At the moment of escaping from the attack of the tiger, ye Wuqi did not stop. Instead, he grasped its tail from the back of the tiger and pulled it backward.

Although the speed of the tiger is amazing, but its body is too large. At the moment when ye Wuqi holds the tail, it turns and roars, trying to shake off Ye Wuqi.

But ye Wuqian's physical fitness is not so good. Although he is not as strong as a tiger, he has grasped the tiger's tail and will never let go.

In this way, the tiger and ye Wuxiang are stuck together. The tiger roars and shakes the tail, but ye Wuqian is like a dog skin plaster, sticking to the tiger's back.

The tiger's most powerful attack is undoubtedly the sharp claws and teeth. But now ye Wumian is behind him, and his claws and teeth can't attack Ye Wuqian. All his sharp weapons are useless, which makes him angry for a moment and keeps roaring.

Ye Wuqian knows that he will not be in any danger any more. He is already in the dead corner of the tiger's attack. The next thing to do is to kill the tiger.

He suddenly took out a bright sharp knife from his waist, and then stabbed at the back door of the tiger.

Pooh hee

A light ring, the tiger's chrysanthemum was easily pierced by the blade without missing leaves.

The blood was pouring, and it was waving and sprinkling for a while, and it kept pouring out.


The tiger was fatally attacked. He roared in pain and struggled even more fiercely. For a time, ye Wuhua's hands were unstable.

But he knew that he could not let go at this time, or he would die. After all, the tiger was injured, and the wounded beast was the most dangerous. Even the wild boar could kill people, not to mention a fierce and strange tiger, so he had to grasp it.

At the same time, ye Wumian's backhand is the same, and holds the handle of the knife and rotates to enlarge the tiger's wound.

"Roar..." The tiger's injury is more and more serious, and its roar is more and more intense.

Now the tiger in the serious injury, has no longer resisted, just know that the roar, even the struggle movement has become convulsion.

Ye Wuwei knows that now the battle between him and the tiger has gained the upper hand. The seriously wounded tiger is no longer his opponent. All he has to do is wait for the tiger's blood to flow a little more, and he will certainly be weaker. Then the tiger will be slaughtered by him.

Thinking of this, ye Wuqian released the tiger's tail, stepped back a few steps, and opened a certain distance from the tiger. He didn't want to be attacked by the wounded beast, which was quite dangerous.

"Roar..." What ye Wuxiang didn't expect was that the tiger didn't attack ye Wuque, but roared and ran away at a very fast speed.

The tiger ran away. Ye Wuqian didn't expect that the so-called fierce beast, just like human beings, should not resist and fight hard after feeling the threat of death.

However, this is not a loss to Ye Wuxiang. After all, tiger is only injured by him on the buttocks, not fatal. If the tiger really works hard with him, maybe he will also suffer some injury, which is not worth the loss. After all, what he has to do is to find something to eat, not to fight with an injured beast, since that If a tiger escapes, it will.

After he beat the tiger away, ye Wuqian turned his eyes to the pheasant. Before, when he was fighting with the tiger, the pheasant had been watching from a distance, and his face was proud. In his opinion, ye Wuqi was definitely not the tiger's opponent, and he was sure to be killed by the tiger.

However, she did not think that in its eyes, the fierce tiger was not an opponent of human beings, but was injured by human beings and escaped. This is something it never thought of. So the pheasant was completely stunned and did not escape with the tiger at the first time.

And ye Wuqian and so on is this opportunity, taking advantage of the pheasant is still sluggish, he immediately rushed over to catch the pheasant in his hand.

The pheasant can be said to have no combat effectiveness. After being caught by Ye Wuxiang, he is desperately waving his wings and struggling, but the tiger can't shake off Ye Wuqian. How can a pheasant break free of his big hands like a pair of pliers?

The pheasant also felt the strength of those big hands, and knew that it was impossible to break free. So the pheasant was full of panic and cried in a low voice, as if to beg for mercy.

However, ye Wuqian has no pity. Today, ye Wuqian is the one who is attracted. If he is an ordinary person, he will be killed by these two animals.

So, if you want to kill people, you have to kill them.

As a result, ye Wuque's hands were forced, the very special golden pheasant was broken by him, and died.

After the pheasant is killed, ye Wuqian looks for some dry firewood in the forest, and treats the pheasant well.

After pulling out all the feathers of the pheasant, he was surprised to find that since the meat of the pheasant, which was also golden, had not yet been roasted, it gave people an irresistible appetite, which made his originally purring stomach protest more and more, and the feeling of hunger became more and more intense.But ye Wuqian is a person who pays more attention to eating and drinking. Especially in barbecue, he has this unique skill. Even when he is performing tasks, he always takes the seasoning with him.

So he quickly found some dry wood and baked the treated pheasant on the wood.

With the flame rising, the golden pheasant was roasted to run oil. After a while, the fragrance began to diffuse, making the leaves all drooling.

He resisted the feeling of hunger and daubed the seasoning on the golden pheasant one by one. After the seasoning was added, the aroma of the pheasant became more and more intense, and even spread for ten miles.

Ye Wuqian was surprised. He never thought that this special golden pheasant would be so fragrant.

He even felt that it was worth the risk to eat one of these pheasants. He had known that this kind of pheasant would be so fragrant, not to mention a tiger. Even if it was a hundred tigers, he was willing to take risks.

The fragrance is full, and the golden pheasant is coming out.

"Mine, this is mine..." At this time, a crazy voice appeared in the ear of Ye Wuque.

He turned around and saw that what appeared in front of him was the old madman that he had seen in the day. The old madman at the moment ran over like a whirlwind, and his saliva flowed half a foot long. He was staring at the roasted pheasant with an eager look.


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