Since wolf fierce is not big enough to deal with the beast, he believes that there is no problem for him to deal with.

He quickly rushed to the wolf king's position, trying to kill the wolf king.


But he never thought that the wolf king's wisdom was also extraordinary. At the moment when he saw Ye Wuqian rushing towards it, it roared.

In the wolf king's roar, almost all the wild wolves gathered in a special formation.

Then, let ye Wuque depressed things happen, to the direction of the wolf king almost all have been blocked by countless wolves.

If you want to kill wolf king, you must kill all the wolves.

No matter how strong Ye is, it is impossible to kill all the wolves.

What can I do?

He had no idea for a moment. He wanted to ask the mysterious old man, but the mysterious old man said nothing, which made him lose his temper.


The howling wolves had already launched attacks on him, one by one, as if they were crazy. They didn't want to die at all.


Ye Wuqi was also stimulated by the wild wolf's madness. At this time, he roared and rushed to the wolves and fought with countless people.

Under the operation of the four symbols, ye Wuxiang is like a King Kong. Almost all the wolves attacking him are torn in two by him. For a time, the blood gushes, and his whole body is dyed with blood red.

Ye Wuqi is very brave, but the number of wolves is too much. Even if he has used all his strength, the wolves killed are only a drop in the bucket, which is insignificant compared with the huge group of wild wolves.

Ye Wumian can clearly feel that his energy is being consumed. If it goes on like this, he will have to use up his energy before long, and then he will become an ordinary person and be slaughtered by others!

What to do?

For a time, the leaf does not lack to rush out a head of cold sweat, completely do not know how to do just good!

"Boy, don't waste your efforts like this. You can't finish killing. Use your brain. Wolf king is fighting with you with wisdom." At this time, the voice of the mysterious old man rang out from ye Wuwei's mind.

With wisdom, since wolf king can use wisdom, so can he.

He settled down to think for himself. He thought that the wolf king appeared here to deal with him to protect the seven star grass. As long as he took the seven star grass, he believed that the wolf king would do his best to stop it.

But these ordinary wild wolves can't stop him at all. The wolf king must do it himself. Only in this way can he get close to the wolf king.

Thinking of this, ye Wuxiang no longer hesitated, immediately turned around and ran to where the seven star grass was.

And those wolves saw ye Wumian ran to the direction where the seven star grass was, one by one, as if they were crazy, attacking ye Wumian desperately.

However, although the number of ordinary wild wolves is large, they can never pose a threat to him, and can not stop Ye Wuwei.

In order to be enraged, he was not in the hands of the wolf, but was not in the hands of the seven leaves.

"Ouch..." Sure enough, the wolf king made a shrill cry and then appeared.

At the moment of wolf king's appearance, ye Wuqian was really shocked because the wolf was too big, bigger than the cow he killed in the village. He looked majestic and domineering.

But even if the wolf king's appearance is even more domineering, it is just an animal. How can ye Wuqi shrink back? So he quickly pounced on the wolf king, and then he fought with the wolf king.

At the moment when ye Wuqian and the wolf king were fighting together, what he didn't expect was that although the wolf king was only a beast, his sharp claws could hurt him, and he almost attacked his fatal place several times. If his speed was not OK, he might not be the wolf king's opponent.

But after all, he has already got the blessing of "the four elephants", and his strength is not the same as before.

Finally, the wolf king died in his hands.


At the moment of the wolf king's death, almost all the wild wolves made a sad sound, and then all fled.

After the crisis of the wolves was lifted, ye Wuqian collected a large number of seven star grass, and then walked to the village.

Back in the village, he immediately gave the villagers seven star grass.

After taking seven star grass, almost all the villagers have recovered to normal. Their injuries are just skin injuries. As long as the poison in the body is removed, they will not be in any danger.

Ye Wuxiang is secretly happy in his heart. Since all the villagers have been saved, his task has been completed.

Strangely enough, he didn't get any task tips or rewards.

This makes Ye Wuqian feel a little abnormal. After completing the task, there will be rewards. Can we say that the previous book "four images" is a reward?Even so, why didn't there be a prompt to complete the task?

Can we say that the task has not been completed, these villagers are only temporarily out of danger, there will be danger later.

Thinking of this, he once again focused all his attention on the villagers, who watched carefully.

Soon, let him an unexpected phenomenon was found by him.

He found that the eyes of all the injured villagers were black and looked like they had not slept for a long time, but they clearly did not stay up late, and there was no such phenomenon in the uninjured villagers.

After that, he looked for several injured livestock and found that the same was true for livestock.

This may be the main reason for the villagers poisoning, we must find out!

Therefore, ye Wuwei did not dare to neglect and hit all the injured villagers together again. He wanted to make a careful study to remove all the aftereffects.


When he gathered all the villagers together, something unexpected happened. Suddenly, a strange wind blew. Then, a black air came out of the heads of those villagers.

At the same time, there is a pungent nose, spicy eyes, disgusting smell.

After all the people gathered together, not only the heads of the people, but also the heads of the two animals just now also emitted black gas.

The black air condenses in the air and does not disperse for a long time.

After more than ten minutes, it was gradually dissipated by the wind.

But ye Wuxiang felt that there must be something strange in the black air, which was a sign of danger.

After the black air floated out of the villagers' heads, almost all the villagers became normal. Their faces were ruddy, and even the sounds of animals were much happier than before.

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