Ye Wuque walks alone to the mountains. On the way, one hides his tracks and is careful not to be found by advanced Warcraft.

He earned a whole day in the dense forest, not to mention a wild boar, or even a Warcraft was not found, which made him feel a little depressed. He did not know how long it would take to find the Warcraft.

However, he did not give up. After all, only here can he improve his strength rapidly, and only when his strength is improved can he complete the task and obtain strong strength.

"Ouch..." Suddenly, he heard a wolf cry.

The cry of the wolf made him alert immediately, thinking that maybe the wolf was a Warcraft.

He walked cautiously to the sound, and soon saw a giant wolf with red hair all over his body. After seeing the wolf, ye Wuqi finally knew what was Warcraft, because the wild wolf could spit out fire, which was very fierce. The flame in his mouth could shoot out more than ten meters, which made the ground red.

Ye Wumian can be sure that if he fights with this Warcraft, he will only die. He finally knows why the mysterious old man says that he only has the strength to kill wild boars now.

Ye Wumian can be sure that his own strength, in the Hengduan Mountains, is certainly the bottom.

The more he discovers that his strength is too low, the more careful Ye is. If he senses a strong energy fluctuation, he must leave and escape, otherwise his life will be in danger.

In the hard search, ye Wuqian finally found the wild boar. At the moment when he found the wild boar, his heart was cold, because he could clearly feel that the so-called weakest wild boar was definitely not so easy to deal with, because he saw that the fangs in the boar's mouth were half a foot long, emitting cold light, which was sharper than a sharp knife. The mane of the wild boar was as long as half a foot long It's like a steel needle. It's chilling.

Ye Wumian can be sure that such a wild boar's combat effectiveness must be very strong, he may not be the wild boar's opponent, but in fact, the wild boar is the weakest existence here. If the wild boar is not killed, he is not qualified to survive here, and even has no chance to improve his strength. This boar is the first step he needs to do to improve his strength, so In any case, we must kill this terrible boar.

Since this matter has been unable to shrink back, ye Wuxiang also did not hesitate, immediately went to the boar.

And in the moment ye Wumian walked to the wild boar, the boar obviously also found ye Wumian.

However, compared with Ye Wuxiang, the boar did not have a bit of fear. It looked very belligerent. Its eyes were fixed on Ye Wuqian and made a deep roar.

"Roar!" At the moment of wild boar's roar, ye Wuxiang felt that the ground was shaken, louder than thunder.

He knew that the fighting capacity of the wild boar was far more terrible than he thought. It was not easy to kill the wild boar.

But now, he has been standing beside the boar, and the boar is also ready to fight. Obviously, he can't shrink back. He must rush up and fight this boar.

So ye Wuwu, without hesitation, rushed to the boar at once.

At the same time of rushing to the wild boar, ye Wuqian concentrates all his strength on his fist and smashes the head of the wild boar fiercely. He wants to kill the wild boar as if he had beaten a mad cow.

"Boom..." A loud noise made Ye Wuqian feel depressed. His fist did hit the boar, but he did not hurt the boar. Even the huge wild boar did not shake. He felt that he was tickling, but his own fist was almost broken.

He never thought that the defense of the wild boar would be so amazing, but the fact is that, even if he did not think of it, he had to be forced to accept the fact that there was still a big gap between him and the wild boar.

"Roar!" At the same time, the wild boar attacked him.

This wild boar is not generally smart. It just catches Ye Wuqian's daze and launches a fatal attack on ye Wuque. Moreover, his attack position is very appropriate, which is ye Wumian's leg.

Because the wild boar can see that ye Wumian's speed is still very fast, but his attack power is not good. As long as his leg is injured, he will have no chance to escape, so he can only let the wild boar attack.

Although Ye Wuqian's strength is not good, he is rich in fighting. Naturally, he can see the intention of wild boar, so he dare not let the wild boar hurt his leg, but he can't hide. He can only let his arm pass.

"Click..." With a light sound, ye Wuqian felt that his arm was unconscious. He was hit by the wild boar, and his bones must have been broken.

He resisted the pain and stood up from the ground. His eyes were fixed on the wild boar. He never thought that the wild boar was so cunning and had much more experience in fighting than human beings. If he did not often swim on the edge of life and death and gave up his arm at the critical moment, he would surely be killed by this terrible boar.

I haven't hurt my leg so far.Ye Wumian knows that the battle between him and wild boar is very dangerous, and his strength is not as good as that of wild boar, and his strength is far less than that of wild boar. If you want to defeat wild boar, you must think of a way to do it.

Ye Wuqi watched carefully, and he was surprised to find that the weakest place of wild boar was not its head, because wild boar mainly relied on its head to attack, so the weakest place of wild boar should be in its tail.

After understanding this point, ye Wuxiang no longer blindly attacks the boar's head. He has to use the advantage of speed to turn to the back of the wild boar. As long as he gets behind the wild boar, he can kill the terrible boar.

So he immediately rushed at the boar, and this time it was not as fast as the last one.

The boar thought that he was slowing down because of his injury. He didn't realize that this was ye Wumian's plan. He also rushed to Ye Wuxu.

At the moment when the two bodies crisscross, ye Wuqian quickly sidesteps to avoid the attack of wild boar and quickly comes to the back of wild boar.

At the moment when he came to the boar's back, he saw a dagger in his hand. He waved the dagger and stabbed at the back door of the boar.

"Boil..." The wounded wild boar gave out a startling roar. It didn't realize that ye Wuque would attack behind him. The wild boar who had received a heavy blow screamed furiously.

And the dead boar with a dead tail without a sting.

After half an hour, the battle between ye Wuque and the wild boar was over. The latter half of the boar had been stabbed by Ye Wuque, and he lost too much blood and died.

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