close.

"Cluck Da cluck Da..." All of a sudden, the strange pheasant crowed.

After hearing the call, ye Wuqian almost immediately concluded that what he saw was a pheasant, but this pheasant was quite special.

Even if it's a special pheasant, it's nothing to be afraid of. After all, it's just a pheasant. With his current strength, he can't deal with an old madman. Dealing with a pheasant should not be a problem.

So at this time ye Wuqian did not think much under the stimulation of hunger, and immediately rushed to the pheasant, trying to catch the pheasant.

But when he rushed to the moment, let him unexpected things happen, although the pheasant did not attack him, but its speed is amazing, even in the first time to escape.

Ye Wuxiang is very different. He never thought that the speed of pheasant would be so fast.

In terms of his physical fitness, he could catch up with him even at the speed of flight. However, the pheasant did not fly, but simply ran. He was surprised that his speed was almost the same as that of his.

But the more surprised he was, the more interested he was. After all, it was an extraordinary pheasant. Maybe he would get unexpected benefits after eating it, so he pursued harder.

And he was chasing, the pheasant was also trying to escape, the distance between them was always maintained, ye Wuque could not catch up with the pheasant at all.

However, ye Wuqian is a person who refuses to give up. Since he has determined that he must catch this special pheasant, he will not give up.

So he ran after it like hell.

Soon, let ye Wuque more surprised things happened, the pheasant ran for a while, unexpectedly stopped, turned to focus on ye Wuque's body, and leakage of willful contempt.

Ye Wuqi is very depressed. He never thought that he would be despised by a pheasant one day. This is an insult to him, which he can't accept.

He swore that he would kill the pheasant, or his reputation would be destroyed in the hands of a pheasant.

"Damn it, wait till you die." Ye Wuqian said, and rushed to the pheasant.


But at the moment before he was about to knock down the pheasant, something unexpected happened to him. He even heard the roar of the beast.

The sound was earth shaking. It felt like thunder. He felt that his eardrum was about to crack.

At this moment, he had a sense of danger, as if there were unknown dangers constantly approaching him.

Soon, his feeling became reality, and a tiger bigger than a cow appeared in front of him.

This tiger is very unusual, the whole body is black hair, or curly hair, looks like scales, very powerful look.

He had never seen such a tiger before, but he felt a dangerous breath from the depth of the tiger. He felt that the fighting capacity of the tiger must have exceeded his belief, and maybe he could not cope with it.

However, since the tiger has appeared, even if he can't cope with it, he can't escape. Otherwise, he will be chased by it. At that time, he will be more passive. If he wants to live, he must fear the tiger. Even if he can't kill him, he must let the tiger feel the threat of death and dare not attack him again.The tiger and the pheasant stand together, the tiger's eyes are in the middle, is the ferocious color, and the pheasant also showed a proud expression of humanity.

This makes Ye Wuqian have a strange illusion. The pheasant should have deliberately led him here, in order to let the tiger deal with him.

He never thought that there would be a cooperative relationship between the two animals. Ye Wuqian had been trapped by the two animals. Although he was not hurt, it made him feel that his IQ was insulted.

He was very angry, but he did not attack, because he knew that the fighting capacity of the tiger was not simple. If it happened, he might not be the tiger's opponent. Therefore, he must be calm and wait for the opportunity to give the tiger a fatal blow.

As long as you beat the tiger away, the pheasant will not be able to attack.

"Roar..." Tiger, after all, is just a wild animal. It has no idea of Ye Wumian and will not have any strategy. At the moment of seeing ye Wuqian, it can't help but roar and rush to Ye Wuqian.

At the moment of the tiger's attack, ye Wuqi felt a strong wind coming, even his hair was blown disorderly, and even made him feel a bit prickly.

He locked his eyes on the tiger, and did not immediately move, because he knew that the tiger's attack speed was very fast, only when it was near, could he use the inertia generated by its speed to avoid.


At the moment when the tiger's claws are about to catch ye Wuque, he suddenly sidesteps and dodges the tiger's attack.

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