However, another discovery made Ye Wuqian more and more sure of his judgment. The spring water was getting darker and darker, which showed that he was close to the spring eye. Now the spring water was as black as ink, so he firmly walked forward.

After a night's walking, he finally came to a high mountain where the spring water flowed down. So he was slightly excited and immediately walked up the mountain with the fastest speed and came to the spring eye of the mountain spring.

When ye Wumian came to the spring, he was stunned because there was a huge cocoon at the spring, and the cocoon was puffing and breathing.

Although he breathed from the cocoon, he clearly saw a strong black gas coming out of the cocoon, and the spring water turned black because of the black gas from the cocoon.

So it was almost immediately confirmed that the leaves were intact, and the problem was in the cocoon.

However, the color of the cocoon itself is not black, but blood red. It seems that it gives people a very evil feeling. Even ye Wuqi clearly feels that there is a strong evil smell coming out with the black gas, which seems to affect people's mind and make his mood a little bit irritable.

After reaching this judgment, ye Wuqian suddenly became nervous. He never thought that a cocoon would be so evil that it could affect his mind. To know that his nerves have been tempered by life and death for countless times, ordinary things certainly can't affect his mood, but this strange cocoon can affect his feelings Well, it can be seen that this cocoon is very unusual, and there must be great danger.

Such a dangerous thing must not be left. Only by destroying it can we solve the problem thoroughly.

Thinking of this, ye Wuxiang no longer hesitates, and smashes the cocoon with his fist.

"Boom..." There was a big bang.

Let ye Wuque depressed things happen, the cocoon was not broken by him, just shaking.

Ye Wuxiang was very shocked. He never thought that the cocoon would be so hard.

You know, now he is not his before, a mad cow was easily killed by him, but this strange cocoon is just shaking, which is really weird.

But now ye Wuwu knows that this cocoon is the root of all evil and must be removed!

Therefore, without hesitation, ye Wuwei attacked the cocoon again.

But the leaves were not missing enough to attack hundreds of times, but the strange cocoon was not broken.

This makes him more and more aware that this cocoon is not simple.

But he ye Wuque is a person who does not admit defeat. The more difficult it is, the more interested he is. Therefore, ye Wuque has already made a fury at this time.

He even went to the cocoon, and then picked up the huge cocoon and smashed it to the ground.

At this time, ye Wuque looks like a madman. He keeps hitting and almost uses all his strength.


It is also because of the madness of leaf, that hard cocoon was finally broken by him.

At the moment when the cocoon was broken open, ye Wuqi clearly felt that a strong black gas came out of the cocoon, and the first one was covered by the black gas.

At this time, ye Wuwu felt that his whole blood was boiling and burning. He felt like he was on a fire, hot and dry. Even he felt that he was almost burned to death.

He was crazy rolling in the spring, but it didn't work at all. Instead, it was getting hotter and hotter.

He looked at the broken cocoon and felt that the original cocoon had turned into a micro world. In this micro world, he saw blood, hatred and full of negative energy.

He can be sure that this is a place of evil, and it is this evil micro world that affects people's mind and spirit.

He struggled desperately in the spring, trying to break the evil micro world, but let him exert his force, the evil micro world was still.

Ye Wuqi affirms that the evil micro world is too powerful to deal with at present. He can even feel clearly that the evil negative emotions emanating from the evil micro world are affecting him. He even suspects that if he does not leave here as soon as possible, maybe he will be the same as those poisoned villagers, He became a bloodthirsty maniac.

But ye Wuqian knows that if this evil micro world is not broken, the villagers will certainly be affected. If it is allowed to grow, not to mention the villagers in that village, he believes that more people will be affected and even cause disaster. Therefore, even though he has a sense of danger, he has no intention of leaving and wants to bring this evil After breaking the micro world, leave.

He struggled to get close to the evil micro world, but now he feels his consciousness is more and more blurred, even his hands and feet are not under his control.

That bad feeling reappeared, and he knew that he would die this time.Fortunately, there is no one around. Even if he is really crazy, he will not hurt others.

Gradually, the consciousness of Ye Wuqi is more and more blurred.

But he didn't know that there were many people here. Almost all the villagers in that village had already come here.

The reason why they came here is that ye Wuxiang saved them, and their benefactor went to the mountain to help them solve their problems. They were worried that ye Wuxiang would encounter danger, so they kept looking for ye Wuqian's footprints and wanted to come to help.

But after all, they are just some ordinary villagers and ordinary people, so their speed can't be compared with Ye Wuqian. Even though they try hard, they still fail to keep up with Ye.

When they find ye Wumian's footprints and find here, ye Wumian is already crazy.

They didn't see the evil micro world, but saw the crazy leaves. He was beating the big trees with blood red eyes. The trees were interrupted by him and even uprooted.

His hair was scattered, and his clothes were worn out with too much force.

"Roar..." Ye Wuqi issued a wild animal like roar, more and more crazy.

These ordinary villagers, who had never seen such a situation, were scared to their wits.

"Don't be dazzled. Hurry up and control him. If you let him go crazy, you will die of exhaustion!" Zhang Linshu, the head of the village, still kept a trace of sense. He was busy shouting to the villagers.

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