Everything has become normal for the villagers, even the livestock.

All the villagers were cheering, as if all the danger was over.

But ye Wuqian knows that this does not mean there is no danger, because he has not found the source of danger. Why all the good people suddenly go crazy? He must find the root of the problem, otherwise his task will not be completed.

Even if there is no task, he must make clear the root of the problem. Otherwise, after he leaves here, the villagers may be killed. He is not a man with no beginning and no end.

He was almost sure that the villagers had become like this, which had something to do with the black gas from their bodies. Maybe it was because of the black gas that the villagers and livestock would go mad. This is the only explanation.

But just now the black gas has disappeared. He has no idea what the black gas is, let alone solve the problem.

"Village head, do you know why some people go crazy?" Ye Wuqi finds Zhang Linshu, the village head, and asks him.

But at the moment, the village head heard Ye Wuqian's words, and frowned and thought hard. After a long time, he did not think of the key to the problem.

This makes Ye Wuqian depressed. We should know that the village head Zhang Linshu knows the most about the village. Even she doesn't know why the villagers are crazy. How could he be an outsider?

"If you can't think of it, gather all the villagers together. Maybe we can think of the key to the problem together." Ye Wuqian suggested to village head Zhang Linshu.

After that, Zhang Linshu, the village head, gathered all the villagers together according to the requirements of Ye Wuwei.

At this time, the villagers were not aware of the danger. They were elated. They did not know that the real danger had not been completely relieved.

"Don't be too happy too early. Although we are all normal, the root cause of the problem has not been found. Therefore, we may become crazy at any time. Therefore, I hope you can help me to think about why we suddenly become abnormal, and whether you have encountered anything special before you have no consciousness." Ye Wuque said solemnly to everyone.

Originally, the villagers were very happy to hear ye Wuqian say this. They were all very sad and couldn't be happy because they all knew that ye Wuqian was not a simple person. If ye Wuqian didn't help, they would all die here.

Therefore, ye Wuqian said that if there is danger, there must be danger. They have absolute trust in ye Wuque, so they are aware of the seriousness of the problem at the moment.

After all, the common people think about it for a long time, but the key is that they think about it for a long time.

I didn't expect that this would be the case. The villagers didn't know why they suddenly went mad. If they couldn't find the root of the problem, there would be no way to solve the problem completely.

"In that place, perhaps!" At the same time, Zhang Linshu, the village head, said suddenly.

"What's going on?" Ye Wuqi asked in a hurry.

"Since there are many people in our village who go crazy with animals, through this point, I come to the conclusion that maybe there is a problem with the water supply.

Before that, people in our village had always used the spring water in the mountain, and the spring water used to be clear to the bottom, but I don't know why. Just a few days ago, the spring suddenly turned black.

At the beginning, we didn't dare to use it, but the spring was the only source of water in our village. Later, some people drank it, and there was no danger. We felt that the color of the water changed, which did not affect drinking. We did not take the change of spring water seriously and continue to drink the spring water.

I'm not sure, but everyone had an accident after the spring turned black! " Zhang Linshu, the village head, said to ye Wuwu.

After hearing this, ye felt that there was a great possibility that there was a problem with the spring water. Maybe this is the key to the problem.

"Well, take me to the place where the spring is." Ye Wuqi said eagerly to everyone.

But everyone has reached the seriousness of the problem, the matter is related to the lives of the whole village people, so no one dares to hesitate, we immediately take action and come to the spring with Ye Wuxiang.

At the moment when he saw the spring, the leaf was almost certain. There was something wrong with the spring. The color of the spring was slightly black, not the normal color. What's more, he felt the black air before, so he could almost be sure that the problem was in the spring.

However, he must be careful about the experiment.

For this reason, he specially caught a mouse and let the mouse drink the spring water here. Sure enough, after a while, the mouse became abnormal and even hurt people violently.

Rats are small, so they attack quickly after poisoning, while people and livestock are bigger, so they don't attack so fast. The root of the problem is in the spring here.According to Zhang Linshu, the village head, the spring water here was normal before, but it has become like this recently. Moreover, he did not find anything special near the spring, indicating that the change of spring water is not here.

Since it is not here, it must be in the spring, at least upstream.

"It seems that the key to the problem lies in the mountain spring. Don't worry, I will try to deal with this problem, so that we will not be in danger again. However, after I leave, we must not let people get close to this spring. Even the animals will try not to get close to it, otherwise, there will be danger!" Ye Wuwei said to everyone.

Seeing ye Wuwu said so seriously, everyone was nervous.

"Don't worry, I will take you to take good care of this spring!" Zhang Linshu, the village head, said to ye Wuwu.

Now that we all know that the problem lies in the spring, I believe no one will drink the water here, so there should be no more danger in the village for the time being, so ye Wuqian immediately left the village and went to the upstream of the spring.

The mountain spring goes straight to the dense forest, and leaves are intact. After walking along the mountain spring for a period of time, he found a very strange problem. The spring often flows down from the high mountain, but this spring flows from the valley. It seems that the origin is not nearby.

After a full day's walking, ye Wuwei still can't find the source of the spring, which shocked him. After all, his strength has been strengthened and his speed has become faster and faster. In this whole day, he has not been able to find the source of the spring. Where does the spring lead to?

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